Juwang Town, Grade 3, Class B

"Hello everyone, I am today’s new student, from Tokyo, my name is Xiye!" He simply explained his personal information on the podium

"Wow, a transfer student? He's a handsome guy."

Xiye's handsome face also caused some girls below to exclaim.

Handsome? He can make a living!

Just like the underworld, the whole world is respected by strength.

Xiye doesn't think it's time for him to make a living with his face.

After a small fluctuation,

Xiye came to his desk.

Juwang School is similar to the school in his previous life. Although there are two young ladies from the demon world here, it is still an educational place for human knowledge.

High school courses are naturally no problem for Xiye. After all, he is a young man in his twenties.

Although he is lying down, he is also a young man with excellent academic performance.

High school courses are naturally no problem!

Thinking of the exchange store that suddenly appeared in front of him,

Xiye quickly opened it in his mind.

Exchange store: weapons from various worlds can be exchanged for points to exchange for corresponding items. (Initial)

Demon High School World: Artifacts can be exchanged for: 500 points!

Sacred weapons: 700 points!

God-destroying tools can be exchanged for: 1000 points.

Exchangeable items:

《Ilias's Fragment: 1500 points

Black Emperor Sword 'Jutica': 1000 points

Nature Fruit: 1000 points

Absolute Defense (Transcendence Version): 300 points

World Selection Round Trip Card: 500 points

"It turns out that points are gained by obtaining the artifacts and God-killing tools of this world, and the sacred artifact is the Holy Sword!"After analyzing it in his mind, Xiye began to plan what to do next.

""God-annihilating tool?"

Looking out the window, a person appeared in his mind. That was the protagonist of this world. In his hand was the God-annihilating tool: the Cage of the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Looks like I have to go around the academy."

If I have a goal and I can take him down, then I can really stand firm in the world!

Not long after, the bell rang.

"Huh! Let’s go out for a walk!"

Getting up, Xiye wanted to get familiar with the campus.

At the door.

A familiar figure!

A thin figure with a cute expression, a Tacheng kitten!


Xiaomaojiang raised her hand and waved at Xiye.

But her face lacked the spirit of yesterday.

This also caught Xiye's attention. After all, Xiye was not an ignorant boy.

""Kitty, good morning! How did you know I was coming to Juwang School?"

Yesterday, the other party mentioned letting Xiye come, but he didn't really make a decision, just said he would think about it.

"There is a transfer student in school today, I think it should be you."

Koneko-chan crossed her hands in front of her, and then replied in a cute way.

"So that's it! Kitty-chan's intuition is not bad!"

He smiled. It was not surprising that the Supernatural Research Department knew about this matter the fastest. Dai

Meng looked a little worried. Xiye tried to rub her head.

But he immediately retracted it.


Xiaomao-chan's whole body twitched a bit, and her head drooped a little.

Last night, Himejima Akeno said that we can't have physical contact with boys, but Xiye-kun is touching me!

I was a little overwhelmed.

Seeing the awkward situation, Xiye said,"Xiaomao-chan, why don't you take me for a walk! This is my first time at Kuoh School."


The little girl nodded gently, and then she regained her composure and walked side by side with Xiye in the aisle......

The Supernatural Research Department.

This is a building specially given by the school.

Through the window, you can clearly see the situation of the entire school.

"Oh my~ Koneko-chan is so disobedient, is this a girl in love! ?"

Himejima Akeno showed an unconcealable failure on her face, covering her face helplessly and said:"I obviously educated her well! What a problem girl."

Rias on the opposite side also looked out the window.

Her eyes fell on the magic book hanging around Xiye's neck.

《Astir's Manuscript is usually hung on Xiye's neck as a pendant.

"Unlike the day before, there is such a strange pendant hanging..."

Rias tried to use her magic to see through that thing, but it didn't work.

Could it be just an ordinary toy!?

But she still remembered the feeling from the day before yesterday, so it couldn't be wrong!

""Bushi, isn't it time for you to come out?"

Himejima Akeno felt her failure and looked at Rias across from her and said

"Okay, got it.

Rias was still thinking and simply replied

"Alas, even the Minister has no objection?"

Himejima Akeno looked at Rias who was worried and felt that she was just perfunctory, and immediately gave up.

If she had known, she would not have told her about Xiye coming to Kuwang School.

However, Himejima Akeno still did not surrender!

The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard....

The playground of the school.

A small little girl and a handsome boy who is not too skinny are sitting on the lawn!

"Xiye-kun, do you believe that there are other things in this world besides humans?"

The words of Himejima Akeno came to Xiaomao-chan's mind.

"If the other person knew that you were a demon, would he still choose to be with you?"

This boy who has been accompanying me in the game doesn't know his identity.

""There should be."

Xiye fell to the ground. Did Xiaomaojiang want to tell him that she was a demon?

In fact, Xiye knew it, but he couldn't show it on the surface.

Similarly, after he inherited the"Astro's Manuscript", he was also a demon.

Different from the demon on the surface, the essence is the same.

It was different from the impression of Xiaomaojiang. Xiaomaojiang talked more.

And she was also worried about his identity. Would he scare her?

It was probably the trouble of Xiaomaojiang in love.

Hearing Xiye's words, Xiaomaojiang also smiled.

"Then can I still play games?"


The originally warm scene was immediately destroyed by the little girl's words.

The little cat in front of me not only showed signs of premature love, but also an internet addict!

Ps: I beg for data and flowers!! Thank you all! The next one is more exciting!......

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