Chapter 402 A Thousand Years of Waiting! Yakumo Purple who learned the truth!!

The world, the Bai Qiu family.

Yakumo Zi sat on the roof of the villa, the breeze blowing through her blonde hair.

It makes her look extremely beautiful, moving, and noble.

She looked at the girls of the White Night Family and smiled slightly.

As White Night said.

Except for Bai Ye, who asked her to stay at his house, he never restricted her to anything, even if Yakumo Zi deliberately avoided him, he didn’t say anything.

Have to say.

In Yakumo Zi’s view.

White Night is indeed a strong man.

This is not only the strength of the strength, but also some of his life as a person.

Of course.

Yakumo Zi did this, although it did not affect her friendship with the girls of the White Night Family, but there was also a layer of separation between them from beginning to end.

After all, except for her, almost all the women in the White Night Family were related to White Night.

Yakumo Purple didn’t care about this.

Rather, it is because of the relationship between the white night and the shelter.

Instead, she made a bold observation of this strange world.

Then although this world is at the center of the integration of the major worlds, there are many people in the world who see other worlds.

But to speak of the mighty in this world.

Then it’s basically all in the White Night House. This discovery made Yakumo Purple slightly stunned.

Don’t think about it, this must be the reason for the white night.

Because how can all the strong people in the world be women?

If it is one or two, it may indeed be that they are strong in themselves.

But all the people in the White Night Family were incomparably powerful without exception, so it was obvious that there was only one reason left.

Although White Night had made it clear to her before, she had taken her in because she was very interested.

But for love or something.

Yakumo Purple hadn’t actually thought about it at all before.

In the face of people who were stronger than her in the white night, and she was not disgusted, Yakumo Purple did not mean to oppose.

However, Yakumo Chai still did not understand.

Why did White Night know her the first time he saw her, and seemed to be familiar with her?

Yakumo Zi always felt that he had forgotten something.

This feeling is also getting stronger and stronger during this time.

At the time of the White Night through the world of Gensokyo and the complete return.

Yakumo Purple’s body was shocked.

Naturally, I also remembered everything.

Her heart was in a panic.

Stand up and look for the familiar figure.

As a result, as soon as she stood up, she saw the familiar figure in front of her.

“White Nights…… Brother? ”

Yakumo Zi looked at the figure in front of him and asked with some trembling uncertainty.


White Night smiled lightly and nodded at her.

Yakumo Zi saw Bai Ye nodding, and immediately couldn’t help but rush up and hug Bai Ye, while still crying bitterly, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” ”

“Brother White Night, we forgot, we don’t know why, we forgot you before!”

“We saw that Brother White Night didn’t even recognize it, whoops…”

Yakumo Zi’s heart was full of guilt, and at this moment, it also broke out.

She may never be so out of shape in front of outsiders, but in front of the white night, she always can’t control some of her small emotions.

Bai Ye touched Yakumo Purple’s blond hair and said with a smile, “No, you haven’t forgotten, Purple.” ”

Yakumo Purple heard the tears in the corners of his eyes and looked at the white night with puzzlement.

Bai Ye did not intend to hide it, and explained with a smile: “In fact, I first met you now, and then I met you when I was a child, and the two of us had an intersection. ”

White Night and Yakumo Purple want to be together for a long time, not just for a while.

This kind of thing, Yakumo Purple will actually know sooner or later in the future, all of course there is no need to hide.

Speak up in time to explain clearly.

Naturally, it was better than hiding it for a long time, and Yakumo Zi found out on her own.

White Nights never hid anything.

Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, and she could naturally understand White Night’s words: “That is to say, are we the first to really meet Brother White Night in Gensokyo?” ”

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment and replied, “This is natural.” ”

White Night didn’t expect Yakumo Purple to ask this question.

Yakumo Zi heard this, suddenly happy, and continued to ask, “We… No, is everyone’s experience with Brother White Night real? ”

“Of course it’s true.”

White Night replied with a chuckle.

Although he now has the personality of a myth-founder, he can easily change and intersperse into other people’s stories and make it a reality, without having to experience it himself.

But even in the future, White Night did not intend to do this, and some things were better to experience on their own, especially in matters related to the girls.

“Our memories are real, our experiences are real, so what does it matter?” On the contrary, knowing that we are the first person to meet you Brother White Night, we are really very happy! ”

Yakumo Zi looked at the white night, her face was full of beautiful smiles, and she said with a serious face.

“Brother White Night, you don’t actually have to tell us this, really… Thank you, thank you for choosing to tell me, when we came to this world, Brother White Night, you did not forget us didn’t you? ”

“We don’t know what the order is, we just know that Brother White Night is Brother White Night.”

In fact, for Yakumo Purple.

Rather than in sequence, she was more likely to forget the white night for a while when she came to the world.

When she was in Gensokyo, she had been waiting for the white night for nearly a thousand years.

When Bai Ye heard Yakumo Zi’s words, a smile also appeared on his face.

After acquaintance.

Yakumo Purple sits with White Night, and also constantly tells the changes of Gensokyo over the years.

Yakumo Purple said to White Night. Gensokyo has completely settled down through so many years of development.

Everyone basically found a place to stay in Gensokyo and wait for the return of the white night.

Yakumo Purple also said to White Night that everyone has also changed some times over the years.

Penglai Mountain Hui Ye and Bayi Yonglin House are basically out of the Forever Pavilion, and the Boli Shrine has been somewhat depressed under the operation of Bo Li Lingmeng over the years.

At a banquet, Yakumo Blue accidentally said that Yakumo Zi had often returned to the Hakuri Shrine during the period before the establishment of Gensokyo was overheard by Yuka Kazemi.

Yakumo Purple thus suffered greatly at the hands of Kazemi Yuka.

Of course, Yakumo Blue also suffered a lot in the hands of Yakumo Purple.

Yu Youzi had now eaten Bai Yulou into a deficit, and the Soul Demon had insisted on raising a Ghost Princess for a while before giving up.

She adopted a child named Soul Demon Dream, directly threw Yu Youzi to Soul Demon Dream, and ran away on her own.

Yakumo Zi smiled and said a lot to White Night, and there was no doubt that they were all extremely happy anyway.

Gensokyo has become the paradise that Yakumo Zi once dreamed of.

The rest of the girls of the White Night Family.

Looking at White Night and Yakumo Zi and laughing, they were stunned.

I don’t understand when the two became so acquainted.

After learning that Yakumo Zi had been waiting for the White Night for a thousand years, all the maidens were silent, and tacitly did not bother them.

It’s time for the evening.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Yakumo said with a red face and white night.

Although she may have been the first person Gensokyo to meet White Night.

But about the matter.

She is behind many people in Gensokyo, and it has not been completely realized until today… torr

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