Chapter 413: The Conflict Between Humanity and the Hindered Son!!

White Night didn’t have much ink.

He didn’t go into the city with Lady Aisha to negotiate anything or kill the people in the city.

There is no shelter for the little Lolitas to be built outside, so that the little Lolitas can live and clothe without worry.

Instead, take the whole town directly! Tens of thousands of little Lolita!

Cross the river to the bustling city on the other side. That’s what little Lolitas should do.

They don’t understand it when they are young.

Now White Night will take them to do it!

Both White Night and Lady Aisha are extremely powerful.

They don’t care what the consequences of doing so, and they don’t care what the reaction will be on the other side of the city.

If you want to do it, do it naturally.

Anyway, with White Night and Lady Elsa there, it was impossible for the little Lolitas to have an accident.

Making a big fuss?

That’s a big fight.

That’s what little ones should fight for themselves.

How can the strong be bullied by the weak?

How can those who give be trampled by those who enjoy the results! Tens of thousands of obstructed sons.

He was taken directly by the white night to the bustling city.

The little guys’ eyes were filled with anticipation, longing, and trepidation.

They just want to go home.

After White Night said that they could go home, they all believed White Night and pinned their hopes on White Night.

If you are a good child, the people over there should not hate them so much…

Just as White Night and Lady Elsa are taking the children to the bustling city.

The people in the city naturally noticed the movements of these children long ago when they saw that Little Lolita was actually coming towards them.

The guards, however, said they were panicked.

“Damn! Those monsters! Why are they gathered to come to us? ”

“Rebellion! Definitely a rebel! Are they rebelling against humanity!!! ”

“Damn monsters! Damn monsters! I knew those monsters were not credible, they had the same protovirus as proenteros, they were born monsters! Monsters are cold-blooded, how can they be trusted! ”

“Quick, pull the alarm! Protoins invaded!!! ”

The guards saw tens of thousands of little Lolitas, and there was an immediate uproar, and the scene was full of chaos.


The little Lolitas just wanted to go home.

But these guards felt that the hindered sons had finally rebelled against the oppression of many years, and finally rebelled, and they were extremely panicked.

They also know how they usually treat their hindered sons.

But even now.

They don’t feel wrong, either.

The hindered sons are monsters, what is wrong with them teaching monsters? Now the son of hindrance dares to riot.

They did not hesitate to put it on an equal footing with protozoans.

This is the world of dark bullet warping today.

White Night laughed at this too.

He will take all the children and ask the world what the so-called truth is.

Use strength to open the truth of the world.

“Warning! Warn! ”

“All the hindered sons stop advancing! All the hindered sons stopped advancing. ”

“Don’t get any closer, or we’re going to take coercive measures.”

And at this very moment.

The SDF side also shouted through the instruments at the obstructed son.

There was some horror in their eyes.

After all, the power condensed by such a huge number of hindered sons is incomparably terrible.

Even the SDF was trembling at the moment, and his eyes were full of fear.

When the little Lolitas heard the words of the Self-Defense Forces, they all subconsciously stopped, and there was some darkness and confusion in their eyes.

They subconsciously looked at the white night, not knowing what they should do now.

In this regard, Bai Ye smiled lightly and said without any concern: “Keep going.” ”

The little Lolitas heard the words and looked at each other.

But still listen to the words of the white night and continue to walk in the direction of the town.

They are young and have no opinion, but at this moment, the white night helps them make the right choice.

“Damn! What are these monsters trying to do?!! ”

“Are they already primitive and disobedient?”

“Red Ghost! Damn the Red Ghost! ”

“Since you are disobedient, don’t blame us for being rude!”

Seeing that the obstructed son did not obediently stop, everyone was completely panicked.

They must not let these monsters into the city.


What a shock tens of thousands of obstructed sons will bring to the city! Without the slightest hesitation.

When the little Lolitas moved again, the missiles also attacked directly at the white night………

But there is no doubt about it.

The missile was directly blocked by White Night.


The heat wave brought about by the missile explosion made the little Lolitas have a stunned expression on their faces.

They just want to go home, why do those adults attack them…

The little Lolitas were a little shaken on their faces at this moment, wondering if they had done something wrong to want to go back this time.

They stopped again, and even began to flinch.

“You’re not wrong!!!”

At this moment, the white night was shouting loudly.

He looked sharply at all the little Lolitas, pointed to the city and said, “It’s not you who are wrong!” It’s them! It’s the people who live in it! ”

“You are the heroes of this world!” And those people inside! Just a bunch of cowards! ”

“Why do heroes are discriminated against and cowards enjoy life instead?”

“The key isn’t what bullshit proenterovirus!”

“The point is that you don’t argue! You guys are too good a bully! ”

“So learn to fight for yourselves!” Fight for everything that should be your own! Not like this! ”

In the dark world of bullets.

There are many ways that White Night can solve the current situation of Little Lori, but he chose this method.

Because he wants all the little ones to know!

They are not wrong in the beginning, and no protovirus is their fault!

They should be proud of themselves!

Fight for yourself for everything that belongs to them!

People in the city have enjoyed the protection of people outside the city.

Just because of the prostovirus relationship.

It is reasonable to feel that the hindered son is atoning for the sins of the protozoa, and that it is right to protect them.

What’s so cheap?

The Hindered Son should have erupted long ago!

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