(The cover is delayed until it is put on the shelves due to insufficient funds. Also, isn’t the world of these seven magicians interesting? If not, I will quickly end the plot here and return to High School.)

Over here, Asami Lilith, who had left the newspaper office, leaned against the corner of the aisle, her blushing face slowly recovering:"How can this be?....Mingming Ailin..."


Countless images flashed through Lilith's mind, and she shook her head frantically.

Xiye was holding the newspaper, ready to go to the newspaper department to settle accounts with Selina, and happened to pass by the corridor where Lilith was.


Lilith was still resisting the thoughts in her mind.

The demon king Xiye appeared in front of her.

"What's wrong, Teacher Lilith, have you read the newspaper too?...."

Xiye saw Lilith's strange expression and asked in confusion.

Lilith, who was pretending to be calm, suddenly blushed from her neck to her face and ears....

Lilith looked at the newspaper in Xiye's hand.

Isn't this Mingzhi Consultant?......

Is Xiye confessing his love?.....

But I am.....teacher...

However, at this moment, the entire academy suddenly began to shake.

The subtle magic power on the ground was spreading upwards like steam.

"This is..."

Xiye looked down at his feet. This phenomenon should be the so-called"collapse phenomenon".

If it is not stopped in time, it is very likely to produce a powerful monster or a demon king in disguise.....There will be collapse around here.


As a teacher, the magician Lilith immediately changed from a little girl's state, watching the sun outside the window turn from fiery red to black.

She returned to the state a teacher should have:"Student Xiye, come with me to the principal's office to ask about the specific situation."


Xiye naturally knew what was going on. It was caused by the loss of control of the magic power of Kurata Yui, one of the seven magic envoys imprisoned below.

But he did not say it out loud.....After all, a demon king who just came to the academy actually knows so much about the Royal Biblia Academy. He will definitely be mistaken for a member of the"Gospel Exploration Society". After all, this organization does not get along well with the principal.

Selina and Kazama Levi from the newspaper department also came out.

Looking at Lilith and Demon King Xiye, whose faces were still blushing, the two suddenly looked at each other:"Teacher, if possible, you continue.....Selina and I just need to report to the principal."

"Eeyore...It's not what you think."

Lilith raised her delicate hands helplessly, looking at the two people's strange eyes.

She felt that she couldn't get rid of it even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

At the corner of the corridor, two figures slowly walked out.

"Hey, the new student Demon King, the teacher and others are here too."

In a plain top and a long slit skirt, with a clean smile on her face, Akine Fudo said in a heroic voice. Sanna Miroku, who was wearing a white cape and medium-length golden hair, with a proud look on his face, was observing Xiye, the new student.

"Oh, Miroku, Qiuyin is back."

Lilith quickly retracted her expression and greeted Qiuyin awkwardly.

"Well, the mission is accomplished, but it seems that the academy is not stable."

Qiu Yin said to Lilith calmly

"Well, let's go to the principal's office."

Lilith glanced at Maitreya and followed his line of sight, as if trying to find out Xiye's identity.

She quickly changed the subject.

Then, five of the seven magicians of the academy, Xiye and Selina came to the principal's office.

"Oh, everyone is here.. I was just about to go look for you guys..."

As he spoke, the principal looked at Xiye who came with him and said in surprise:"Oh, Xiye is here too. It seems that I don't need to introduce you. We all know each other now."

Then, he pointed to the sun outside and said:"The source of the collapse phenomenon comes from below. You can feel it too, right?"

"Is it Xiao Wei?"

Lilith thought of the seven magicians Kurata Wei who were imprisoned underground and said.

Yamana Miroku on the far right also frowned and said:"Yes, the organization's collapse phenomenon is going to put her...."

When Levi heard this, he was hostile to Sanna Miroku:"How can you..."

"This is not good...."

Lilith was also shocked. Xiao Wei usually had a good relationship with them.

It was because she couldn't control the magic power in her body that she was locked up in the dungeon by the principal.

This time the magic power was going to destroy her. This was too much.....

"This depends on you, but the leakage of magic power is getting more and more serious, you should solve it quickly."

The principal did not directly oppose or affirm Sanna Miroku's approach.

Because if they can't control it, then it is necessary to get out of the source of the collapse phenomenon, which is what they must do.

"Ding! The system issues a task: meet one of the seven magicians, Kurata Yui, and help her stop the leakage of magic power. The reward is the"greed" library, one of the seven deadly sins of the Royal Library!"

When the principal finished speaking, the voice of the system task also rang in Xiye's mind.

"‘We have to stop the leakage of Kurata Yui's magic power."

Xiye pondered in his heart, thinking about what to do next.

Kurata Yui seemed to have turned into a dragon when her magic power leaked out.

Lilith came to Xiye and said,"Xiye, this collapse phenomenon will make people become particles of light and be swallowed by darkness. Those with low magic power will fall into a coma. Do you want to go with us?"

"Let's go together. I want to see what one of the seven magicians, Kurata Yui, thinks."Xiye said with a smile.

But Kazama Levi stuck his head out from behind Xiye and asked,"Are you on the side of Lilith or Sanna Miroku?"

"I'm curious too." Selina said as she took a photo of Xiye with her camera.

"After all, we are classmates. I don't think it's necessary to make such a fuss."

The task issued by the system is to prevent Kurata Yui's magic power from leaking out.

And I know in my mind that this loli has not done anything bad.

I don't know why.

It's probably caused by Xiye's special habit that was formed in his heart at some point.....

"Huh...Could it be that Xiye likes Teacher Lilith?...Stop quibbling."

Fengjian Levi shook his head left and right, looking at Lilith and Xiye, as if he had guessed something and said


Lilith covered her face and said shyly

"Hey, I found that Teacher Lilith has changed."Selina came to Levi and said softly.

Levi squinted his eyes and nodded:"Well...Became shy"............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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