Chapter 396: The Moon War Is Over! Suzusen, Yuzuma-in-in-Hata!!

[After destroying several demons with Bayi Yonglin.] 】

[The surviving monsters all understand that the tide is gone!] 】

【”Yakumo Purple!!! “】

[Some demons have understood that something is wrong with this lunar war, and an angry roar comes out. 】

[But the next second, he was directly destroyed by Bayi Yonglin.] 】

[After the matter has come to an end and Yakumo Zi’s purpose has been achieved.] 】

At this moment, Yu Yuzi also pretended to be invincible to Mizuki, and Yakumo Zi began to flee from the Moon with all the youkai. 】

Mianyue Yiji’s face was red and fluttering, and she felt that her current self was really invincible. 】

【Strong! 】

[It’s so strong!] 】

No one thought of the war between the youkai and the lunar surface. 】

[It would end because of a god who didn’t even show his face, but Mizuki borrowed the power of that god.] 】

Almost everyone has heard of the name of the deity and knows the power of the deity, but now they have a clearer understanding of it.] 】

[Such a guy, even if he is called the strongest, is simply a deep despair and suffocation.] 】

[The war between the earthly monsters and the Moon Capital.] 】

The above-ground yokai were undoubtedly defeated, and Yakumo Zi fled back to the ground with the surviving yokai. 】

Among the surviving demons, some people saw those big demons who died, and Cain also understood something.] 】

They finally understood that Yakumo Purple attacking the lunar surface was not so simple. 】

[Looking at the current situation, Yakumo Purple obviously intends to eliminate his opponent, if he can attack the moon surface is the best, if he fails to capture the moon face to reach it, it does not matter.] 】

[Now the purpose has clearly been achieved.] 】

[This makes many people feel a little chill in their hearts, secretly thinking that they are worthy of being a youkai sage.] 】

[Of course, they are all smart people, and there is no conflict of interest with Yakumo Zi, on the contrary, they support Yakumo Zi’s plan, although they guessed it, but naturally they did not say anything.] 】

[It’s just that they didn’t expect that.] 】

From the very beginning, Yakumo Purple had actually never thought of conquering the lunar surface. 】

[Above the lunar surface.] 】

【Capital of the Moon.】 】

With the end of the war, the power that belonged to the white night in Mianyue Yiji naturally disappeared. 】

[But Mizuki was still in a state of excitement.] 】

[She had thought that the war would end because of the teacher’s efforts to turn the tide, had thought that the war would end because of her mother’s moon and night meeting, and even thought that her aunt Amaterasu Goddess would come forward………]

[But she never thought that the war ended because of herself.] 】

Although the main reason is you, but the power you give is perfectly exerted because of her ability to summon the gods, isn’t it!] 】

[Now that there has been a dependent Moon Yiji, in the future, as long as you don’t refuse, she can borrow the power she gets, which makes her not excited.] 】

[As soon as she thought of that powerful force, Mianyue Yiji came to her sister Mianyue Fengji and kept saying something.] 】

Mianyue Fengji’s face was full of helplessness, but in her heart, why wasn’t it shocking? 】

The strength that Mianyue Yiji exerted just now, she could see it in her eyes.] 】

[The ability of his own sister is that the stronger the god depends, the stronger the strength will be exerted, but even if it is so, it can only exert part of the power of the god.] 】

[You can imagine how strong that one really is.] 】

[There is such a powerful existence in the world, no wonder the mother has not expressed her position on the matter of Hui Ye.] 】

[Mianyue Fengji sighed in her heart.] 】

After the excitement was over, Mianyue Yiji also thought that you were Hui Ye’s husband, and the reason why you will shoot this time may also be to see Hui Ye’s face. 】

[Thinking of this, Mianyue Yiji suddenly felt a little unfragrant.] 】

[Bayi Yonglin came to the front of the two sisters, looked at the two sisters and smiled a little, and took them to find the moon and night to see.] 】

[When they came to the shrine where the moon and night were seen, several people undoubtedly saw the moon and the night.] 】

At this time, you have also left. 】

[Moon Night saw that after looking at Bayi Yonglin and the Mianyue sisters, she also nodded at them.] 】

[After a few words of discussion, Bayi Yonglin also asked Moon Night to resign, hoping to return to the ground to take care of Princess Hui Ye.] 】

Tsukiyomi naturally had no problem with this, but she had one request that she bring the Mianyue sisters to the ground as well. 】

[Bayi Yonglin was a little stunned by this, and Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji were also stunned.] 】

[Moon Night saw that Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji told them that you had just come here, and she had already promised you both.] 】

Bayi Yonglin’s face was full of surprise, but Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji were full of surprise, and couldn’t help but exhale, extremely flustered. 】

[Moonlight Night asked if the two would like to.] 】

After thinking about it, she also transformed your appearance to Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji. 】

[Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji are naturally full of redness, watching the moon and night see your appearance, and the eyes are full of surprise.] 】

Although I have always heard of your name, this is the first time I have actually seen you look like. 】

[The two sisters glanced at each other, and both saw the shame in each other’s eyes.] 】

[But both of them finally agreed, expressing their willingness to accept their mother’s arrangement]

Tsukihime nodded satisfactorily. 】

[Bayi Yonglin looked speechless from the side, and she was thinking about what Hui Yegong would look like when she knew about it.] 】

[The two Moon Princesses and the Moon Sage Nether naturally wanted to bring some servants with them.] 】

[Bayi Yonglin picked some moon rabbits in the Moon Capital.] 】

[And among them.] 】

[There is a beautiful moon rabbit girl named Suzusen, Yuzuma-in Inwata]

[Moon Night Seeing watched Bayi Yonglin take Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji to the ground, her eyes were full of calm and coldness. 】

In fact, in her eyes, the ground was full of filth, in fact, her view was not wrong because there was too much darkness on the ground compared to the calm moon. 】

[However, just as everything has two sides, the earth and the moon have their own good and bad.] 】

Although the ground is full of filth, Tsukiyomi feels that there is no problem for Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji to stay by your side. 】

[Moonlight Night saw back her gaze and looked at the place where her sister Amaterasu was closed.] 】

[She decided.] 】

[When my sister Amaterasu comes out, ask what you mean by what you say to her.] 】

[The reconstruction of the Moon Capital, after the departure of Mianyue Fengji, Mianyue Yiji and Bayi Yonglin, it is necessary to sit in the night of the moon.] 】

[Moonshine also disappeared in place.] 】。

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