I originally thought that the boy in front of me was just confused by the devil, but from the looks of this little devil, this human boy is the culprit....

In the end, it was Jenova who asked Xiye:

"Why...You are obviously just a human, why are you mixing with the devil? The devil has always been a synonym for evil, don't you know that?..."

Hearing this, Xiye raised his eyebrows, then thought of their identities and didn't take it to heart.

"Demons are actually not that different from humans."

Under the gaze of the two girls, Xiye said slowly.

"Just like there are good and evil people among humans, there are good and bad demons among them. Do I need to teach you this truth?"


"Forget it, Jenova..."

The blue-haired girl was about to explode, but was stopped by Shido Irina beside her.

"Don't forget, the purpose of our coming here..."

"I see....Irina, I promise not to do anything....."Jenova glared at Xiye in dissatisfaction and whispered a few words in Zi Teng Irina's ear.

He then spoke to Xiye,"You have to understand your departure. You are a human being. In the eyes of the devil, humans are just interesting little bugs. Countless people have died at the hands of lost devils! Therefore, all devils should be annihilated!"


Xiye curled his lips, not wanting to continue to reason with them.

These two girls had already been brainwashed, and no amount of talking would work.

However, Shido Irina's face changed. She was such a"pig teammate". She had just promised not to do anything, but she had said it all, and it was no different from doing something....

Suddenly she reached out and pulled Jenova behind her, and suddenly smiled and said,"Hello, I'm Shido Irina..."

Then he pointed to the blue-haired girl next to him and said,"This is my companion, Jenova..."

"We have some things to deal with on this trip, so we won't attack you. Do you know where the demon's base is?.."

As he said that, he glanced at Xiaomaojiang and said,"I don't have any other intentions. I just want to make my position clear to the demon leader who is in charge of this area...."


Xiaomaojiang grabbed the corner of Xiye's clothes, with a look of vigilance in her eyes. Cats are naturally sensitive.

Especially this lone cat, and the person in front of him is from the church, and there is a huge hatred between them and the devil.

"Oh sure..."

Xiye nodded and agreed. The task of this system required him to take the two people in front of him as maids, which was a bit difficult!

However, Xiye knew the purpose of these two people's visit, so he was not afraid that they would hurt Mao Maojiang and Li Yasi and others.

They were going to deal with the priest who escaped from the main church to study the holy sword...

Then he turned to Mao Maojiang and said,"It's okay, I know my limits...."

With two lolita girls and two young girls around him, Xiye became a rich second-generation man in the eyes of others, and the kind who dated four girls.

At the same time, Xiye also sent a message to Rias, telling her a little about the current situation, but did not mention the matter of the holy sword......

With the two girls, Xiye came to the Supernatural Research Club.

At this moment, all the members are present, including Kiba Yuto!

Rias was sitting alone on the sofa, while Himejima Akeno and Kiba Yuto were standing behind the sofa.

When everyone came in, Rias stared at the two people from the church with a serious face and said nothing.

Himejima Akeno looked at Xiye with a smile on her face, which made him a little confused. Her unexpectedly long eyes always made Xiye feel a little creepy.

Since the incident with Rias' boyfriend a few days ago, this girl has begun to change her personality, which makes Xiye a little uncomfortable.

However, Xiye saw Kiba Yuto staring at them with resentment, and the breath emanating from his body made people have the illusion that he might rush out to see them.

In such an atmosphere, the first person to speak was Shido Irina

"Not long ago, the Catholic headquarters received a mission that the church had found a way to allow more people to use the holy sword, but before that, the holy swords kept by various churches were stolen by the fallen angels...."

"So we were sent to find the remaining holy swords, and the fallen angels had four of them. On the way, we heard that the holy swords were all in the town of Juwang..."

"That's why I came here"

"Heard on the road..."

Rias frowned. Fallen angels did gather here some time ago, but they were all wiped out by Xiye, and Xiye had never been seen using the holy sword!

Rias glanced at Xiye.

Xiye spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know. As for Rias knowing that it was him who did the Fallen Angels in the church, he was not surprised.

All the evidence pointed to him, and there was no way to deny it.

However, Xiye knew that the one who spread the news was the godfather who was looking for a suitable user of the holy sword.

The purpose was to lure the two church duo to Juwang Town, and then complete his plan to forge all the holy swords into one.

To achieve the holy sword that has been rumored for a long time....

Why did they choose Juwang Town? It's because the Ten-winged Fallen Angel Kirkbol was behind everything.

"So what do you need us to do?..."Rias thought for a moment and asked

"It won't prevent us from taking back the Holy Sword..."Shido Irina said with a smile

"Ah.."Rias suddenly smiled from her serious expression, and then changed the subject:"It won't hinder you, but how can we be sure that after you deal with the fallen angels, you will come back to deal with us?...Holy Sword Master.."

"this.."The girl with long chestnut hair was suddenly speechless.

Seeing the two girls' condition, Rias put away her frightening expression and said,"You have no sincerity in wanting us to agree. You are still wrapped in a windbreaker. Are you trying to hide something?"..."

After all, she is Rias, and she is able to fully control her ability to stand in this situation. The title of Queen is not obtained for no reason.

"what to do.."Jenova was a little overwhelmed, and the anger on his face was clearly visible.

But Xiye smiled inwardly. This church duo was really a bit of a headache...... ps: Below are pictures of Irina. Please order them yourself and give me some motivation!

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