
Xiye immediately thought of the little loli with a big pink wavy tail and the same dark little girl as the book spirit of the magic book in"Astir's Handwriting"

"It is better to hide it secretly when talking about others behind their backs...oh...But..I know what you are thinking..."

A teasing voice sounded in Xiye's mind.

"Is this the tone you use when talking to your master?..."

Directly reprimanded

"Tsk, deal with your romantic history first before you scold me...."

However, the book spirit from the magic book"Astir's Manuscript" remained silent.

I felt a little troubled by the arrogant and sinister character of the book spirit that was unlocked by completing the human mission.

But didn't the arrogant character of Sanna Miroku next to me get influenced by me?...

I am afraid of this loli....

"So... is there something wrong with the students from another college?..."

Sanna Miroku asked a little worriedly.

This place is considered to be resolved, and in her eyes, Kasuga Sei seems to have"returned to the right path".

But in addition to the other academy of the Royal Biblia Academy, are there other people going there?

Will they also encounter the same danger?

"fine...There is no one lying in ambush anywhere..."

Kasuga Saint said calmly

"Then let's go back to the Royal Biblia Academy as soon as possible. I'm afraid something will happen to the academy. After all, there is only one principal...."

As the chief inspector of the academy, Sanna Miroku has the obligation to protect the life and death of his academy.

"Then let's go back." Xiye walked to Sanna Miroku and looked back at Kasuga Sheng:"Do you want to come with me?" A sincere look came out of Xiye's eyes.

Kasuga Sheng was stunned for a moment and looked around. There were no students in the Royal Liber Academy anymore. The academy was considered to be destroyed. Where else could he go? Either go to the"Gospel Exploration Society" or wander around the world.....

The fetters in her heart seemed to be lifted, and her goal disappeared....

After some complicated thinking, Haruhi said calmly:"I......Then let's go together.."


Xiye nodded in satisfaction, as long as he didn't hate himself....

The magic power was running in his body. He wanted to find the magic circle of the Royal Biblia Academy. The previous magic circle had been destroyed.

The magic power of the God of Light Luger was not strong, and this place was in a construction family, separated from the original world.

She couldn't build a teleportation circle by herself, so there were other magic circles to go to the Royal Biblia Academy.

After some exploration, Xiye saw it in a hidden place.

"Let's go back from there..."

Xiye brought Sannai Miroku and Kasuga Sheng to the teleportation point.......

The Royal Biberia Academy teaching building.

At this moment, there was silence all around.

This place had been isolated.

The culprit was Liber, the dean of the Royal Liberia Academy, who was an opponent of the same level as the principal of the Royal Biberia Academy.

At this moment, in the sky above the teaching building, three figures were in a stalemate.

"Liberl, I didn't expect it to be you."

The principal jumped up and down, staring at Liberl with a pair of cold eyes behind his gold-rimmed glasses.

"Well, I have a good candidate for the Demon King, and I wanted to compete with the candidate for the Demon King in your school."

Liberl raised his lips and said calmly.

Next to him, the God of Light Luger had just come from the Royal Liberl Academy.

He said to Liberl coldly:"The Saint and the Demon King candidate disappeared, and the Saint activated the dualization of the Demon King Factor. After that, we can't detect where they are."

"Hmm? It seems a bit surprising."

Liberl did not show any disappointment about Saint's situation, as if he was just a chess piece, dispensable.

However, Ruger seemed to have forgotten something and added:"The new student who is the candidate for the Demon King is carrying the magic book"Astir's Manuscript" and..."

"And the Black Emperor Sword, Jutica’!"

Speaking of the Black Emperor Sword, Luger's eyes also revealed a trace of yearning.

The legendary magic sword!

Although she had stolen three artifacts from the library, none of them was as good as the Black Emperor Sword!

Liber moved from Luger to the principal.

"Black Emperor Sword....Things are getting more and more interesting...I never thought that an old guy like you had such a treasure hidden in your school!"


The principal's heart was also churning at this moment.

What happened?.....

Black Emperor Sword'Jutica’....Where is it from...

This guy actually hid this....

Could it be that the future demon king of the world will be born in the school I founded?...

The legendary"Astir's Codex" magic book..

Black Emperor Sword'Jutica’.....

The principal stared with eyes wide open for a long time without being shocked.

Although he is also one of the world's 'Five Great Demon Lords', he is also very tempted by such things.

But since he is his student, it is a face-saving thing for him.....

It was the wisest decision to let him stay and study.

"Hey hey..where there....This kid is just like that.."

The principal scratched his head and smiled.

"But do you think you can stop me now?..."

A sharp gaze like a snake and scorpion stared at the principal.

She suddenly had an idea in her heart.

If Saint was missing, then Lise from the Royal Biblia Academy was also the owner of the Demon King Gene.

She was also someone she could use.

And the purpose of her trip was to take Lise away.


The principal briefly thought about his decision, but the current situation was too unfavorable to him.

If they wanted to deal with Xiye, why did they come here

?...It's Lise...

It is impossible to deal with me. If I can't beat him, I can always escape.

Liberl can't stop me.

"This is not easy to deal with....."

The principal looked at the woman behind Liberl, who was wearing a kimono and called herself"myself"............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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