Chapter 393 The Night Eclipse and the Gods of the Moon! See you on the night of the moon!!

The great sense of threat touched the sea of their hearts, making the two sisters’ heartstrings tense at the same time.

Realize something went wrong.

Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji undoubtedly acted immediately.

The two of them quickly disappeared into place.

And just as they were leaving.

Tsukinomiya Jingu Center ・ Moon Night See Zun Grand Palace.

White Night is undoubtedly here too.

Looking at the beautiful and noble woman in front of her, Bai Ye also said with a light smile: “It’s been a long time since I saw you, and the moon and night have seen you.” ”

The woman in this space, after seeing the white night, was not surprised, nodded her head, and said softly: “I haven’t seen you for a long time, Your Excellency the White Night.” ”

As one of the three noble sons of neon mythology.

The White Night and the Moon Night have naturally met.

Even before the white night meets Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yukama.

After all, during that time, when the white night was boring, I always liked to play through the timeline.

The reason why he decided to come to the moon in the night of the moon was that there were even some reasons for the white night.

It’s just that basically no one knows about this matter, not even Bayi Yonglin.

Looking at the gorgeous woman in front of her now, she no longer had the appearance of a little girl in the white night, and she smiled lightly and naturally walked up.

……… And the other side.

After Tsukizuki and Mizuki arrived at the scene.

It is also the subject of seeing the chaos on the lunar surface.

The huge hundred ghosts of the Far Eastern Demon Clan had all come from the Earth-Moon Passage to the Moon Sea Plain of the Moon World!

There are tens of thousands of demons gathered from the Far East! Now.

Tens of thousands of youkai gathered on the edge of this Moon Sea plain.

The Moon Sea Plain, which had been desolate for thousands of years, actually became extremely lively at this moment.

Look at such a terrifying group of monsters.

Even Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji felt palpitations.

This is a normal reaction to an unexpected situation after the lunar surface has calmed down for a long time.

Although the two sisters are the princesses of the moon, they do not know about the plans of Yakumo Zi and her master Bayi Yonglin.

After all, this kind of thing.

The fewer people who already know, the better.

It was only a momentary palpitation, which was quickly suppressed by the two sisters.

Calmly and decisively made the right judgment.

“Quiet me down!”

The cold sound made the moon rabbits of the moon rabbit garrison at the gate of the Jade Que Palace get rid of their panicked look.

All moon rabbits, including those who also have a brain crash

The illusion of Guan Junrong made him subconsciously turn his gaze to His Royal Highness the two princesses who appeared.


Mianyue Yiji’s cold voice was once again heard by everyone at the gate of the Jade Que Palace.


As a messenger of the order, the Moon Rabbit Transmission Order replied subconsciously.

And Mianyue Yiji did not bother to say a single word, and directly ordered, “Pass on all the garrison troops of the Moon Capital, the Moon Capital into a state of emergency, open the city defense boundary, open all position defense techniques, activate all combat weapons, first open the underground arsenal, release the combat human form, and each unit will focus on the enemy’s key attack direction, relying on our position structure to block the attack.” ”


The Moon Rabbit Messenger who accepted the order stood up straight, “Immediately convey this order to all the garrison!” ”

At this moment, the face of the military envoy also appeared with the characteristic coldness of a soldier, and he shouted: “Summoning the envoy!” Order the guards of the shrine, open the outer defensive junction of the shrine, open the core defense junction of the shrine, abandon unnecessary defense locations, and concentrate troops on the core of the shrine! ”

Orders are also issued in an orderly manner.

The yokai’s surprise attack was undoubtedly a surprise to the moon capital, which had been peaceful for too long.

However, under the command of the two princesses, Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji, there is no doubt that they will soon be on the right track again.

The technology on the lunar surface is very powerful.

It has a magic cannon with magic as the power source, a missile that uses tracking as a positioning mechanism, a tank-type combat vehicle loaded with Shinto attack, an autonomous combat vehicle that can automatically judge friends and enemies, and an unfolding combat barrier to defend against energy-based attacks……… And so on, and so on.

The principles of the occult are mixed with the principles of science and technology to create fantasy-type modern tactical weapons.

Undoubtedly, even if they were tens of thousands of youkai, they would not mess up the smoke of war, and soon it would start.

It’s a battle between technology and monsters.

Mizuki Toyohime and Mizuki are constantly active on the battlefield.

They know.

There was such a big movement on the surface of the moon, and the Night Emperor would definitely know about it.

The reason why it has not appeared now must be that the time has not come.

At this time, they will block all the yokai and prevent them from invading the Moon Capital.

The war is undoubtedly extremely fierce.

But under the command of Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji, this side of the moon surface undoubtedly has the upper hand…

And at the same time.

Moon night see inside the palace.

White Night and Moon Night See undoubtedly sat on the cloud bed, watching this great battle together.

“These are your other two daughters, right?” It’s really good. ”

Bai Ye smiled lightly, turned his head to look at the woman next to him and smiled: “I really didn’t expect it, the little guy of that year actually has three daughters now.” ”

The moon night saw the words and looked at the white night after a moment of silence.

She explained in a cold tone: “Fengji, Yiji, and Hui Ye were all created by me with my own sperm blood, not by myself and were born.” ”

After explaining, Moon Night saw and said, “Your Excellency White Night did not expect, how could I have imagined that Your Excellency White Night would walk with one of my daughters, Hui Ye?” ”

Because of the night of Penglai Mountain, the relationship between the two is actually a bit delicate

When she first heard about the White Night and the Penglai Mountain Glory Night, it was indeed a bit unexpected, even if she stayed for a long time.

“You really have a three-no-one expression from beginning to end, this kind of thing is said as if it doesn’t matter to you, and your sister Amaterasu is completely two extremes.”

White Night smiled and rubbed the beautiful face of the Moon Night.

Tsukiyomi did not resist this.

It’s just that after the white night released her, her expression was still the same as before, and there was not much change.

Moonlight Night See is like a delicate and beautiful doll.

As a lunar goddess, she is really like the moon, keeping it cold from beginning to end.

Of course, as a living being, she is not completely emotionless.

“By the way, what about your sister Amaterasu?”

White Night remembered what to ask.

“Sister, she has been in retreat all these years and has not appeared.”

Tsukiyomi answered softly.

“As it is, no wonder my reputation has been so great all these years, and with her nature, she has never come to me.”

White Night heard the words and suddenly realized.

Tsukiyomi was silent about this, she knew that White Night was telling the truth.

She could endure loneliness and waited for the white night to come to her, but her sister Amaterasu could not endure loneliness.

The fighting outside was raging.

White Night and Moon Night See are talking while watching calmly.

Extremely enjoyable.

Neither of them took the war too seriously.

This is a difference in hierarchy.

The gap between this battle and the White Night is simply too great.

For White Night, it is undoubtedly like a child living at home….

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