"Magic Release.."

As soon as the attack came, the shuriken was destroyed in front of Xiye in an instant.

The magic power is released to be able to contact any magic attack of the same level.

And Levi's shuriken is condensed by magic power.

When the danger came, Xiye looked towards the source of the magic power. Sure enough, it was still empty.

So this Levi is really the same as in my impression.

Since I can't see it, then let me see it...

Xiye activated this demon king factor for the first time.

I haven't experienced it yet.

The mind enters the demon king factor

"Activate the Demon King Factor!"

A powerful magical power spread from the Demon King Factor to Xiye's whole body, and a pair of Demon King energy wings suddenly appeared on his back.

"Has your strength improved?...There are wings..."

Feeling that his magic power was sufficient, Xiye began to teach this mischievous girl a lesson.

Xiye's sight expanded throughout the house.

Behind the sofa, the figure of Kazama Levi caught his eye.

"Are you planning a sneak attack?..."

On the other hand, Levi was shocked to see Xiye's transformation at this moment. It was the first time she saw someone in this form:"This is the power of the Demon King, a special existence....Really looking forward to it...."

She held a scroll in her hand to her lips:"I'm going to do it for real."

Ninja Technique: Wind Summoning.

When she said this spell, a hand was already on top of her head.

"The farce should end"

"The magic power is lifted!"


The magic power in Xiye's hand enveloped Fengjian Levi.

Suddenly, the magic power on her body started to work, and the wind she caused stopped.

"Hmm, that's boring....."

Levi's raised lips were retracted, and he said with an unhappy look.

However, outside the door, there was a burst of camera shutter sounds.

"The biggest headline of the Royal Biblia Academy this year is that the big devil Levi has finally been caught."

Selina took pictures of this scene from all angles with her camera in her hand, and she kept shouting.

It can be said that Selina is worthy of being the most competent reporter in the whole academy.

The noise here immediately attracted the relevant personnel of this building.

Lilith and Irene

"Hey, why are you here?"

Lilith said to Selina and Fengjian Levi who was being pressed by Xiye.

At this moment, Xiye's magician mode was also cancelled and returned to normal, so Lilith and others could not see what happened.

"Yes, you dare to be in my house....And also..."The cute Ailin stared at the hand on Levi's head.

Under the gaze of everyone, she also placed Xiye's other hand on her head.

She squatted beside Levi and asked,"How does it feel to be touched on the head by someone else's husband?"...."


Lilith's face suddenly darkened. What was going on?

She walked to Xiye and said with a smile,"I'll take this child back to educate her."

She pulled Ailin back from Xiye's hand.

Ailin, who was forcibly dragged away, stared at Levi and said,"And she"


Lilith felt like she was completely broken, so she took advantage of the situation and pulled Levi over, dragging the two of them out of Xiye's room, not forgetting to add one last sentence:

"I'm so sorry, Xiye"

"Xiye, are you really the devil?"

Selina was watching from the sidelines. Because Lilith only had two hands, this girl stayed behind.

"If this mark represents the devil, then I am it."Xiye stretched out his hand, revealing the mark on it and said

"Wow, this is the mark of the Demon King candidate."

Click, click!

After a round of crazy photos,

Selina showed an expectant look:"So what kind of girls Xiye likes."

There was no words for a while.

Selina still said unwillingly:"Do I meet the requirements?"

Xiye's mouth twitched. If he hadn't experienced it himself, he really didn't know whether this girl in front of him, Selina, was a difficult person.

"That doesn't match. Xiye's ideal is a big-breasted, full-figured type."

After saying that, Selina winked at Xiye and immediately ran out of the room.

The news office heading to the Royal Biblia Academy began to get busy.

"I don't know if coming here is right or wrong."

Xiye felt that this was only the first day, and there were still more than 20 days of life to go. How should I spend it?

The ninjas waiting in the dark, the reporters digging for answers, the strict teacher Lilith, and finally the cute partner.

It seemed that there were still people who hadn't seen it.

Xiye fell asleep on the bed.......

The next day, Xiye was shocked by the report in the academy.

The newspaper that the headline party editors of the previous Dragon Kingdom would not dare to write was published on the headlines of the Royal Biblia Academy.

"A big devil has fallen from the sky! One of the seven magicians, Kamisamezuki Ailin, is willing to be her partner. After being captured for the first time, Kazama Levi falls in love with the devil and becomes a rival of Ailin. However, the devil Xiye likes the teacher Qianqian Lilith! How will this unpredictable love triangle end?"

Newspapers with this news appeared everywhere in the classroom and even in the corridors.

Xiye was originally wondering why so many people pointed at him and compared him with the newspaper in their hands when he was walking in the corridor.

As a result, Xiye saw the content on the ground.

In his heart, he had to praise Selina for being so playful......

Newspaper department.

Two eyes full of murderous intent stared at Selina trembling in the corner like a tiger.

"I swear, I changed Levi's first part a little bit, but the latter part is absolutely true."

Selina looked at Lilith and Levi in horror, raised her finger and made a swearing gesture and said

"Oh, is that so?.."

Levi's face relaxed but he turned his head and looked at Lilith and said,"Teacher Lilith, this Xiye likes you..."


Lilith blushed and a cloud of mist appeared above her head.

Run, get out of here.


Selina's face relaxed. The teacher left, not angry, and Levi didn't seem to care.

She started with one less look that wanted to 'kill' her.

"Hey...Selina.. the teacher is gone, but I am still here..."

Levi suddenly changed his expression, staring at Selina fiercely like a jackal................................................................................................................................................................... ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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