Chapter 408: The Princess Who Lives in the Castle! Contacts from Lady Aisha!!

Of course.

Say yes to deal with it.

White Night is nothing more than informing those people.

Let them vacate the land near their home a little.

Other things, of course, don’t need those people.

In the face of the request of the white night, those people were naturally full of vibration, did not dare to be idle at all, and quickly began to act.

After all, this was the first time White Night had ordered them.

How dare they be sloppy.

Without asking anything, they directly followed the requirements of the white night to clear the vicinity of the white night, and with them, they also sent many more places to the white night.

This incident naturally caused shock and uproar among many people.

“What the hell is going on here?” Why did you suddenly want us to move away? ”

“I heard that there was a rich man who bought it here, and with the support of the above, all the people in the range had to help.”

“Sleeper…… What a rich man, buy land……… Or is it such a large piece of land, which is also too exaggerated, right? ”

“Well, it’s a good thing anyway, didn’t we take a lot of money too?” It’s a lot of money. ”

“I heard that some people saw this situation and wanted to sit on the ground and start the price, but in the end not only did they not get the money, but they were forcibly moved away.”

“Tweet and tweet, so it is said that it is good to receive the matter, this matter obviously has the support of the above, maybe it is not a rich man at all but the need of the above, sitting on the ground and starting at that point is not self-pleading…”

The matter of the above direct hand clearance also caused many people to whisper about this matter and thunderous means, and everyone was shocked.

White Night overheard these people’s conversation and just smiled.

Rich man He may indeed be a rich man in the eyes of ordinary people.

But he didn’t spend a penny on this.

This is the power that comes with his status and strength.

At the point of the White Night, the money actually doesn’t have much meaning.

As long as he wanted, no one in the whole world dared to go against any of his wishes.

As for why the land should be vacated.

That’s because, to meet the girl who will come next.

White Night prepares to turn his villa into a castle.

In one day, the top quickly emptied the people around it.

White Night chuckled a little.

I took a look at the villa, and I also waved it casually. Turn it straight into a gorgeous castle.

This is naturally a breeze for White Night.

The castle that the white night has transformed into is not only incomparably beautiful, which is almost in line with the fantasies of all girls, but also incomparably huge.

A castle with a few hundred people is perfectly fine.

Even in all the worlds now, all the maidens who intersect with the white night are safe to live in.

After all, he hadn’t reached the point where Butterfly Kanae said that there were three thousand harem beauties.

If he really got to that point, the castle might not really be enough to live, and he would have to build a palace.

Of course, White Night couldn’t really be that kind of thing.

The appearance of the castle.

Even the girls were very shocked, one by one.

After all, girls, who has never imagined that they will one day become a princess living in a castle?

There is no doubt that this wish of theirs is now coming true. All of them, without exception, had red faces.

Although they knew.

The reason why White Night created the castle was entirely because he was afraid that the girls of the world fusion would not be able to live in the future.


Looking at the fantastic castle in front of them, they really couldn’t stand it.

They were fascinated by the world of flowers and flowers, and they were very excited one by one.

White Night’s face was full of smiles, and she only felt that every girl was very cute if they wanted to.

Don’t say it’s a castle, don’t say it’s a mansion.

After the white night let them live in the heavenly court, the fairies on the day were no problem.

Anyway, the beauty of the girls is also completely worthy of being a fairy.

Only after the appearance of the castle.

The housemaids Reem, Ram, Esthers, and Hayasaka may not seem enough.

It’s just a small thing.

After all, none of the girls in the family were mortal, maids or anything, in fact, they were not so needed.

Reemram, Hayasaka Ai, and Esther though consider themselves maids.

But in fact, no one in the family really regarded the girls as maids.

Hestia jumped up and down excitedly in the castle, taking some people through and out.

Even under the snow, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Butterfly Shiyu, and others all had red halos on their faces, curiously exploring the castle where they would live in the future.

Living in such a big castle, who can stand it.

“The host really gave me and Reem a problem.”

Ram looked at such a large castle and said with some headache.

Reem heard the words and nodded hurriedly.

Although their current strength is different from the past, there are also four-figure strength, but the strength is the strength, such a large castle, they are also very headaches to clean up.

Even if they are capable, they are not so squeezed.

“Rest assured, this castle does not need to be cleaned.”

White Night chuckled and said to Reemram, who was standing behind White Night.

Remram is just a simple strength, but not much ability, naturally will feel a headache.

But it just so happens that White Night is not only strong in strength, but also has too many abilities to count, and this little thing is naturally nothing.

In addition to automatic cleaning, this castle has a lot of small surprises.

How could a white night make Reemram tired.

Reemram glanced at them and was immediately relieved, it was indeed much easier for them.

“As for serving, will you just serve me?” Don’t forget that you are my exclusive maid, and it doesn’t matter if anyone else cares. ”

White Night looked back at the two lovely girls, blinked, and said with a chuckle.

When Remram heard this, his face was suddenly a little red, and after hesitating, he also nodded his head in agreement.

It’s not that they don’t want to care.

But if it does… That’s a lot.

It won’t work.

They can’t just leave one part alone with the other. In the future, it is better to serve the Lord of the White Night.

The two sisters thought in their hearts.

In fact, it is also true that no one fattens them as real maids.

All they had to do was take charge of the White Night, at most one more Emilia.

Even Asayaka Ai, most of the time is actually just helping, mainly she is still in charge of the four palaces of the night.

Even in the Four Palaces Huiye, the two were more like sisters than the maids.

White Night smiled softly as he prepared to pull Reemram into his arms for a moment of intimacy.

His expression was suddenly stunned.

Because he found Madame Aisha, who was traveling in the outside world, he was contacted again at this moment.

White Night couldn’t laugh at this.

Are you in trouble again?

He didn’t think Madame Aisha was in danger.

Now that Mrs. Aisha’s strength is at least four figures, or even three digits, it is not surprising that she can encounter any danger?

The only possibility was that she had encountered something that could not be solved by strength alone after saying hello to the girls.

White Night’s helpless face also disappeared directly in the same place.

I don’t know what world Mrs. Aisha is in now….

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