"Kitty-chan~Are you scared that Asia is at Xiyejun's house?..."

After carefully analyzing why the kitten in Tacheng had such an idea, Himejima Akeno said seriously


The snack in his hand was suspended in the air. Xiaomaojiang paused for a moment and suddenly said softly:"A little.."

"Ala~ I know it..."Although the voice was very low, Himejima Akeno could still hear it clearly in this small room.

So she asked again:"What are you going to do... move in too?..."


Koneko-chan looked at Himejima Akeno suspiciously. She had just had this thought.

How did Akeno-chan know that?....

Although I have been keeping calm, I still feel a little uncomfortable when being exposed.....

A hint of red on the face....

Seeing this, Himejima Akeno began to give Koneko-chan her second lesson in life:

"How long have you known each other?....Cohabitation...Oh no...Live in his house.."

"And doesn't he know that you are a reincarnated devil?..."

"And does Minister Rias agree?..."

"And I agree......".....

After a conversation, Xiaomao-chan was finally stunned. Himejima Akeno was slightly relieved.

But she felt that it was still not safe, that is, she must find a way to let Xiye know Xiaomao-chan's identity.

The idea that had been shelved before suddenly sprouted....

In his mind, Xiye saw his devilish appearance and showed a look of fear....

Himejima Akeno's mouth corners slightly raised...

I have suffered a loss at his hands, so I must get it back.....

"Hum, Xiye...You wait for me."

But when he walked out of Mao Maojiang's house, he did not go directly to find Xiye, but went to Shiro Shirou's residence.

"What a headache! The minister's mission has not been completed yet.....".........

At the same time,

Xiye also received a message from Xiaomaojiang....

Xiye had no idea what had happened here.

But one thing was certain, that was that it had something to do with Himejima Akeno who had come to test him last time....

But at this moment,

Xiye felt a strong magical fluctuation not far from where he lived.

"It seems to be the loli from this morning...."Kong sensed Xiye's doubt and quickly said


Xiye pondered for a while at his bedside.

Then he couldn't help wondering what Seraflor was doing....

Then, the figure jumped from the window to the street outside.

Silently rushed to the position where Serafla was.

Soon, Xiye found a figure moving slowly on the top of the house.

Wearing a light blue magician costume of a magical girl, she was sitting on a magic broom, exploring the surrounding situation.

Xiye approached silently, hiding in a dark place, and actually made himself at an angle where Serafla could not see.

He did not use magic power, because of the drive of magic.

A powerful demon king like Serafla would definitely notice it.

The gap was not discovered due to the hidden attribute of the magic book"Astir's Manuscript".


Serafla held the broom with one hand, placed the other hand horizontally on her forehead, and then looked around.

"Cang Na-chan said there are fallen angels and lost godfathers...."

After careful observation, Seraphlu did not find any result.

"I didn't see it.. Maybe they all left.. It's really boring...Who killed the person chosen by Cana-chan?..."

Observe this

"It seems that this is the reinforcement that Cang Na brought...."

After hearing what Seraful said, Xiye understood. He had thought that it was because of his actions that the world line was disrupted.

When Xiye was about to leave after confirming that it was correct


"Hey, are you looking for me?..."

A childish voice came into Xiye's ears.

But Xiye knew who the owner of the voice was.

It was Serafla, whom he had watched leave....

I was discovered anyway.....

Xiye turned his head helplessly and approached Seraflor for the first time....

Unlike other lolita, Seraphlu has a larger mountain outline.~....

Obviously, Koneko-chan and Asia can't match her figure....

In fact, in general, each place has its own advantages and disadvantages....

"Did you just see it?..."Seraph asked with a smile.

When she was leaving, she accidentally saw a pair of eyes staring at her in the middle of the night.

In order to avoid trouble, she planned to erase the memory of the person in front of her.

So there was such a scene.

"Yeah, I see, you're flying...."Xiye said truthfully

"Really bad..."Seraflor murmured in self-blame with a sullen face.

Then she formed a magic with her hand and cast it on Xiye's forehead, but when she was about to complete the action of erasing the memory, her hand stopped, and her blue eyes stared at the mini magic book and the Demon King Sword on Xiye's neck, showing a thoughtful look:"The thing on your neck is very beautiful... Can you give it to me?..."

Suddenly, Xiye paused and said,"No..."

Hearing this, Seraphlu was stunned for a moment, and after swirling her magic broom back and forth between Xiye's neck, she handed the magic broom to Xiye and said,"I will use this magic broom to exchange with you....It will take you flying..."

Xiye was full of black lines on his head. This Seraphlu obviously treats her as a three-year-old child!

Whatever is on her neck is shocking.

You want to exchange your magic broom with me?....

I will definitely not do this loss-making business....

But Seraphlu in front of him didn't seem to show any ill will.

Xiye pretended to smile and said,"Haha, but I'm not interested...."

"Humph! Miser...."Seraphlu said disappointedly, and then cast a magic spell to erase Xiye's memory.

She left here without passing by Xiye.���Agreed, as the second generation of Demon King Leviathan, he did not do anything shameful to steal.

But Xiye just stood there, and when Serafla left, he looked in the direction she left, and shook his head helplessly......Is this what a demon king should say?...

As expected of you, you are the magical girl - Serafla!............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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