Chapter 410 The Dark World! The sorrow of the Hindered Son!!

It was about eight or nine years ago.

This world is actually a nuclear flat world with a population of eight billion.

However, just one day eight or nine years ago.

A monster appeared in this world without warning.

And with terrible infection ability to obtain an astonishing number and attack the human world in a big way.

And such a monster that suddenly appeared.

It is also named a protoinal animal by the people of this world.

Protozoa not only has a terrible, ferocious power, but also can quickly infect other organisms through body fluids to become original animals.

Human weapons simply cannot easily kill these monsters.

There are even many protozoa, which cannot be destroyed even by nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

In such desperate circumstances.

The population of about eight billion human beings is naturally in steep decline.

In contrast, the number of protozoa has risen to a terrifying height.

In the war between humans and protozoa.

There is no doubt that humanity has failed miserably, and the territory in which humans used to rule this world has been directly seized by the original animals by eighty percent.

And humans who survived by chance.

Instead, with the help of an unexpectedly discovered metal that can inhibit protozoans, the turtle shrank.

Defending the last region of humanity so that the human race of this world would not become extinct, of course, if this world were just that.

For Mrs. Aisha, this is really nothing at all.

After all, protozoa is incomparably powerful in the eyes of the people of this world.

But in Mrs. Aisha’s eyes, what did she get?

Lady Elsa is perfectly capable of destroying all the protozoa of this world.

It’s just a little tired.

However, now she does not do it in a while……… And the main reason for this is that.

During the period of the protovirus outbreak, one after another blocked sons emerged.

The Hindered Son is a being that can be called a human being that is born in this context.

They are all born when the mother is pregnant because of the ingestion of proenterovirus, resulting in the accumulation of the virus in the fetus.

These babies who have a protozoa have certain protozoan abilities and their physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people.

They are the children of hindrance.

And I don’t know what caused it, these hindered sons are all girls, without exception.

Since the protozoal virus has been around for less than a decade, the children who have been hindered are undoubtedly children under the age of ten.

The appearance of the obstructed Son.

Allowing humans to fight protozoa is naturally also very profitable.

The emergence of these living forces has undoubtedly given the breathless human beings who are pressed by the protozoa a chance to breathe.


The Hindered Son is also hailed in this world as humanity’s last hope! In a battle with a protozoa.

These children, who are less than ten years old, are often like heroes, rushing to the forefront.

Merely……… Although it is a hero.

But they don’t have the treatment of heroes.

Not only that.

Even in human society, the child of hindrance does not receive any respect.

The cowardly and incompetent human beings of this world have brought their hatred of proenterates to the hindered sons of the same infected proenterates.

Obviously heroes, these little girls who are less than ten years old, while protecting mankind, also have to endure the differential treatment of human beings.

Obviously they are heroes, but human beings are weak and afraid of hard, but they are venting their resentment on the obstructed sons who protect them.

Even the biological parents are full of hatred and hatred for them.

Countless little girls have been denied all their efforts, abandoned and bullied because they have a protozoan virus.

How ridiculous is that?

When Mrs. Elsa came into this world, she was directly shocked to see this scene, which was simply a collapsed world that deserved sympathy even if it was destroyed.

This is also the reason why Mrs. Elsa obviously has the ability to destroy all the protozoa, but she did not do it.

If it weren’t for her being human too.

The first thing she did was presumably not to eliminate protozoans, but to eliminate humans.

Because in Mrs. Aisha’s opinion.

The humans of this world are more hateful than protozoa.

This is something that even the gentle and kind Lady Aisha cannot tolerate.

Maybe it’s because of kindness.

She was so incredible to the humans of this world.

In the eyes of the White Night………

No, it should be said that everyone is a normal person.

You will feel that the human beings in this world are no longer called human beings.

They have all been swallowed up by hatred.

If you are full of hatred for protozoans, then you go and destroy proenterosis and fight with proenteros.

Those who do not dare to go to the front line will only vent to some people who are under the age of ten and are even guarding you.

Isn’t this typical bullying soft and afraid of hard?

This means that the children of hindrance are just some children, and most of them do not know how to resist.

Otherwise, these guys would probably be another face.


If it is a person with a backbone, because the family was killed by a protozoa, he is in a bloody vendetta.

Because of the protozoal virus in the obstructed son, they implicate the obstructed son and are not friendly to the obstructed son.

White Nights is not actually incomprehensible.

After all, the hindered son of the protozoan virus actually has the risk of becoming a protoenteran in the future.

But the funny thing is that the human beings of this world are enjoying the protection of the hindered son.

On the one hand, they rejected, hated, and hated those who guarded them.

How panicked?

If you have the ability, don’t accept the favor of others.

Most people in this world, really, even at all, don’t deserve sympathy.

Ungrateful, grace will take revenge is no more than that.

They bully.

It’s the child’s ignorance and ignorance………

“Aisha, what are you going to do?”

White Night looked at Madame Aisha in front of her and asked softly.

Lady Aisha looked at White Night and replied firmly, “White Night, I will do whatever you want, no matter what decision you make in White Night, I will stand by your side and support you.” ”

After witnessing something with her own eyes, Mrs. Elsa actually had extreme thoughts.

She didn’t know if it was right to do that, and naturally she hesitated to take action

But if it’s a choice made by the white night.

Lady Aisha naturally supports White Night unconditionally.


White Night heard the words and replied with a chuckle.

As White Night said before.

As a strong person, how sad it is to be bullied by some mentally retarded people………

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