Chapter 394 and the Moon and the Night See the Divine Nature and Human Nature!!

“I used to think that Your Excellency the White Night was incredibly powerful, so powerful that even I couldn’t believe it.”

Moon Night saw the battlefield and said softly.

She wasn’t in a hurry either, because she knew that Yakumo Zi and her party wouldn’t do much damage to the lunar surface.

And if you leave aside Yakumo Purple and his party, the others are strong, but they are not yet to the point where the moon surface cannot resist.

This is a plan to destroy the monster.

As the people of the moon and the night, as long as the moon and night are still there, she naturally has a way to resurrect it.

The Eclipse of the Night and the god of the Moon, the Moon Night Shrine, gave the people of the Moon the ‘Immortal Body’ at the same time.

She also used her divine power from the moon to assimilate the ‘clear realm’ of the moon with the people of the moon.

She is a god and spirit more powerful than Bayi Yonglin. There are few beings in this world who are stronger than her.

And Bayi Yonglin, in this battle.

There is no doubt that it is also a shot, and it is a hand on the big demon from the ground.

As the Sage of the Moon, she has existed for an extremely long time.

Her strength is in the original book.

It was even one point stronger than Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka during the Moon War.

“Now, after such a long time, I feel that Your Majesty the White Night is even more powerful, as if you should not appear in this world.”

Moon Night saw the beautiful cheeks calmly looking at the white night, and said faintly.

In the past, the moon night saw only that the white night was very strong, but now that I have seen a wide range, the moon night see feels that the white night is too strong.

Strong as if not like the existence of this world.

“Sort of.”

Bai Ye smiled lightly and said to the brilliant woman, “I am not a person of this world. ”

The moon night saw that the words were also enlightened, and asked, “I don’t know what your excellency the White Night came to our world, I don’t know why?” Forgive me for my foolishness, for so many years, I have not seen your purpose in the White Night. ”

“If I look at it from your point of view, I should have no purpose, right?”

Bai Ye looked at the woman in front of him and said with a chuckle.

“No purpose?”

Hearing this answer, Yue Yemi’s flat expression from beginning to end was finally stunned, and he said in a somewhat confused tone: “Your Excellency White Night is so strong, he came to this world on purpose, how can he have no purpose?” ”

“Who said you had to have a purpose to come into this world?”

Bai Ye was dumbfounded, touched the head of this cold goddess and couldn’t help but laugh.

Moonlit Night Nature was as usual without resistance.

Because the two had known each other before, she naturally did not have any resistance to the behavior of White Night.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if Bai Ye hastily took her in his arms, Moon Night would not say anything except that he would be a little surprised.

She and her sister Amaterasu had known White Night for a long time, and White Night was a teacher and friend in their hearts.

However, due to personality reasons, at that time, her sister was more familiar with Bai Ye than she was with Bai Ye, and her relationship was more intimate.

She and her sister.

One is the sun and the other is the moon.

Personalities are naturally far apart.

It’s just that White Night didn’t neglect to care about her because of her lonely personality.

“Then again, see you at night on the moon.”

White Night looked at the scene around him and said, “If it weren’t for today’s events, wouldn’t you think that your moon capital is too quiet and easy-going?” How to say it, a little too lonely, too boring, and a bit like you. ”

The surface of the moon, which has been eternally peaceful for thousands of years, the earth of the sky and the earth, the eternal kingdom that mortals cannot touch.

Here is a white, beautiful, everlasting peaceful and serene world.

If you look at the mortals living on the earth, the so-called Pure Land of Bliss, Heaven, will be like the capital of the moon.

It’s just that there is nothing perfect in this world, and under this peace, the moon capital also has many drawbacks.

“Although Your Excellency the White Night is a god and is incomparably powerful, he is still the same as before, human nature is far greater than divinity, and he likes to think about things from the perspective of human beings.”

When Moon Night heard the words of White Night, she also whispered softly in her heart.

“What’s so bad about human nature being greater than divinity?”

White Night did not comment, and said with a light smile: “The so-called human nature, in fact, represents more of the self, compared to the high divinity, human nature can appreciate the many beauty of this world.” ”

In the game life world, the god of war, Arteus, is too strong in divinity, although extremely powerful, but not interested in anything other than combat, resulting in his incomparable loneliness before the White Night does not appear.

If he were to stand in the perspective of the God of War in the White Night, he would feel that there are many beautiful and interesting things in this world besides fighting.

This is the difference between human nature and divinity.

The White Night was made a god by man, who was never bound by the so-called divinity.

