The group included Sona and Shinra Tsubaki from the student council.

On the other side were Rias, Koneko-chan and others from the Supernatural Research Club.

Everyone looked towards the church.

There was a huge hole at the entrance of the huge church.

It was dark inside, and the smell of blood was coming from there.

"Let's go and have a look."

Rias and Sona looked at each other and said.

The footsteps of the crowd kept getting closer.

However, there was no movement inside.

If a battle broke out, how could there not be fighting sounds.

Behind the doubts, everyone had terrible thoughts.

This is the base of the fallen angels, so were they all killed, because there were traces of fighting here.

Himejima Akeno also said that there were many fallen angels with intermediate demon strength coming and going.

Then the leader inside must be at least a high-level demon.

Rias didn't dare to come here rashly with just one person. She had to ask Sona to accompany her.

Unbelievable Rias quickened her pace and came to the interior of the church to explore.


Rias gasped.

The ground was covered with bloodstains and numerous broken body parts.

"Who got here before us?"

After calming down, Rias started to think.

Behind her, Sona and others came in.

They were all shocked and stood there in silence.

Sona quickly came to Rias' side.

""Let's go in and take a look!"

He stared at the side door and said lightly.

When they went in and saw it, it was no different from the outside.


Although the head of Tas was bruised and deformed,

Cangna still recognized him.

This person was praised by Azazel, the highest position of fallen angels, and was awarded an artificial artifact.

Therefore, it is necessary for Cangna to remember him.

"It seems that we don't need to take action! I really don't know who in Juwang Town has such strength."

Lias supported her chin with one hand and said with a complicated expression.

"I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend."After confirming the surrounding situation, Cang Na said puzzledly.

Behind him, the footsteps of Zhen Luo Chunji were gradually approaching.

"President, I checked the scene and it seems to be done by one person. And it is possible that they used a large-scale magic attack."

"Large-scale magic! ?"

Cang Na was even more confused. Several bodies here were killed by melee attacks, and there were no signs of large-scale magic.

"That's strange. How can a person who can use powerful magic also have such strong melee ability?"

Sona turned his head and asked Rias


Rias said calmly.

If a person wants to become a strong person, he must have his own way. For example

, if he is good at magic, his melee ability must be poor.

And if he is a melee swordsman, his single ability is strong, but he will not have a super large attack range like a magician.

"That must be two people."

Shinra Tsubaki pushed her glasses and said

"Without definite witnesses, it's hard to confirm. Shinra Tsubaki, you should clean up here first. After all, this is not a scene that should appear in this world.

After giving Shinra Tsubaki the task, she turned and came to Rias.

"I did some research on Xiye, the person you asked me to investigate. His background is very clean. He is a wage earner and a game geek. I learned this from his landlord."

At this point, he paused and said,"But that was only within a year. There is no information about him before a year, but you don't need to worry about it."

"How could there be a plan to carve a mark close to the kitten in Tacheng in a year? You are worrying too much, and he may really be just an ordinary person."


Cang Na's words directly rejected her previous idea.

"Ordinary people?...."

But the feeling in my heart was playing tricks on me, and I really had hallucinations at that time.

"Thank you."

Rias nodded to Sona to express her gratitude.

"Well, let's go out and see how they are cleaning up."

Seeing Rias's disappointed look, Sona left the secret room under the pretext of going out to see what was going on.

Only Rias was left inside.

However, Rias was a mature woman after all, so she quickly put away her emotions.

She gathered her magic power in her hands and began to clean up the scene.

"Ming Zai's threat has been eliminated, so the mysterious guy can only be investigated slowly."

When they separated, Sona and Rias had their last conversation.

"That's the only way."

Lias responded.

Then everyone dispersed.

Tacheng Koneko also returned home by himself.

But his expression was a little worried.

He picked up his phone and checked the time. It didn't seem too late.

Thinking that Xiye should not be asleep, he sent him a message.

"Xiye-kun~ I'm in a bad mood."

At the same time,

Xiye, who was still celebrating his new home, saw the message on his phone and quickly replied.

""Xiaomao-chan, what's wrong?"

Xiye was a little confused. The fallen angels they were going to deal with had been cleared out by themselves, so why was Xiaomao-chan still so unhappy?

"In addition to the Akeno sister you met last time, I have a real sister."

Xiye habitually replied:"Then you can introduce me to her!"

But he immediately realized.

Isn't Tacheng Xiaomao's sister Tacheng Heige?

The cat Xiao who looks like a rose with thorns has a figure that is not worse than Himejima Akeno.

And she is quite wild, a lost demon that is difficult to subdue.

"She is very powerful."

The reason why Xiaomaojiang mentioned Tacheng Heige was because of the bloody scene in the church.

She was so shocked that she witnessed Heige losing his mind and killing the original hostess.

"Really? I really want to meet her then."

Xiye knew that Xiaomaojiang would not introduce her sister to herself, so she sent a message just to tease her.

"Anyway....Anyway, we can’t meet."

Xiaomaojiang was anxious. She began to worry about whether she would harm Xiye. She also worried about whether Heige would know about this.

���I won't attack Xiye............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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