Xiye feels very dangerous. There is a cute loli next to him who claims to sleep well.

On the other side, a powerful and thorny beautiful rose Heige comes with unknown intentions.

""Okay! I was just kidding."

Looking at her serious face, Heige slowly walked out.

Koneko-chan is really stubborn.

But he is just an ordinary person, can he protect you?....

After Heige disappeared from sight,

Tacheng Kitten slowly breathed a sigh of relief:"I'm gone...."

"Yes, your sister Heige is really weird....."

After feeling that Heige's breath had really disappeared, Xiye also said in confusion.

When Heige said she wanted to stay, there was really a hint of murderous intent from the corner of her eyes.

But after Xiaomao-chan insisted on staying, it disappeared.

It seems that Heige really cares about her sister.

Or, in fact, Heige's plan today is to kill herself and let the devil in Xiaomao-chan come out to become a lost demon.

She wanted to take Xiaomao-chan away, but in the end, because of Xiaomao-chan's stubbornness, she chose���Give up.

Actually, there are two guesses, the latter one is more appropriate

"By the way, after your sister leaves, will you stay here?"

Xiye turned Xiaomaojiang around and looked at him, smiling and asked

"she...She's gone... I'll go back."

Koneko-chan was still somewhat immersed in the state just now, and now she blushed.

A little red appeared on both sides of her cheeks.

"Oh, that's a pity."

Xiye said jokingly:"Someone said he wanted to sleep with me."

As soon as these words came out, Xiaomaojiang's face suddenly turned slightly pink, and then turned red as blood rushed up and her heart beat faster.


The kitten closed her eyes shyly, and then ran out of Xiye's residence like a shy cat.

The words in her mouth were, I'm protecting you, but you're still thinking about H.

"Phew, that's really bad."

Xiye spread his hands to show that he was innocent.

"Ding! Check-in mission starts: Meet Sister Asia and tell her that God is dead. Reward: Any Royal Library,"Astir's Manuscript" completion +5%"

A long-lost mechanical voice sounded in Xiye's mind

"Sign in for the mission, Sister Asia?"

Seeing the mission released by the system, Asia should be here soon.

Looking for the impression of Asia.

A little nun wearing nun's clothes and a beige head cloth.

A cross representing faith hangs around her neck.

This is indeed a lovable girl.

Played by fate, deprived of the artifact and almost died.

A kind heart seems to be difficult to survive in this world.

Especially the church in sheep's clothing, salvation!? It's just a shell in front of their ignorant people.

"But for now, let's go fix the door first!"

Xiye looked at the broken door, his head full of black lines.

He took out his mobile phone and found the door repairman who changed the lock, and called him.......

The next day, during the spare time,

Xiaomaojiang, a junior student, appeared in Xiye's class again:"Xiye, what do you think of the Kendo Club?"

"Kendo, not bad!"

Xiye is an anime geek, how could he not like swords? And he is also the man who owns the"Black Emperor Sword"

"Then you should go sign up for the Kendo Club."

Xiaomao Jiang looked up at Xiye blankly and said,"And I secretly signed you up...."


Xiye was speechless. Did he agree to this? Did he want to ask for his opinion?

He scratched Xiaomaojiang's nose gently.

It was a punishment.

"This is your punishment."


Xiaomaojiang took a few steps back and pouted, saying,"Xiyejun doesn't know Xiaomaojiang...Oh no... Can't you touch a girl's nose?"


Thinking of the prototype of the little cat in front of him, Xiye smiled.

It's true, you can't touch a cat's nose.....

At this time, the bell for class rang.

Koneko-chan looked at the students rushing to the classroom, raised her paw, pretended to scratch someone and said,"Stupid Xiye-kun~ You must remember to go."

Then she trotted back to the classroom.

On the other side, in the Supernatural Research Department.

Rias is a special existence, and the teacher has no right to interfere whether she attends class or not.

Because the underworld Gremory family is the major shareholder of this school.

As a rich lady, she certainly has the right to arrange her own time to go to class, including Himejima Akeno and others

"Minister, Koneko-chan said yesterday that Tacheng Heige came to Kuwang Town yesterday."

Himejima Akeno tells Rias about the important matter

"Kuroka!? Her sister?...."

Rias's eyes showed a trace of panic:"How is Koneko-chan?"

"She is fine, and she is still the annoying one who is always around Xiye Jun."

While speaking, Zhu Nai did not forget to mock Xiye

"That's good, which means that the fallen angel incident yesterday might have been done by Natajo Kuroka."

Rias asked Akeno, the two of them were core members of this department, and they would usually discuss the problem with each other.

"Well, I think so...Because only people of that level can deal with the fallen angels of the church."

Azunai analyzed carefully.

"Um...It should be a large-scale magic attack, and it should be only her who suddenly appeared, the lost demon of the sub-demon king..."

Rias looked out the window and said seriously

"Then the threat has been resolved, and my mission to find the mysterious man can be completed."

Himejima Akeno suddenly changed the subject and said in a somewhat intriguing way.


After getting the affirmation, Akeno covered her mouth and smiled softly:"Humph, someone, you are going to be unlucky......"

When school is over,

"��Let's take a look at the Kendo Club and meet the kind of people there."

Xiye would not forget Maomao-chan's advice.

He stepped into the entrance of the famous Kendo Club of Kuwang School............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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