Chapter 397: The Red and White Witch! Poly Lingmeng!!

[When Hachii Yonglin brought Toyohime Mizuki and Iki Mizuki to the shrine of Hakuri. 】

[Penglai Mountain Huiye’s face was full of surprise.] 】

[After learning the intentions of Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji, Penglai Mountain Huiye even broke his mouth and scolded whether there was something wrong with the brain of the moon night.] 】

[You can’t laugh at this, and you understand that Tsukiyomi hasn’t given up on your thoughts.] 】

[You nodded at Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji, who were blushing and knew that they were embarrassed, and then you also went to comfort Penglai Mountain Huiye.] 】

[After all, there is a reason why Her Royal Highness the Princess is angry, you naturally can’t ignore it, as for how you comfort the little princess, then there is no need to elaborate…]

[Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji saw that your real person was also full of red, only to feel their hearts beating faster, they did not expect that you yourself looked more handsome.] 】

[According to the arrangement of their mother’s moon and night meeting, in the future, in addition to being the husband of Penglai Mountain Huiye, you will also be their husband.] 】

Of course, they also know that their relationship with you is no better than that of Penglai Mountain, and if you want to truly become a husband and wife relationship in the future, it may take a long time to get acquainted. 】

[The three princesses of the moon on the moon married you at the same time, which is actually a very unbelievable thing, enough to arouse the envy of countless people.] 】

[Naturally, Toyohime Mizuki and Ihime Mizuki also temporarily stayed at the Hakuri Shrine.] 】

[After staying at the Hakuri Shrine, the two also understood the truth of the Moon War]

After the end of the Moon War. 】

[This means that the thorny problem has basically been solved.] 】

Naturally, all the girls who know you well have come to Hakuri Shrine. 】

Kazemi Yuka looked at the time she was away, there were so many more girls at the Hakuri Shrine, and there was also some confusion in her eyes. 】

[She knew that your charm was great, but she didn’t expect that you could provoke so many young girls just by staying at the Hakuri Shrine.] 】

[After going out for so long, she seems to be a little late now.] 】

[That night, Kazemi Yuka came to your room with a nervous mood.] 】

[You played poker with Kazemi. 】

【As a natural flower demon, Kazemi Yuka carries a burst of floral fragrance from beginning to end, which is fascinating.] 】

[The next day, Kazemi Yuka lies in your arms and tells you that she wants to find a place to settle down near the shrine of Hakuri.] 】

[The creation plan of Gensokyo has reached the final stage, and Yakumo Zi undoubtedly does not need her help, so she wants to realize her childhood wishes.] 】

[You look at the beautiful girl in front of you, and naturally agree.] 】

Kazemi Yuka also smiled at this, and she smiled beautifully. 】

[The days naturally pass day by day in your relationship with the girls.] 】

[Until one day, Yakumo Purple had a headache and caught a witch dressed in red and white.] 】

[The witch saw your eyes light up. 】

[She asked you remember the witch who was saved by you and recognized you during the night walk of the hundred ghosts in Kyoto?] 】

[You were stunned when you heard this.] 】

Before you could answer, the red and white witches excitedly told you that since you saved the witch, they have believed in you for generations. 】

[Oh, although she is a generation, she is only the second generation, and she is the adopted child of the previous generation of witches.] 】

Since believing in you, the previous generation of witches has lived surprisingly long and has a powerful mana. 】

[This incident also caused a huge sensation in Kyoto, causing many people to follow suit and believe in you, hoping to get a long life and powerful mana.] 】

But I don’t know why, except for the witch, the others have no effect.] 】

[And the red and white witch also began to come out to look for you after learning the story of Hui Ye Ji and you, after all, you are her god, she is your witch.] 】

[After learning that you may have returned to the moon with Hui Ye Ji, the Red and White Witches were disappointed for a while.] 】

[But later, I heard the story of Miss Xixingji and you, which made her feel excited again.] 】

[Needless to say, she met Yakumo Purple while looking for you while retreating from the youkai, and was brought to the Hakura Shrine by Yakumo Zi, who knew the situation.] 】

[You look at the red and white witch in front of you, and you also understand that this is the first generation of Boli witches, but even you did not think that the intersection between you and the Boli witches originated from that time.] 】

[You look at the Boli witch in front of you, and you find that she is quite similar to the Boli Lingmeng of Gensokyo in the later world, and you ask her what her name is.] 】

“My aunt named me Lingmeng, and since Lord Shangshin’s shrine is called Bori Shrine, then I will call it Bori Lingmeng in the future!” “】

[To be able to find you, the red and white witch said happily.] 】

[Hearing the name Bo Li Lingmeng, you are obviously stunned.] 】

[Even if the name is the same, it is obvious that the current Boli Lingmeng and the later Boli Lingmeng undoubtedly have a very deep relationship, and may be the same person.] 】

After all, the real world is the real world, and it is normal that it is different from your impression. 】

You smiled, and you didn’t care too much about it. 】

After you acquiesced to Lingmeng’s identity, her identity as a Boli witch was undoubtedly completely confirmed. 】

[As the witch of Bori, she is not too much to be the half owner of Bori Shrine, right?] As a half-master, she doesn’t charge everyone here too much money for sesame oil, right? 】

[Just arrived at the Hakuri-jin, Bori’s undisciplined nature of dreams was revealed.] 】

All the girls fainted, but looking at your face, they still took something more or less to Bo Li Lingmeng. Level】

[Bo Li Lingmeng also shines in his eyes on this.] 】

[According to Bo Li Lingmeng, it was very difficult for her to leave Kyoto in order to find the gods and goddesses all these years, so she developed a good habit of being diligent and thrifty.] 】

[You laugh at that.] 】

Yakumo Purple rolled her eyes at this. 】

The reason why she brought Bo Li Ling Dream here was naturally because she had observed Bo Li Ling Dream in advance, and it was naturally not surprising that she knew what kind of person she was. 】

[The relationship between Yakumo Purple and Bo Li Lingmeng is not bad.] 】

[And the arrival of the Boli Lingmeng also means that Gensokyo is about to be completely established, and the Great Junction is about to be established.] 】

[Just when Yakumo Purple was preparing to establish a great junction between common sense and extraordinary knowledge]

You also called all the girls to your side in advance and told them something…].

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