"I'm just teasing you."

Xiye replied quickly.

Could this girl be crying because of his words?

At this time, a unique body fragrance came into Xiye's lungs.

He felt that someone appeared beside him.

He raised his head quickly.

Cat Xiao Heige!

Xiye just recalled her appearance in his memory.

And now she was standing in front of him.

The black kimono slipped down slightly.

The skin on her shoulders was half white.

Xiye couldn't help but sigh that the difference between the two sisters was quite big.

Now, you don't need to introduce it, your sister is in front of me.

Heige sat directly on the table where Xiye was eating.

Under Xiye's surprised eyes, he said:"It seems that you want to see me! ?"

"you...I don't know you!"

Xiye leaned back a little and said.

This thorny rose has the strength of a sub-demon king.

But the treasure he has at the bottom of the box is the absolute defense and the dimensional world round-trip card.

The points they exchanged for were the artificial artifacts that were snatched from the fallen angel Tas in the church.

After asking the system, he found out that the existence of artificial artifacts is no less than that of artifacts and can be used as artifacts to exchange points.

He still has the power to protect himself in front of Heige.

Although Xiye knows this Heige, he has to pretend that he doesn't know him.

The trump card can't be used so quickly

"Aren't you chatting with the kitten on your phone?"

Heige pointed to the vibrating phone on the table and said calmly

"Are you the sister of the kitten from Tacheng?...."

"Xiye-kun, who is he? Let me introduce myself. My name is Heige, the awesome sister that Xiaomao-chan mentioned.

Heige leaned towards Xiye and said in a sadistic way.

"Hey, is that so? How did you get in?"

Xiye pointed at the door, which was locked.

""Isn't it? I'm really awesome~"

Heige began to look at the young man in front of him seriously.

Ordinary humans, Koneko-chan's vision is getting worse and worse.

However, this cute look is really pitiful. It's much more pleasing to the eye than those guys with a sullen face.

"Yes... that's really amazing."

After saying that, Xiye distanced himself from Heige and said,"Would you like to sit down and have some food?""


Heige sat down next to Xiye without any politeness. Xiye was very upset and went to the kitchen to get the dishes and chopsticks. He wondered what the purpose of Heige's sudden visit was.

Could it be that the White Dragon King Vali came so soon?

This was much faster than expected.

In fact, Heige appeared here because she would come to Juwang Town to secretly visit her sister every once in a while.

When she was surprised to find that her sister Tacheng Kitten seemed to have changed, she became curious.


After handing the bowl and chopsticks to Heige, Xiye sat back in his seat.

When he picked up his phone, he found that he had sent a message without knowing when.

It said:

Kitty-chan, I'm next to you, Xiye-kun

——Your dear sister Tacheng Heige


Xiye didn't know why Heige sent this message

, and he felt a chill, that is, what will happen next. It was completely beyond his imagination.

However, at this moment, the door suddenly made a deafening noise.

At the door.

The locked door was pushed open, and Tacheng Kitten was panting and holding the door handle.

The golden pupils were staring at Heige tightly.

It seemed that he would attack at any time.

""Oh? Koneko-chan is here so soon."

Heige smiled smugly, ignoring Koneko-chan's hostile look.

""Haha, actually you two sisters are both very capable."

Xiye looked at the broken door and said jealously.

At the door, she saw Heige sitting next to Xiye naturally.

She trotted to Xiye's side as if to protect something.


To be precise, between Xiye and Heige.

She leaned on Xiye.

Xiye heard a slight tremor from her body and the tense state on her face.

She understood that she was afraid that Heige would kill her.

Although Xiye didn't know Heige's purpose.

But if she really wanted to attack her, Xiye could still protect herself.

"Xiaomaojiang, sit down and eat together."

In addition to some dishes, there were also some desserts and pastries on the table.

They were also Xiaomaojiang's favorites.


Although she said this, she still stood between the two of them, but brought the delicious dessert in front of her.

While taking a bite, she also stared at Heige warily.

"Kitty-chan is really cute, she hasn't changed at all, she's still so greedy."

Heige smiled and narrowed his eyes, glancing at Xiye's position, and said


Xiye nodded. He still agreed with what Heige said.

When the small-looking Xiaomaojiang had finished all the desserts on the table, Heige did not make any unusual moves.

Looking at the sky, Xiye said,"Heige, now that we have finished listening, it is time for you to go back."

""Go back. This is my first time in Juwang Town and I have no place to stay. Your house is quite big, so I'll stay here to rest."

Heige said with a smile while looking at Xiaomao-chan.

Xiaomao-chan's originally relaxed vigilance was raised, and she said with resistance on her cute face:"You can't stay here"

"Ah~ Is Xiaomao-chan jealous? But I want to stay here."

Heige said with a hint of meaning.

What he really meant was, if I want to do something, can you stop me?

Xiaomao-chan leaned on Xiye, just above his waist, with her hands in a clenched fist state:"If she stays, I have to stay too."


Xiye was a little embarrassed. He originally thought he could just send Heige away, but it seemed like she had no intention of leaving.


Xiye agreed.

Then Xiaomaojiang turned around and said to Xiye:"I will sleep with you at night!"


This is something Xiye didn't expect.

""Ah, Koneko-chan, do you want me to come with you?"

Heige said in a low voice after hearing Koneko-chan's words............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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