Dream Space

"here it is...Xiao Wei's duet art of dream space..."

Sanna Miroku leaned on Xiye's back and looked around, feeling a little familiar.

It was the same technique used by Kurata Yui, one of the Seven Magicians who controlled the"Greed" library.

""Yes!" Xiye nodded.

In front of him,

Xiye's hand pressed on the top of Kasuga Sheng's head.

At this moment, Kasuga Sheng had lost the support of magic power, his eyes were dull, and the double magic condensed armor on his body had disappeared.

During the conversation between Xiye and Sanna Miroku, he regained consciousness.

His eyes converged and saw Xiye's appearance and the hand on his head.

His body moved back in fear.

At this time,

Xiye also found that the girl in front of him seemed to have woken up.

She looked at Kasuga Sheng with her eyes, as if she was afraid of herself.

However, the next moment,

Kasuga Sheng frowned and said,"It's a dream again?...Today's dream is different from the past..."


Xiye was stunned for a moment.

This girl actually said it was a dream. Isn't this what he wanted to know?

Then why did he say it was a dream when he saw me? Did I appear in her dream? What the hell is this system doing?....

"I don't have the ability to defeat you in reality, so are you still going to haunt me in my dreams?.."

Kasuga Sheng looked at Xiye helplessly, then lowered his head and said.

Behind Xiye, Sanna Miroku looked at the girl who had vowed to kill Xiye outside with a blank face.

Why is she like this now?

Just as she was about to speak, she was immediately stopped by Xiye.

He raised his index finger to her lips, making a gesture to stop her from speaking.

Sanna Miroku's lips were touched again......

She was pure and innocent, and once again blushed.

But she still followed Xiye's example and stayed quietly aside.

"I have dreamed of you since I was a child. I didn't know you, but you told me to be your partner."

"You scare me"

"However, I kept dreaming about you, and you kept saying the same thing.....You are the devil, but you have no right to ask others to do this...."

Tears slid down the girl's fair cheeks


At this moment, a figure squatted in front of her.

He gently wiped the spring holy cheek.

"Don't be sad. Is this the reason why you attacked me?"


The girl raised her head and felt the warmth of the palm on her cold cheek.

"Why have you changed today? Won't you continue to say things like that?.."

With tears in his eyes, Chunri Sheng looked straight at Xiye

"It probably won't happen today, that dream is all in the past."

Xiye said softly.

A wisp of magic in his hand washed away the tears on the girl's innocent cheeks.

"It's over....past...What you said counts..."The girl stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

Is this a dream?....

But how did he change?....It's become so unpleasant.....

Xiye smiled and said nothing. It was useless to say anything.

That was the memory imposed on Kasuga Sei.

I felt that I was being tricked by the system....

But now it seems that I really blamed the system wrongly.

And why the girl in front of me kept looking for me.

It was clear at a glance. In the dream, I asked her to be my partner countless times.

For a girl, love is full of romance.

But with so many interferences, how could she not hate herself?


Xiye sighed softly. Let me make up for this mistake.

Forgetting a person you hate so much, time can make him disappear.....

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Meet the Saint and resolve the bond of dreams"

"Ding! System Reward:"Astir's Manuscript" Magic Book Opens the Book Spirit"


"Huh....This is where..."

A voice sounded in Xiye's mind, but Xiye did not respond to that voice.

Instead, he followed his thoughts.


This dream space collapsed like glass.


Kasuga Sheng stared at Xiye with wide eyes.

How could she not be familiar with this place? How could she suddenly return to the battlefield?

When she activated the dual transformation, she lost consciousness and thought she was in a dream.

But it was obvious that everything that happened just now was not a dream, but a real thing.

So, the bond with this man is over....

He said he wouldn't dream about it anymore....

Is it true?....

Looking at Xiye who was a little surprised, he smiled and said,"Don't be afraid. I said I won't dream about it....You go"


Xiye was about to ask her to go with the God of Light Luger.

But in the end, there was no sign of Luger around.

This woman had abandoned Kasuga Sei.

Embarrassed, Xiye spread his hands and said,"Your companion left on her own, so you should know where she went."..."


Let yourself go....I clearly want to kill him, but did he do this because he listened to my dream... or is he manipulating all this from behind?....

But this seems impossible....His strength was obviously only a little bit stronger than hers.

After thinking about it over and over again, she finally understood something.

Perhaps this was fate.

The girl stood up from the ground.

"Luger, she should have gone to the Royal Biblia Academy. What you just did is similar to the world construction technique, right?...Her magic power is relatively weak, but the weapon behind her is very strong"

"So I left without noticing."

"Royal Biblia Academy!?"

Sanamiroku, who had been silently watching Xiye and Kasuga Sei, said with wide eyes in shock.

"Is this all your plan?...."

Not soon. She replied calmly:"Fortunately, the principal stayed in the college, so everything should be fine..."

However, Kasuga Saint rejected it calmly:"That's not the case.���Simple, there is another person accompanying us this time, who is no weaker than the principal of your Royal Biblia Academy...."............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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