In the end, they came to the conclusion that the kitten was in love! ? Or they met in the game.

Internet-addicted Lolita embarked on the road of online love

"Minister~ I think we have an obligation to provide psychological counseling to Koneko-chan."

Himejima Akeno said seriously

"Akeno, it is true according to what you said."

Lias frowned.

The meaning of her words was not about premature love, but about the mysterious thing that appeared on Xiye's body.

"I have no objection!"

Scratching his head, Kiba Yuto squinted his eyes and said

"Ala, I feel like I have a great mission to bring back Mao Mao's lost heart!"

Himejima Akeno, covering her mouth, began to laugh.

Then the three of them returned to their own residence.

Himejima Akeno and Rias each began to prepare with their own thoughts.

At the same time,

Xiye and Mao Mao also had a simple meal. After watching the little loli leave, he breathed a sigh of relief and went to live in a hotel. He began to think about what happened today.���

Fortunately, the worst thing did not happen.

Everything is going well.

He took out the magic book"Astir's Manuscript" given by the novice gift package that he had been thinking about.

This is a very small magic book, and the surface is blocked by gray and black chains.

Trying to open this book by brute force will not work.

But Xiye knows that if you want to connect to this magic book, you have to guide it through your mind.

Moreover, this magic book probably represents a weapon that is superior to the God-Destroying Tool in this dimension.

Similarly, his ability is similar to a mimicry function.

But it can connect to the"Royal Library" to open the"Seven Deadly Sins"!

They are: Gluttony Library, Lust Library, Jealousy Library, Wrath Library, Sloth Library, Pride Library, Greed Library!

Curious, Xiye also clicked on the information of"Astir's Manuscript".

Weapon:"Astir's Manuscript"

Theme: Domination

Ability: Magic Elimination!

Additional ability: Can open the seven deadly sins of the Royal Library (not yet opened)

Magic level: Open 30% (superior demon strength), can be bestowed on the host.

In the demon high school, the levels are divided into: lower demon, middle demon, superior demon, top demon, sub-demon king, demon king, and transcendent.

Note: The magic book that surpasses the God-destroying Tool can hide itself from detection.

"It actually has the strength of a superior demon!"

Xiye was relieved.

If the strength of a superior demon is still in the early stage, although it only has the ability to eliminate magic power and is not offensive, it still has the ability to protect itself.

"Ding! New task released, sign in to Juwang College: become a student of the college, and the reward is to open a library!"

Just when I was thinking about how to improve my strength, the system released a new task

"Go to Juwang Academy! ?"

If Xiye is currently in this world, then he should be a third-year student. He can indeed go in and study.

Last night, Xiaomaojiang also asked why he dropped out of school and wanted him to go to Juwang School.

"Falling in love with Mao Mao-chan! ?"

Xiye covered his face, wondering if he had become younger and his mentality had also changed. But it seemed not bad!

But behind all this, there were two obstacles coming, but Xiye didn't know.

With his attention, Xiye began to calculate the money he had earned this year.

It should be no problem for him to go to Juwang School. After sending his personal letter to the admissions office of Juwang School, he fell asleep peacefully.......

On the other side of the night,

Himejima Akeno had arrived at Tacheng Xiaomao's home without knowing when.

Xiaomao, who had successfully met her, returned to her cute and adorable state when she left Xiye. She opened the door and walked into her exquisite room.

"Alas, our little cat-chan, she didn't even come home so late!"

Himejima Akeno sat on the chair where the little cat-chan usually played games.

Facing the little loli, she picked up the lollipop on the table and played with it.


I was a little surprised. I didn't expect Himejima Akeno to suddenly appear.

But Tacheng Kitten immediately set his eyes on the lollipop in Akeno's hand.

He disappeared in the next second.

He appeared next to Himejima Akeno, and quickly snatched the colorful donut lollipop like a kitten protecting its food.

"This is mine."

Although he didn't prick up his ears like a cat with its fur standing up, he was staring at Himejima Akeno with both hands holding the lollipops, and the panic in his words made Himejima Akeno feel a little bit uneasy.

"Yo~ Xiaomao gave the uncle fish-shaped cookies, but he wouldn’t even give me a lollipop!"


Tacheng Xiaomao's eyes became a little distracted, and her face turned slightly red. She didn't dare to speak.

After all, this was Tacheng Xiaomao's first love, and it was an online love.

Although she was not sure if this was true, her behavior today was her secret.

Unexpectedly, Himejima Akeno knew about it.

Then the director would know too.

If she knew that it was under the overpass, all the members of the Supernatural Research Department would have seen it.

She would definitely find a gap to get in.

"Ala, Koneko-chan has grown up."

Akeno did not mean to blame, she stood up and touched Tacheng Koneko on the head.

In the Supernatural Research Department, Rias and Himejima Akeno were both responsible for Koneko-chan's growth.

At this moment, Himejima Akeno let go of her previous demeanor.

She said gently:"Koneko-chan, you can't get close to boys."

"Online dating is also unreliable"

"You are a reincarnated devil. If the other person knew that, would he be able to accept it?"

"Do you understand whether the other person is good or bad?".......

Himejima as a teacher���He then began to teach Tacheng Kitten about love in her lifetime.

Tacheng Kitten also fell into deep thought in silence!......

I just spent Monday in a simple way.

Looking at the messages on my phone

""The admission letter from Juwang School"

Xiye was stunned for a moment. Does this Juwang School accept everyone?

But this is not the point. The point is that he can study at Juwang College.

Soon, Xiye came to Juwang School and registered his information at the admissions office.

He was assigned to Class B of Grade 3.

"Ding! Sign in successfully, the system rewards the Royal Library: Gluttony Library, one of the seven deadly sins!"

"Gluttony Library: Technique 'Power Word’!"

"Gluttony Library!? Not bad!"

Xiye understood in his heart that this was not bad!

"Ding! The sign-in system has been updated and the redemption store is open!"

"Hmm? Exchange warehouse! ?"

Suddenly, the exchange store opened! What is that!

Xiye looked at the class he was about to go to, so he had to go to the gold class first, and then find time to study it!

Ps: I beg for data flowers!! Thank you everyone! The next one will be more exciting!......

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