Chapter 401 The simulation is over! Time Traveler!!

[Ding. 】

[Host detected has cleared the world of Gensokyo.] 】

【This crossing simulation has ended, settlement is in progress…】

The world is in full swing.

With such a sound sounded.

Bai Ye’s eyes fluctuated, he looked at the familiar environment around him, and naturally returned to his room as always.

White Night also smiled softly at this.

The benefit of casual simulation is here, no matter how long it has been in the first simulation, it will not affect the time of the world.

This is the case.

White Nights has always been very satisfied.

“Gensokyo has been established, and the current time point Gensokyo has also passed a thousand years, and when I go to Gensokyo again, it should be the most familiar Gensokyo in my memory.”

Bai Ye stretched out a lazy waist, with a smile on his face, and secretly thought in his heart

In the beginning, White Night should have crossed to the timeline, which should have been the timeline after the founding of Gensokyo for a thousand years.

It’s just that he deliberately used his ability to go back to a long time ago, formed a fate with many young girls, and witnessed everything happening.

However, Gensokyo is like the world of the Moon.

The white night was too strong.

So it’s basically like going on vacation, and I haven’t done much.

Two shots of the White Night.

One shot was to borrow part of her own strength to give Mianyue Yiji, making her invincible in the Moon War, and it can be said that she ended the Moon War with her own strength

The second shot was to show his strength in the fight with the Dragon God.

That’s right, it’s showcase.

After a brief encounter with White Night, the Dragon God saw the true strength of White Night.

She calmly took the initiative to admit defeat.

After all, she and White Night are not mortal enemies, and the confrontation is naturally until the point.

The so-called contract with the White Night after the defeat.

As I said before, the Dragon God didn’t really care too much in his heart.

After all, to lose is to lose.

Generally speaking.

In Gensokyo, in that era.

Most people struggle to survive even if they cross to Gensokyo.

Even after the establishment of Gensokyo is the era.

That’s just a paradise for youkai.

For humans, the degree of danger is actually not small.

If you are not careful, you will also encounter accidents.

But because of the great strength of the White Night.

Such a dangerous Gensokyo was stunned that he had played a game like a girl’s cultivation.

This is even the same world.

The world is also different in the eyes of the strong and the weak, and there is a huge difference in it.

Of course, although White Night met many young girls this time, there were many familiar girls in Gensokyo that he had never seen.

But it doesn’t really matter much.

Because there will always be opportunities in the future, he will not go to Gensokyo again.

Even the World Consciousness Dragon God had signed a contract with him.

Speaking of the previous sentence, the whole Gensokyo is already a white night now, and it is not too much for the white night to think of here, and it is also a light laugh.

[Ding, the settlement is successful, congratulations to the host for this crossing simulation evaluation for SS! And successfully pass the world of Gensokyo! Get the following rewards!

1. Congratulations to the host for getting the Time Traveler Person! Congratulations to the host for gaining the Myth Creator person!

Time Traveler: You have a very deep knowledge of the ability in time, as long as you want, you can travel to any time period, time is not in the slightest obstacle to you, it is meaningless in front of you, as long as you want, you can even pause the time of the whole world, so that the world will stay in a certain period of time forever.

Myth-maker: You are the creator of many myths, and you have the ability to make the myths you create a reality. 】

White Night looked at the two rewards in front of him and was also stunned.

I have to say that whenever he feels that the system has nothing to give him, the system can always give him a little surprise.

Time Traveler………

This is undoubtedly the next time he goes to other worlds, he can pause the time of the comprehensive world with his own strength.

The emulator can do this, but the limitations are enormous.

Now that he can do it himself, it is natural to say that there is no need for a simulator in this regard.

This personality is undoubtedly good.

As for the second myth-maker.

This person is a bit like the meaning of the poet in the box.

The poet is known in the box court as the fourth strongest species.

Nature is also extremely powerful.

The foster mother of the Sixteen Nights of the Box Court World is a powerful poet.

The peculiarity of poets lies in their ability to influence the various stories of the world through the transmission of poetry, so as to change the fantasy species in the box.

This is a bit similar to the personality of the White Night.

White Night did not expect that he had only created a few myths of his own in the Gensokyo world, and he had obtained this person.

This is undoubtedly very good for White Night.

In layman’s terms, it is bragging about personality, and the myths blown out of the white night are true.

And he basically does not have the restrictions of the box poets.

Of course, if the blow is too outrageous, there are many restrictions on what White Night wants to achieve.

These two personalities undoubtedly helped White Night a lot.

[2, after the combination of Gensokyo World and this world, the host can freely shuttle through the two worlds, and control the entrance of the two worlds, anyone who wants to cross must get your permission, the two worlds merge the world: one month. 】

White Night looked at this reward and didn’t care at all.

This reward will be there every time the world clears, and it can be said that the white night has become accustomed to it.

【Rewards have been issued.】 】

【Gensokyo World simulation ends, the next simulation will continue to simulate the box garden】

[The simulator is in cooldown, and the cooling time of this simulation: 91 hours.] 】

Ninety-one hours.

Less than four days.

Bai Ye nodded, and his heart also took a deep breath.


It’s the simulated box world again.

But let’s be honest.

Nowadays, even if it is a simulated box court.

The white night was not as nervous as the first time.

The strength is strong, even if he faces the box court again, he is not afraid! Turn off the emulator with a chuckle.

White Night looked in the direction of Yakumo Purple.

Compared to the world of the box four days later.

He wanted to meet Yakumo Purple even more now, and looked forward to Yakumo Zi’s reaction.

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