"Someone actually wanted to exchange that for me....hateful.."Kong appeared in Xiye's mind, looking angry, then changed the subject and smiled sinisterly:

"I think you can take her down to get rid of the anger in my heart"

"..Do you think a demon king is as simple as you say?..."

Xiye guessed that Shu Lingkong would definitely come out to complain, so he ignored her"crazy" words and told her the identity of Seraful.

"Demon King....It seems that this dimension is not strong... But you are a candidate for the Demon King..."

Kong said lightly to Xiye when he talked about the Demon King. He was not at the same level as the Demon King in her memory.

That's right, the Demon King cannot be compared with the world of the Seven Magicians.

Above the Demon King there are the Transcendent, Dragon God, Sub-Dragon God, Dragon God level, Super Dragon God level, and Evil God level.

There is a huge gap above each level, and the Demon King's strength seems insignificant.

However, in the world of the Seven Magicians, the strength used by the Demon King is not something that the Evil God level can match.

However, if he opened all the magic power of the magic book"Astir's Manuscript", he would probably have the strength of the Demon King in the world of the Seven Magicians......

He also owns the powerful Royal Library's Seven Deadly Sins.

"Um....My strength depends on how much of your magic power is restored....At present, he can only contend with the Demon King at most."

Xiye said with his own expression.

Then he waited for Gurefia's arrival, which was the opportunity for him to improve his strength again.

Without discussing with the girl, Xiye left this place and returned to his home.

After the delay, time entered the state of late night, and there was silence everywhere.

Xiye fell asleep naturally.

Seraph did not take it to heart, after all, it was just a small episode.

However, not long after Xiye fell into a deep sleep.

Above Xiye's residence.

Wearing the Juwang school uniform, with a perfect figure, and dark long hair swaying in the air in the evening breeze, this woman glanced down.

When she saw Xiye's figure, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth

"This is it."

The person who came was none other than Akeno Himejima.

She was investigating the matter of Shirou Keimoto before, but she didn't find any clues.....

There is no sign of the so-called lost godfather Friede.....

And she also received Rias's message...

Let her give up the search...And Sona's sister Leviathan also came to the underworld, and specially helped Himejima Akeno to explore this matter.

But in the end, she found nothing. As a demon-level person, she couldn't find anything. Could Himejima Akeno, who was only a superior demon, turn the world upside down?...

So the message from Rias was to ask Himejima Akeno to give up on the investigation.

"I'm finally free.....I really want to see your dazed look, Xiye...."

After saying that, Himejima Akeno silently slid down from the roof and came to Xiye's window.

A figure stood at the window, and her red-brown pupils turned blood red. She revealed her original devil attributes, like a vampire queen, but what was missing was a pair of small tiger teeth.

"Someone is coming....This time it's different, it's actually a royal sister....It seems that your food chain is quite extensive...."The figure of Kong was like a phantom sound, entering Xiye's mind.

However, Himejima Akeno's sudden arrival on the rooftop had been under Xiye's surveillance.

However, he didn't know what tricks this girl was going to play this time......

Will it be the same as last time?....

I don't think this girl would be that stupid.....Will you be fooled?...

Himejima Akeno came to Xiye step by step. The wings behind her spread out as she approached.....Just a bat wing.

Like an angel with broken wings.

Xiye didn't know what Himejima Akeno was up to, and didn't know whether he should wake up at this time.....

Or is this girl going to attack herself?....

After a few minutes, because it was midsummer, Xiye was wearing shorts, and he felt an itch in his calves.

In the picture, Himejima Akeno's single bat wing slid back and forth on Xiye's thighs.

Seeing this trend, Xiye was a little confused.

Was she here to confront him about her identity as a demon?...

Or is he planning something bad to me? Like a fatal disaster... or is he trying to get rid of me?....

It is true that Akeno's behavior makes Xiye a little elusive.

But Xiye knows that as long as he wakes up now, he can no longer get along with Mao Maojiang as an ordinary person....

"Huh...Why aren't you awake yet?...."

Himejima Akeno was busy for a while, and when she saw that Xiye had not woken up, she tilted her body slightly, and looked down at Xiye from above......

"Oh, this is really troublesome..I sleep so deeply....."

After observing for a while, Jidao Junno said disappointedly.

Then, as if she had a new idea, Jidao Junno grabbed her long hair from behind and began to play with it at the tip of Xiye's nose......


Xiye, who was holding on to the last straw, couldn't help but sneeze....

Open your eyes....

Confrontation with Himejima Akeno....


"Ala~ I finally woke up..but these sticky...."

Himejima Akeno felt some special liquid on her face.

She wiped it gently on her face, but she felt something was wrong....

This scene seemed familiar to Xiye....

Isn't that what......

Below is a picture of Himejima Akeno.............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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