“In other words, will our world, like the world at the beginning, merge and collide with other worlds?”

Xiao Du’s face was also a little ugly.

How many people can survive in this way?

“Yes, I don’t have any good way to do this, I just want you to be careful.”

“Ye Luo, goodbye, I need to travel to other worlds to see where the decade has gone.” This time thanks to your shot. ”

Looking at the expressions of these tooth and blood ghosts, Naruto shook his head.

Then, after signaling towards Ye Luo, he pulled out a dimensional wall and left here.

If it is delayed for too long, maybe the decade’s injury will be better, and the iron must be hit while it is hot.

So he’s going to go now.

Looking at this scene of crossing the world, it appeared in front of them like this, and the tooth and blood ghost clan could not stand.

The first to react was the bishop.

“King, if the world is really going to be destroyed, then wouldn’t we be able to go to a safe world?”

After all, there is another being from another world standing here, and maybe he has a way.

However, such a remark made the old man a little excited.

“What do you say, we, have to abandon our hometown?”

Abandoned, this homeland that has been inhabited for generations

In this land, how much blood, tears and memories they have been pinned on is the land laid down by generations of ancestors.

However, the other tooth-blood ghosts were also silent, and if they did not have a choice, who would want to leave their hometown and go to a strange world.

In the face of the hope of surviving, everyone still hopes to be able to seize it.

When life is gone, it is really gone.

Xiao Du, on the other hand, looked at Ye Luo with hopeful eyes.

“Brother Ye, you said, if our world is really going to be destroyed, can we go to your world?”

“Rest assured, I will restrain my people. If there is anything you want, you can find me, and we will definitely get it right. ”

The voice just dropped.

The other tooth-blooded ghosts looked a little shocked.


In order to survive, when can their king only do this?

It really made these proud guys ashamed of them, they were useless and could not solve this life-and-death matter.

Only quietly watching their leaves fall, at this moment finally spoke out.

“Actually, things don’t have to be so troublesome. All you have to do is agree on one thing. ”


As if grasping for the straw to save his life, Xiaodu asked anxiously.

At this moment, Ye Luo’s expression was more serious than ever, and Kivat II on his shoulder was also solemn, so that those tooth-blood ghosts did not dare to speak out.

“Join my community.”

“You are still the king of the Tooth Blood Ghost Clan, but you are also one of us.” I will show you a more magnificent world! ”

“At the same time, I will also solve the problems of your world, and the integration of those worlds in the future will have nothing to do with you.”

In order to make the world no longer continue to merge with changes, in fact, Ye Luo just had such a means.

That’s a card you got when you were an administrator in a chat group.

[World Traction Observation Card: You can pull the observed world over, connect with the world you are in, and master the authority of the world. 】

The world observed by the box court is like the number of Ganges Ruosha, and what about one more kiva world.

It does not affect the world of the box court in the slightest.

Nor will it affect changes in human history.

If you want to influence human history, you must turn all the humans in the world below the box into vampires.

Amazingly, the vampires in the box court are suspected to be from the future.

In fact, what is important to the box court is not the survival of the “human” race, but the existence of the relationship of “mutual observer”.

In this regard, there is a plan of a certain star spirit.

The Next Generation Primate Project.

However, at present, these things do not need Ye Luo to care, and the addition of the kiva world is a great opportunity for the “NoName” where Ye Luo is located.

They will have a world as a backup base, and the power of an entire Tooth Blood Ghost Clan.

In this regard, Ye Luo already had a completely new plan.


In the shock of everyone, Ye Luo explained the meaning of the community and briefly described the things in the world of the box court.

Just like that, countless tooth-blood ghosts yearn for it.

Unexpectedly, this adult was actually from such a powerful world, in which the tooth and blood ghost could not only restore its previous glory, but even touch a more powerful realm and power!

This intrigued everyone.

The blood in my heart boiled again.

The pursuit of strength is the nature of tooth and blood ghosts, otherwise they would not have stood firmly at the peak of the thirteen demon clans.

Besides, they didn’t have much resistance to Ye Luo, who possessed the power of the Ancient King.

Because in his body, the crowd felt a higher vampire power, although it was very weak, but the powerful essence still made their hearts palpitate.

This shows that it is very likely that there is a more powerful clan member who has a good relationship with this adult.

It is worthy of the trust of the vampire family.

Moreover, the concept of the tooth and blood ghost is not the same as the concept of human beings, but the strong are respected.

If Ye Luo suddenly said that he was the ancient king, it is estimated that many of his clans would have defected to his command, and it was their belief in following the glory and the king.

It is with such fanatical belief that the Tooth Blood Ghost Clan has been able to develop until now.

So, after talking to everyone, I consulted with their king, Xiaodu, for a while.

The Tooth Blood Ghost Clan made their decision.

That is, join the community of leaf falls.

They also want to see what the wider future looks like.

Seeing that this group of tooth-blooded ghosts finally agreed to join, Ye Luo smiled.

In this way, the strength of the community becomes stronger again.

And that’s just the beginning.

“Very well, sign the contract.”

Because of the major events that occurred about the entire clan, the Tooth Blood Ghost Clan also summoned their own people to come here again.

Xiaodu and Ye Luo stood at the highest place, receiving the allegiance of the Tooth Blood Ghost Clan.

After Ye Luo snapped his fingers, countless pieces of parchment also appeared out of thin air and landed on the hands of every tooth and blood ghost.

“This is proof of joining my community, as long as it is signed, you will become one of us, life and death are shared, honor and disgrace depend on each other!”

This scene will be a scene of history!

It will also be, a new chapter!

In the process of developing his own gift ability, this was the second ability that Ye Luo had groped out.

【Life Contract】

All they need is for the other party to agree to sign it, and from then on, they will obey Ye Luo’s orders and their lives will be handed over to Ye Luo’s hands.

At this moment, Ye Luo took it as a contract to join his own community.

When you sign this contract, you truly become your own person.


(ps: thanks for the illusion of emptiness,[?] The monthly pass of the two big guys (*^▽^*)).

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