“I have not denied the nature of Lord White Night, but if you stand in the perspective of the gods, wouldn’t it be good to have an immutable eternity?”

Yue Ye asked with some doubts in his eyes.

She was born a god, and of course she likes to see things from the perspective of gods.

She did not deny the nature of the white night, on the contrary, she actually liked it a little.

Because if it weren’t for the nature of White Night, they probably wouldn’t have known each other at that time.

“That’s why it’s a little boring, I’m not saying that the moon night saw you doing this wrong to summon the Yang Xiang, the production search Nian Shaodu did not know recently.”

But Ye Jingzun said.

What’s so bad about a real hideaway?

It’s just that Bai Ye felt that if it was the woman in front of her, she could actually do better.

After all, although the moon capital is good, the drawbacks are indeed too obvious.

“Try to make some changes……”

Yue Ye saw a serious thought.

“Well, try to make some changes, you will find a lot of fun, in this regard, you can actually learn from your sister, your sister has undoubtedly changed a lot back then.” 」

White Night nodded in reply.


Tsukihime thought of Amaterasu and nodded.

Indeed, compared with her, her sister’s personality at that time was also affected by the white night, and it also changed a lot.

“If I am willing to try to make a change, can Your Excellency White Night promise me a condition to help me?”

Moon Night looked at the white night and asked expectantly.

If a change is made, nature also comes with risks, and all moonlit nights naturally want to get the promise of white nights.

“Nature is okay, after all, the moon and night see you as a beautiful goddess, if it is a goddess, I am very happy to help.”

White Night looked at the moon and said sarcastically.

“Beautiful goddess…?”

Moonlight saw a little confusion on her beautiful face, she actually did not understand the relationship between the two.

But hearing that Bai Ye was willing to help her, her face that had always been cold was also showing a shallow smile.

“Then I hope to be able to ally with you, Your Excellency the White Night, in the future.”


White Night asked.


Tsukiyomi nodded and said softly, “If you can, I hope that Your Excellency White Night will be able to marry Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji.” ”

“Marry Mianyue… Cough cough cough, moon night to see you why do you have such thoughts? ”

White Night coughed violently and asked with a cry and laughter.

“Because if you form an alliance, isn’t it the most solid relationship in joint marriage?” After all, you are too strong for Lord White Night, and it will definitely be you who will come to help me when the time comes, but I can’t help you or anything from Your Excellency White Night. ”

Yue Ye saw that she looked at the surprised White Night, and there was some confusion in her eyes: “Your Excellency Ming Ming Ye, you have already married Hui Ye, Yi Ji, Feng Ji should be okay, right?” ”

After all, Penglai Mountain Hui Night is the capital of the moon to drive out, once the public village of the moon.

Because she was married to White Night, her status in the Moon Capital was now extremely delicate.

But if it comes to consolidating the relationship between the Moon Capital and the White Night.

Penglai Mountain Hui Night is not comparable to the real Moon Princess of the Moon Capital, Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji.

In the moonlit night to see the view.

White Night has already married Penglai Mountain Hui Ye.

Then there is naturally no problem in remarrying Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji.

This is the gap between divinity and human nature.

In the view of the moon and night, as long as the moon capital can be tied to the white night, the process is not important, the result is the most important.

“Can’t you? If Feng Ji and Yi Ji can’t, if Your Excellency White Night wants to, even if I marry Your Excellency White Night, I don’t hate Your Excellency White Night. ”

Shocking words came from the mouth of the moon and the night.

Her expression was as calm as ever, as if she wasn’t talking about herself.

Perhaps in her opinion, what is important is to tie herself to the white night, and it doesn’t really matter if she marries or anything.

In contrast, the significance of being tied to the white night is extraordinary.

White Night was crying and laughing at this.

He never expected that this cold and beautiful woman in front of him would say such a thing to him directly.

Bai Ye gently took Tsukiyomi in his arms and said, “Although it is indeed heartwarming for you to say such things, but after you understand the meaning of these words, tell me again, now is not the time.” ”

Bai Ye smiled lightly, if he let Penglai Shan Hui Ye know that Yue Ye saw and said such a thing to him, I am afraid that his jaw would fall down.

“Isn’t it time to understand the meaning of these words?”

The eyes of the moon and night were still very confused.

But hadn’t she already said that she didn’t hate the white night? Don’t hate it, don’t you just like it?

The people of the Moon who live in the Moon City are indifferent and do not seem to care about everything.

And why not a manifestation of the character of the moon and the night?

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