"Hey, are you the Xiyejun who signed you up yesterday as a cute and violent Tacheng kitten?"

The female Taoist at the door glanced at Xiye and said


It seems that Koneko-chan has a high reputation, but the title does fit his super strength.

"Come with me."

The female Taoist priest walked in front and said as she walked,"Mr. Xiye, it's best not to talk too much."

""Stop talking!"

Xiye muttered. She knew about the Kendo Club. The club leader was Xun Babe, a subordinate of Cang Na in the student union.

Xiye didn't know the specific situation because it was not mentioned in the anime.

However, it was estimated that the followers of the Ice Queen like Cang Na would not have inherited her style.

Following all the way, they soon arrived inside. It happened that the Kendo Club's class was about to start.

Because students had to attend classes, the teaching time was after school.

This Juwang Town had a similar model to the Sun Country in the previous life, where a group of people were indoors with the instructor in the middle and the academy on the side.

"Go change your clothes."

The female Taoist pointed to the room in front with the word"male" written on it and said.

Then she handed Xiye a set of kendo club uniforms. Xiye took it.

He went in and changed into his clothes. He also received a message from Maomaojiang: Xiye, I'll come to see you later.

He walked to the training ground he saw when he first came in.

Xiye did not kneel on the ground like the people around him.

Instead, he sat cross-legged.

The instructor was talking on it and doing movements with his hands.

Xiye felt bored when he saw it.

He thought it would be like in martial arts novels, with swords and sabers, but it was this kind of"chop, pick, and cut" that could only be cool.

Xiye lost interest in an instant.

At this time, the instructor standing in the middle stopped teaching.

He looked in Xiye's direction:"New to the academy, come out and practice with your senior."

Then he pointed to an old member of the kendo club and said:"It's you."

The man who was pointed at suddenly smiled. He knew that the instructor was angry and asked him to teach the new student a lesson.

"Junior, come on, let's have some sparring."

Xiye did exactly what the female Taoist said and kept quiet. He didn't expect that the instructor would focus on him!?

However, let's practice, right? Then I'll accompany you....

When Xiye came on stage, someone handed him a wooden knife. Xiye played with the samurai sword for a while.

"Junior, this is just a simple sparring match. I’m afraid I’ll hurt you if I use a real sword."

The senior student who was on the field said with a smile.

"Hmm? I was underestimated....."

Xiye looked helpless

""Let's get started."

The instructor shouted indifferently.

The male Taoist priest swung his samurai sword towards Xiye.

However, in Xiye's eyes, it was so weak and slow.

This was the passive physical enhancement after obtaining the Mantra Technique, so Xiye did not use magic power.


Xiye blocked the attack of the male Taoist priest casually, and used his arms to make a winding motion.

Let the knife in the opponent's hand rotate with his own movements, and then swung it hard.

Snap, the male Taoist priest's knife was thrown out by Xiye and fell to the ground.

And this action was completed in the blink of an eye.

Xiye's sword also touched the male Taoist priest's jaw the next moment.

"You lose."

It only took one move to defeat the male Taoist priest.

Instantly, the students around him stared at him as if they had seen a monster.

They dared not say a word and looked at the instructor.

At this time, the instructor's face also became extremely embarrassed.

The old student was defeated by the new student in one move.

If this got out, their Kendo Club would be laughed at to death.

"I'll do it."

The instructor walked to the side of the male Taoist priest and gave him a look, asking him to get off.

Then someone handed him a knife.

"Please teach me."

The instructor held the knife in both hands and took a step forward.

Just like the male instructor just now, he chopped towards Xiye.

But his movements were much happier.

"Still no use!"

Xiye could only comment like this, holding the knife in his hand against his chest.


The two wooden swords intertwined.

But the next moment.

Xiye directly used force and pushed the instructor back directly.

Taking advantage of the situation.

Xiye attacked.

He did not use his full strength, and the speed was slowed down, because the extraordinary speed was too shocking.

So the instructor still reacted and prepared for defense.


The instructor's knife instantly broke into two halves.

And Xiye's knife just stopped on the instructor's head.


Everyone in the audience took a deep breath.

Is this guy a new member?

He feels like he is here to challenge.

Too strong!

At the same time,

Tacheng Kitten walked in.

Seeing this scene, he was slightly stunned.

What is Xiye doing!

But he soon realized.

Is he challenging the gym?!

It happened that Xiye also put away his knife and prepared to leave.

He turned around and looked into Tacheng Kitten

's eyes. Tacheng Kitten came up to Xiye and said angrily,"Mr. Xiye, I asked you to sign up for the kendo gym, but you came to challenge the gym...."

Xiye's mouth twitched and he spread his hands, indicating that he was also innocent and they were just looking for trouble!

"He knows Tacheng Xiaomao."

Among them, there was a school that recognized Xiaomao's identity.

They all showed shocked eyes.

It looked like they were in love! They all gave Xiye a thumbs up in shock.

This guy is tough.

Tacheng Xiaomao once came to the Kendo Club to challenge like Xiye did.

And he even knocked down their department leader.

So these two are simply a pair!

In the end, Xiye quit the Kendo Club, and the Kendo Club said that they were incapable of teaching Xiye.

""Huh! It seems that Xiye's swordsmanship is very powerful!"

Xiaomaojiang couldn't say that she was secretly happy, but in short, Xiye was slowly getting stronger, and she was still very happy.

"Of course."

Xiye actually wanted to say, I am stronger than you, even stronger than Rias from your Supernatural Research Club:"But I heard that you once kicked out the Kendo Hall. If you ask me to come to the Kendo Hall like this, if I don’t have some strength, I will be beaten down."

"Ah! Xiye-kun~ I forgot."

After being reminded by Xiye, Xiaomaojiang blushed all of a sudden............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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