Chapter 409 is coming! Dark Bullet World!!

Through the connection between the two.

White Night, of course, quickly and easily came to Madame Aisha’s side.

“White Night!!!”

As soon as Mrs. Aisha saw the white night, her eyes lit up.

As always, it was also the whole person who was excited to hug it directly.

“I miss you so much—!” Well——! ”

It’s just that compared to the last time, Lady Aisha, who has been intimate with the White Night, this time is undoubtedly much bolder.

After hugging White Night, she also kissed White Night directly with a happy face.

Bai Ye smiled lightly at this, naturally hugged Lady Aisha, and then he kissed her without hesitation.

The girl was bold, but not entirely bold.

Such a dragonfly a little water kiss can satisfy whom.

Therefore, the white night naturally has to be made up again.

In this regard, Mrs. Aisha’s face was full of redness, but when she closed her eyes, she also silently responded to the white night.

After a long time.

Bai Ye let go of the lovely Lady Aisha in front of her and said with a chuckle, “What do you call me to miss me, am I just called to know?” Aisha. ”

Lady Aisha’s face was full of redness, looking extremely seductive, and she muttered in her white night’s arms, “You don’t want to think about it, you know to bully me~”

“How can this be called bullying? It’s a punishment for you for so long not knowing to go back and see. ”

Bai Ye lightly pinched Mrs. Aisha’s little face, and her eyes were full of smiles.

“It’s only been a short time, haven’t I been gone for less than a month?”

Being pinched by the white night, Mrs. Aisha was a little slurred, but she still tried to defend herself.

“Yeah, it’s only been a month, but if you don’t go back and look at it, I don’t think you’ll recognize your own home.”

White Night chuckled.


Lady Aisha was shocked and stayed where she was, saying in disbelief, “I don’t recognize the house… Has the home changed that much? ”

“You say.”

White Night said without anger.

Mrs. Aisha was dizzy.

She didn’t know if the white night was coaxing her.

After all, it has only been a month, and no matter how big the change is.

But when this matter is resolved, she may indeed be able to go back with White Night to see………

Thinking of this incident, Mrs. Aisha was in a hurry, and she just wanted to say something.

But then she heard White Night ask, “What happened to the world of Red Hitomi?” ”

Lady Aisha was stunned and quickly replied, “Very well, the Empire is on the right track under the leadership of Red Hitomi.” ”

“After all, White Night you taught her knowledge, Red Pupil is very powerful, the Empire has not only successfully entered the right track, but the eyes have also flourished.”

“Moreover, Akatsuki has signed a contract with White Night, and her strength is very strong, so I don’t need to worry about anything at all, and I also left after seeing that there was no problem at all.”

“Oh, it’s that Akatsuki often asks me about you, and I guess she is also very grateful to you, in fact, it’s not just her… There are also some members of the previous night raid who would like to see you again. ”

Lady Elsa tells White Night about some of the current situation in the world of the Crimson Pupil.

White Night also laughed softly when he listened.

It seems that the world of Red Pupil is indeed completely free of problems.

The Red Pupil Female Emperor is very good.

When he has time, he will go back and have a look.

Although he and Aka Hitomi agreed on this for a hundred years.

But this did not mean that during this hundred years he would not go to see the red pupil for a hundred years, for the white night, how could that be.

“White Night, White Night, Red Pupil We will talk about it later, I tell you, this world… The world is so strange! This world is very problematic! ”

“I, I don’t know what to do, I have no choice but to ask you for help…”

Lady Elsa spoke roughly to White Night after cutting off the Crimson Pupil World.

She had an anxious expression on her face, and she also hurried to tell White Night about the current situation in the world.

And just as she was ready to introduce the world to White Night.

Bai Ye glanced around, sighed, and said, “You don’t need to say, I know the situation in this world…”

The White Night is coming into this world.

In just a split second, he actually knew which world it was. “Dark Bullets”.

White Night how did not expect.

Lady Elsa will come into this world this time.

Just after leaving the world of the crimson pupil, I came to the world of dark bullets.

Have to say.

Mrs. Aisha is also a little delicate in her luck.

But think about it…

For Mrs. Aisha, this is also normal.

A gentle and kind being with a vigorous personality among the god killers.

It was thought that Lady Elsa was often summoned to another world or another timeline because of the Portal of the Wizarding Realm.

Then the places she went usually had people who needed her help.

Although the corridor of the Goblin Realm is now controllable, the essence is that it will not become

The reason why Lady Elsa would go to the world of the Crimson Pupil and the world of the Dark Bullet.

In fact, it is also because of a necessity.

Both worlds are in great need of Lady Aisha’s help.

Don’t look at Madame Elsa who called White Night twice.

But in fact, it is not that Mrs. Aisha cannot solve the problem of two worlds.

She just felt…

If it was White Night, she would be able to do better than her, and help the existence of other worlds.

And it turns out.

And that’s true.

The White Night never disappointed Madame Aisha.

And the problem of the dark bullet world is also very simple.

It’s an extremely distorted world.

Over here.

Full of Lolita with special abilities.

Over here.

Lolita is hailed as the world’s only hope.


Be the only hope.

They are not loved by the world.

And it was treated extremely unequally…

The situation in this world is extremely complicated, so complicated that the gentle and kind Mrs. Aisha is difficult to choose.

Because she had never met.

It’s like the whole world is a bad guy.

She came into this world and learned about the situation in this world.

Very angry, very sad, very hesitant.

She didn’t know what she was supposed to do…

After the arrival of the white night, hear the white night to understand the situation of this world.

Mrs. Elsa was immediately relieved.

If it’s a white night, then it’s no problem.

No matter what decision White Night makes, Lady Elsa supports it unconditionally! Sometimes.

People hesitate.

It was because there was something else worth her hesitation.

But usually someone next to her made the same decision as her.

Then she will not hesitate any longer.

It’s nothing about right or wrong, and there’s no right or wrong factory…

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