Take off your clothes~ Shido Irina pouted and said unhappily.....Xenovia looked at Irina with a bit of surprise on her face.

Take off clothes? What's going on!

Then she realized what Irina meant....

Irina took off her cloak and opened the cloth wrapped around her waist.....

A very exquisite looking long sword

"This is the"Mimic Holy Sword"...It is one of the seven holy swords of the King's Sword. The church once handed over the fragments of the holy sword blade to the alchemist to reforge it."

However, Irina's eyes turned to Jenova beside her.

Jenova was stunned and frowned:"Irina....There is no need for us to expose our strength to these demons...."

After saying that, he looked at Rias's cold eyes again, and took off the cloak covering his body with an unhappy look.

He unwrapped the sword cloth wrapped around his waist and said,"This is my sword, the 'Holy Sword of Destruction'.’..."

"How sincere are we now? If you think this is not enough, then as holy sword masters, we are not afraid of your demonic forces...."

When he said this, Kiba Yuto showed a look of disgust and glared at Kingsword and Jenova.


Xiye turned his head and looked at him, and Kiba Yuto took a deep breath and turned his head away.

Rias also looked away, and after a long while asked again

"According to your idea, the fallen angels are hiding in Juwang Town with four holy swords...."

"That's right."

Irina nodded and said.

After hearing this, Rias couldn't help but hold her forehead and sighed.

"Things keep coming one after another. There are so many troubles in my territory......"

In a few days, Sirzechs will come to meet his"boyfriend" Xiye. Now this has happened. It seems that he has no spare time.

"Fallen Angel...."

Himejima Akeno glanced at Xiye. Did Xiye fail to deal with the fallen angels and let them escape? On the other hand, if you think about it, only the fallen angels would go back to snatch the holy sword of the church. After all, the holy sword is an extremely disgusting weapon for the devils.

So the devils have no interest in the holy sword.....

"So you decided to tell us so we don't get involved in your affairs?..."

Rias thought for a while and asked

"Um...That's the best way." Irina and Xenovia looked at each other and said

"I can stay out of this, but you better leave here as soon as you finish your business.....After all, no one is sure whether we will be your next target."

"Your words are enough. We should leave now. Irina, I am not leaving now."

After saying that, the two stood up.

"Why don't you have a cup of coffee before you leave?....At least we can help you find the whereabouts of the fallen angels.."

"No need!"

Xenovia waved his hand and directly rejected Rias' invitation.

"I am very sorry, but we will take our leave now."

Shido Irina also apologized with a gesture.

The two had no intention of accepting Rias's kindness and were still wary of her.

After they left, Rias looked up at Xiye and asked,"Hasn't the fallen angel been wiped out? Could it be that another fallen angel has started to intervene so soon?..."

Xiye is the most powerful person present now, and he has been involved before, so for this important matter, Rias feels it is necessary to talk to Xiye.

"I think there is such a thing...."Xiye said slowly.

As for Kirkbol's matter, he didn't mention it. If he did, his identity would seem a little special.

Rias would definitely report this matter to Sirzechs, so if he guessed it, he might be involved in this matter at any time.

He thought he had planned it....

"Ala Ala~ I also agree with Xiyejun's point of view. Suddenly there are such rumors. There must be someone behind it....As the top detective in the Paranormal Research Department, I have an obligation to share your concerns....Find the whereabouts of the four holy swords."

Jindao Akeno said with narrowed eyes.

"I think so, too."

Rias nodded in agreement. However, the purpose of her agreement to the two holy sword users was to make them a target so that she could find out what was going on.

Otherwise, before the two holy sword users could find the fallen angels, she would become a scapegoat and fight with them.....

The cost is not worth the gain...This isn't Rias' style....

At this point, Xiye suddenly asked:"Do you still want to meet the Red-haired Demon King Sirzechs?..."

Yesterday, they just talked via text messages. Today, he wanted to confirm it again. After all, this matter is a bit absurd.....

"Meet the Devil..."Aixia asked doubtfully beside Xiye

"#¥@"Liya's body trembled. She avoided looking at Xiye and said,"I have to meet him because the engagement has not been cancelled. I have not confessed our relationship....."

"Do I have to meet your parents?"Xiye heard something strange and asked again

"....Yes.."Rias calmed down and nodded.

"Ala Ala~ It's true....Does Rias want to monopolize Koneko-chan's boyfriend?..."

Himejima Akeno laughed jokingly, and her heart kept rising and falling as she laughed......

As for what Rias said about meeting Sirzechs-sama and the Lord of Gremory, it was nothing more than some etiquette as a noble.

Asia stared at Rias with a bit of hostility. This minister actually openly wanted to monopolize her friend Koneko-chan's boyfriend.....hateful...

But when she looked at Koneko-chan...The kitten seems very calm.....

What's going on? Isn't Kitty-chan angry?.....

Kiba Yuto, who was standing next to him, showed a fierce look on his face.....

He watched the two members of the church leave the meeting room of the Occult Research Department. He didn't understand why Rias agreed to this.....

The memories in my mind are read out.... ps: Do you want to read the chapters of 4,000 or 5,000, or the chapters of 2,000 or 2,000? Please order it yourself! Below is the picture of Irina

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