Chapter 412 Take all the obstructed sons to the city!!

Under the deliberate guidance of the white night.

These little Lolitas, naturally, soon began to become acquainted with the white night

Brother White Night, Brother White Night.

Called very close.

The white night naturally does not forget the heavy burden, and magically conjures up a lot of food for the little Lolitas to eat.

The little Lolitas were naturally all bright-eyed, in disbelief, timidly looking at the white night, after getting the white night smile to confirm the nod again.

Only then did they dare to eat happily and eat directly.

Eating food, their faces are naturally full of happiness and enjoyment.

As hindered children, although they live in ruins, it does not mean that they are completely insurable.

But, oh death or something, he’s not uncommon.

Not to mention when hungry people are too hungry to do so.

They will also venture to the bustling city opposite to find some food.

But if they are caught, the fate they will face can also be imagined…

Even if some of their little lolitas catch some fish in the water and find some food, how delicious can they cook?

So even if White Night only took out some ordinary dishes this time, it was a delicacy that these children had never enjoyed before.

Although there are hundreds of children on the scene, the white night is naturally her door to eat bags.

And the children are after being confirmed many times by the white night, they dare to eat food with confidence and boldness.

While eating, many children even cried out.

In fact, many of them do not remember that they have eaten enough, so is this the feeling of being full?

Many of them have never felt the care and concern of others, so is this what it feels like to be cared for?

So warm, so happy, so happy.

“Brother White Night, Sister Aisha, are you going to the other side of the city?”

After it gets dark.

A very young girl with white hair asked timidly.

“What, don’t you want us to leave?”

Bai Ye touched the little girl’s little head and asked with a chuckle.

He gently held the little girl in his arms, and the little girl did not resist, and even had some restraints, as if she was afraid of staining the clothes of the white night.

“Well, no, no….”

When the little girl heard the words, she nodded subconsciously at first, but after the reaction, she quickly shook her head in denial.

After all, I didn’t want Brother White Night and Brother Aisha to leave, so didn’t Brother White Night and Sister Aisha have to sleep in the ruins like them?

That’s not okay.

Thinking of this, the little girl also quickly changed the topic and asked: “Brother White Night, will you and Sister Aisha still come?” ”

“Then do you want us to come?”

White Night asked with a chuckle.

“Of course I hope!”

The little girl’s eyes lit up, and without hesitation, she said, “If you can come once a day, no, no, once a week.” Not really, a month, yes, that’s right! ”

“Brother White Night and Sister Aisha would be great if they could come once a month!”

Come once a month.

The little girl looked at the white night expectantly, and her request was just a little bit.

The other little girls were undoubtedly looking expectantly at this moment at White Night and Aishaf

They only hope that the two of them can come once a month.

The reason why they didn’t say anything more once a year is because they have a prostozoan virus, and it is not clear how many years they can live.

Once a month.

It was the greatest desire of all little girls.

Mrs. Aisha looked at these little girls with a lot of heartache, and her eyes were full of anger and sadness.

White Night chuckled a little.

Standing on top of the ruins, look at the bustling city opposite the ruins that have a strong contrast with the ruins.

“Do you want to go over there?”

White Night asked softly at this moment.

When all the little Lolitas heard this, their eyes lit up suddenly, and they looked at the bustling city opposite, and their faces showed an expression of longing.

Want to go!

Of course they want to go!

They looked at the White Night and Lady Aisha.

It was only thought that White Night and Lady Aisha were preparing to adopt a few of them.

Because Brother White Night and Sister Aisha are very good people and don’t care about the identity of their hindered sons, this kind of thing will not happen.

If there was an adoption of White Night and Lady Aisha.

Although you can’t take everyone with you, the lucky ones who have been selected can undoubtedly pass together.

But to the surprise of the little Lori, Duan You thought of it.

White Night’s next words were not as they thought.

“If you want to go, I’ll take you there.”

“Well, everyone.”

White Night looked at all the little girls in front of her and said with a chuckle.

The little girls were stunned when they heard this.

Their small faces were all wide-eyed, a surprised little look.

“So, everyone, Brother White Night?”

The little girl in White Night’s arms also said in disbelief.


White Night nodded with a chuckle.

“Is this really okay?”

Little Lori was a little shaken and asked Xiang Bai.

“What’s not to like?”

White Night replied with a chuckle.

“Won’t bother you?”

Little Lori asked again.

“Trouble? It should always be only me who causes trouble for others. ”

White Night made a joke.

“Can we really all pass?”

Xiao Luoli still did not dare to say, “Rest assured, I said yes, that is OK.” ”

White Night said of course.

Bi Ruo that city.

Not even the children who guard humanity and are hailed as the last hope of the world can go

So who is qualified to go over? Those cowards who live in the city now?

If so, then what is the need for this city? The words of the white night undoubtedly moved the little girls.

Compared to the few people who can be brought to the bustling city by the white night.

Of course, they hope that everyone can pass the law!

They are still young after all.

White Night said yes, even though they knew it should be impossible, but they still couldn’t help but be moved, longing, shaken, and persuaded by White Night.

Or rather, unwilling to give up hope in your heart.

Mrs. Aisha smiled slightly.

Tenderly looking at the white night, he knew what his husband was going to do.

She knew that knowing that her husband would definitely be able to do better than her, and her husband really did not let her lose.

In fact, it is not just the little Lolitas in front of you.

White Night had said that he was going to take everyone to the bustling city opposite

Nature walked around the area outside the monument.

Gathered all the abandoned children, all the obstructed sons who were treated unfairly.

How many obstructed sons of a city are there? Thousands? Million? Or a hundred thousand?

There is no doubt that no matter how much, White Night with these children is also directly heading towards the bustling city.

They should not have lived in ruins.

That’s where they belong.

If the children are not eligible, are the people inside eligible?

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