Looking at Ye Luo, Xiao Du looked very curious.

It was true that Ye Luo had a lot of mysteries on his body, not like a human being at all, but more like a tooth-blood ghost who had lived for a long time.

Otherwise, how can you help the law enforcer when he is about to be killed by the decade?

And it also has such a powerful ability to easily grasp the so-called world destroyer.

From this point of view, the so-called world destroyers are not at all comparable to their ancestors.

“You, there may be some misunderstanding.” Ye Luo paused a few times, and seemed to want to laugh a little. It turned out to be considered by people to be the old ancestor or something.

“I am not a resident of your world, and this time I am only commissioned to deal with the decade.”

When Ye Luo said this, Naruto was actually next to him, hiding in the corner and watching.

He could only sigh that this decade’s life was really big, and this could make him run.

Just now, just a little bit, he was going to give the whole person here.

What a shame.

“As for why it is temporary, because if the decade comes to your world, it is equivalent to opening a hole. Others can follow this hole into the world. ”

“And there may be guys who are plotting against the world.”

“What? How could this be! ”

As soon as he heard this news, Xiao Du’s face changed instantly, and several other cadres also stepped forward.

Want to be sure of this appalling news.

According to this meaning, doesn’t it mean that people from other worlds will come here at every turn?


What does this mean by their world?


How did this pay off?

And, there will also be guys with ulterior motives for their world, which is simply a bunch of troublesome things in an instant.

“Damn! No wonder the destroyer of the world, I think it is a disaster star! ”

The young enforcer next to him was a little resentful and slapped the wall.

Sure enough, it is not a good thing to do with the destroyers of the world!

“Yeah, that’s a whole destabilizing factor, and we don’t know when there will be outsiders.” This is very passive for us. ”

The bishop next to him also held up his glasses and frowned a little.

He was a member of the Four Cadres of Chess, somewhat similar to Wang’s personal secretary, and had high powers.

Now in human form, a sensible, bespectacled youth.

Good at thinking, he will also give advice to Xiaodu on weekdays.

In the face of such a problem, with his mind, he also felt a bit of a headache.

In their world, the tooth and blood ghosts are the strongest race, undoubtedly the strongest. Don’t worry about any other race threatening them.

Under the leadership of the ancient king, those powerful demons were all destroyed by them.

But for other worlds, what specific information is completely a fog, for them everything is unknown.

It is difficult to prepare for prevention work in advance.

As for whether it was true or not, he felt that this terrible being was not enough to deceive them.

Not to mention, the other party has the power of the legendary ancient king.

To be recognized with such power is already telling a lot of things.

“Brother Ye, isn’t there anything that can be solved?”

Faced with this matter, Xiaodu was a little anxious, thinking that after driving away the decade, he could get back on track, and everything that followed could return to calm.

How can there be such a serious impact.

“It’s not good to discuss these things while you’re on the road.”

Ye Luo looked around, because the previous movement and so many high-level tooth and blood ghosts appeared here, causing many people to be curious and watching from a distance.

It’s all about to affect traffic.

Besides, you can’t always be watched.

This also made everyone come back to their senses and realize that it is really bad to say these things here, and the decade is no longer in this world.

Their mission to come to this place has been accomplished.

And when these tooth and blood ghosts went to Teresa Castle, Ye Luo suddenly turned his head to look at the corner and suddenly shouted loudly:

“Hey, Uncle Naruto, if there’s anything to be ashamed of, come with you.”


I don’t know if my identity is too special or if there is another reason.

This Naruto was always alone in a strange corner, watching the knights he found fight.

And when facing those natives of the world, Naruto would not take the initiative to appear, but stood alone and watched quietly.

What a person, a man with a lot of stories.

Perhaps, this Naruto once had a trustworthy partner, and there were wonderful stories or something.

After all, he also has the power to travel through the world, and he is obviously older than the Munyashi.

This is strange.

Who comes first and who comes after?

Their stories have always been a mystery.

Even if it is Ye Luo, even if he knows the story of the decade, and clearly knows that in the world of Heisei Knights vs. Showa Knights in the future, Naruto is very relieved after witnessing all this.

And saying “The knight is amazing!” After these words, the hostility to the doormen was lifted.

Then it disappeared.

However, the true identity of this uncle has never been revealed.


In the castle of Dragron, Narutaki is also known under the introduction of Ye Luo.

At first, Naruto explained the incident to Kiva through Kiva-la, he himself did not appear, and this time, it can be regarded as an official meeting with the Tooth Blood Ghost Clan.

Therefore, the specific story is also told by him.

In the beginning, nine knights were born out of these nine worlds.

Each has its own story.

But one day, the tenth world appears and begins to merge with the other worlds, and the story begins to merge with each other.

If this continues, eventually all the worlds will disappear.

And that tenth world was not the world of the Menyashi, but the world of the Natsumi Mandarin, and it was also there that she picked up the Menyashi who had lost her memory.

However, the good times did not last long, and disaster came.

Monsters from the stories of various knight worlds also descended on this world and caused the world to begin to collapse.

High-rise buildings are like grains of sand, reduced to ashes.

The bustling streets are like dust, disappearing into nothingness.

This also makes the tracked Narutaki judge again that it is because of the reason of the Gate Yashi, he is a veritable destroyer of the world.

Wherever it goes, it is destroyed.

Therefore, there is the next scene.

Such a story, everyone was stunned, but Ye Luo also made additions.

“Because of an unknown force, the fusion of the world was blocked, but this is only temporary.”

“There will always be times when we can’t hold on, and by that time, the integration between the worlds will begin again.”


(ps: thanks to the monthly pass (*^▽^*) of the Chudong gangster


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