Chapter 398 Sign a Contract with Gensokyo Girls!!

“What, Brother White Night, aren’t you a man of this world?”

Yu Yuzi was a little caught off guard when she heard Bai Ye’s words, and asked in disbelief.

Others were equally stunned.

However, most people are somewhat silent, and there is actually some speculation about this.

Very simple.

Because the strength of the White Night is too strong.

So powerful that it doesn’t look like the people of this world at all.

In addition, White Night did not deliberately conceal it, and some of the usual behaviors can make people vaguely aware of this.

“Well, I’m from another world, and I’m probably going to be away for a while after Gensokyo is founded.”

White Night nodded, then said with a chuckle.

When the girls heard this, they were suddenly a little panicked, and a shocked expression appeared on their faces.

“Hey, Brother White Night, are you leaving?” Didn’t you say well, Brother White Night, are you going to raise me for the rest of your life? ”

Yu Youzi was tearful and looked at the white night with a pitiful look.

“Concubines… Isn’t it worth your stay? Lord White Night. ”

Penglai Mountain Hui Ye is also a look that I see with pity, which makes people simply can’t bear to make her sad.

“Brother White Night……”

Kazemi Yuka also whispered, but he couldn’t say anything behind it, and the expression on his face showed everything.

The rest of the people had the same look on their faces, looking at the white night.

Naturally, they did not want to leave in the night.

“Lord God is leaving… Then didn’t I just find Lord God and then I was going to be separated from Lord God again? ”

Bo Liling muttered to himself, and the expression on his face was somewhat sad.

“Gensokyo left after its establishment…… So why don’t we postpone the establishment of Gensokyo? Or is it simply not Gensokyo? ”

Yakumo Purple heard the words of the white night, but directly found the blind spot.

When Bai Ye heard Yakumo Zi’s words, he suddenly cried and laughed, and knocked on Yakumo Zi’s head in disgust and said, “You don’t have to play any crooked ideas, I will not come back after a trip for a while, after a thousand years, I will return again.” ”

White Night had already been observed, and it was almost a thousand years after Yakumo Purple disappeared from Gensokyo and came to the world.

At that time, the two worlds will undoubtedly be completely integrated in just one month.

Hear the words of the White Night.

Bayi Yonglin, Penglai Mountain Huiye, Mianyue Fengji, Mianyue Yiji.

Even Yakumo Purple, Yakumo Blue and Wind See Youxiang are undoubtedly relieved for a thousand years.

Not really.

Although the time is slightly longer, it is not unacceptable.

This is also the gap in thinking between the immortal species and ordinary people who have lived for an unknown amount of time.

Compared with.

Although Yuyuko is now also an immortal species.

But in fact, she didn’t have much time to hear a thousand years and directly stayed for a thousand years, which was too long, right?

Compared to her, Bo Li Lingmeng was even more confused, and couldn’t help but mutter, “A thousand years……… Can I live that long? ”

When Bai Ye heard her words, he chuckled a little and said, “Nature is okay.” ”

With that said, White Night also drove to Bo Li Lingmeng’s side, kissed the red and white witch, and signed a contract with her.

Bo Li Lingmeng was caught off guard, and his face was naturally flushed.

Lord’s kiss.

It’s like dreaming.

But after the kiss, Bo Li dreamed of discovering the changes in his body.

The most intuitive manifestation is.

She felt stronger than ever.

Bo Lilingmeng’s face was full of shock.

“It’s a covenant that represents eternity, and simply the most intimate proof in the world, that will bring us to a deep connection.”

After signing the contract with Bo Li Lingmeng, Bai Ye looked at the crowd and explained softly.

White Night had been promoted to double figures in the box court with a contract and a sword, and the power of the contract had already stepped into the realm of full power, which was not an exaggeration to say that it was one of his strongest abilities.

The strength of the ability does not mean that it is just to fight and kill, and the ability of the contract is undoubtedly powerful.

The effect of the contract itself is not left alone.

The strength brought about by the contract with the White Night alone is now at least four-figure strength.

Four figures, this is not a cat or a dog, even many gods in the box court are of this level.

Not only that, in addition to the strength of at least four figures, there are also three digits in it, and there is also the potential of three digits in the unfortunate way.

Even if it is not a three-digit break, but a three-digit number of the house.

It’s actually quite scary.

This is the terrifying effect of the two-digit contract of the White Night.

“Yonglin, Yiji, Fengji, do you want to sign a contract with me?”

White Night looked at the three of them and asked with a chuckle.

Bo Li Lingmeng himself was his witch, and White Night naturally could sign a contract with her without consulting her.

As for Bayi Yonglin, Mianyue Yiji, and Mianyue Fengji, then he still had to ask.

And Penglai Mountain Hui Night, Xixing Temple Youyouzi, the wind to see the words of Youxiang.

There is no doubt that they have already signed a contract with White Night.

“Me, I can.”

Mianyue Fengji’s face was full of redness, and she said, “I have no problem.” ”

Mianyue Yiji’s eyes were dodging, no doubt the same.

They were all betrothed to White Night by the Moon Night, and although they were not yet married, they had long been mentally prepared.

This kind of thing, of course, is no problem.

The two sisters undoubtedly also signed a contract with White Night.

Bayi Yonglin struggled a little on this face, but finally sighed and said, “Okay, if you lose to you, then sign a contract, you can’t let the two apprentices be better than me in the future.” ”

White Night heard the words, and his face was full of smiles.

Bayi Yonglin’s face was a little red, of course, she knew what it meant if she agreed.

Just look at the other people who have made a contract with you.

It’s just that Bayi Yonglin feels that if it is just a contract, it is indeed nothing, as she said, she cannot be weaker than a few of her own students.

In contrast, what a contract represents though self-evident.

But Bayi Yonglin felt that as long as he kept his distance from the white night afterwards.

If the two really develop that kind of relationship in the future, it means that she is actually not very resistant to this and has completely accepted it, then naturally it will be even less.

Bayi Yonglin had already made a plan.

But thinking about it this way, when the contract is made, Bayi Yonglin’s face will still be red.

The three sisters of Penglai Mountain, Mianyue Fengji, and Mianyue Yiji were all full of surprise.

They hadn’t seen Bayi Yonglin look like this yet.

After signing the contract with Bayi Yonglin.


It’s Yakumo Purple and Yakumo Blue again.

White Night naturally signed a contract with the two of them.

When Yakumo Zi came to the world, he undoubtedly did not sign a contract with White Night.

It is now signed.

It is as if there is an effect before there is a cause.

White Night couldn’t help but laugh a little.

After Yakumo Purple silently signed a contract with White Night, he undoubtedly wanted to postpone the establishment of Gensokyo and let White Night stay for a while.

But White Night stopped her and whispered to Yakumo that she would be the first person to see him in the future.

Yakumo Zi heard the words and his face was full of surprise, naturally he didn’t say anything anymore.

“All right, Zi, build your true paradise, and I’ll do one last thing for you before you leave.”

White Night looked up at the sky and said with a chuckle…

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