Very good box garden characteristics of a ability.

However, this is not the same as the authority obtained by those powerful gods and Buddhas, which is an ability developed by the gift of Ye Luo himself.

More trusted by Ye Luo.

And under the leadership of the king of the tooth blood ghost family, all the tooth blood ghosts also signed this contract.

They believed that under the leadership of their king, there would be a stronger future.

The race will surely become incomparably powerful.


After signing the contract, everyone also had a more affinity for Ye Luo and was willing to accept his transfer.

Looking at so many more companions at once.

Ye Luo was also in a happy mood, and the development potential of the tooth blood ghost race was still very good, not only had the blood and ability of a vampire, but also had the ability to smelt and build armor.

Being able to craft armor that makes them all feel terrible is enough to show their level.

They even did biological research.

It can be said that it is a multifaceted race.

Build, fight, and research all in one.

Looking at these respectful members, the magic emperor power on Ye Luo’s body also exploded in an instant, and his voice spread to every place.

“I am very happy to welcome you to join our community.”

“As a benefit, I will give you a small gift.”

After taking out the silver-white card, Ye Luo only used his power to catalyze, and countless silver points of light appeared in this place, floating in every place.

After these silver points of light came into contact with these tooth and blood ghosts, the points of light also melted in.

“This is?”

The strange changes also made the tooth blood ghosts notice and look surprised.

“My bloodline power is actually strengthening, oh my God, this is really incredible!”

A tooth-blooded ghost who felt that his strength was much stronger, screamed with excitement.

He had never imagined that his bloodline could become stronger.

It’s like dreaming.

The strength of the bloodline is basically linked to its own strength.

This is the characteristic of their family.

Some people with relatively low bloodlines are doomed to only step forward in strength, and no amount of effort will help.

“It’s not just that! I felt that all my tyrannical emotions had disappeared, and I didn’t even have the urge to absorb the energy of human life! ”

“But our ability to absorb is still there!”

The other sensed a deeper change.

This is simply a gift to their family!

Because the policy of peace with mankind is firmly adhered to by everyone, although there will still be some clans who can’t help but make mistakes, but most of the tooth-blood ghosts still have a good personality.

Sometimes, they are like no different from humans.

It’s just a lot more powerful than humans.

But at the beginning, even their prince, and now the king, Xiaodu, had a strong instinct.

And even more so for them.

It’s just that everyone has suppressed it, and they don’t allow themselves to have this impulse to absorb human life energy.

And now, these bad things have disappeared.

The instinct in this bloodline can be changed, and it really shocks the tooth and blood ghost family.

It’s really, really exaggerated.

As an elite law enforcement team, as well as the bishop and rook, one of the four cadres of chess, they have also been strengthened.

And their bloodline is already very pure, and today’s ascension is even greater for them

Strength, all at once strengthened by several percent.

Really, it scared them all silly.

This was just the beginning, had the strength of their Tooth Blood Ghost Clan been so overflowing?

Will you get it later?

In addition to the ecstasy, they also feel deeply fortunate to follow the right people.

This correct decision will revolutionize the history of their ethnic group and thus draw a new dividing line.

Because of this wave of purification, the overall strength of the Tooth Blood Ghost increased several times.

It’s completely different.

From this moment on, the new path of the tooth and blood ghost was already unstoppable!

Therefore, after doing all this, the tooth and blood ghosts who live normally in their daily lives can still choose to live a normal life.

And an elite group of tooth and blood ghosts began to form a group of excellent guards.

They will be the first unit of NoName today, and this is only the beginning, not the end.

This world will become a place of continuous supply of talents for “NoName”, and in the future, there will be continuous tooth and blood ghosts joining this army to make this army more powerful.

Because of Ye Luo’s gift card, the bloodline of the Tooth Blood Ghost Clan began to evolve in the direction of the box court vampire, with a more advanced direction and route.

It also means that their potential is greater.

Regarding the name of this unit, in fact, Ye Luo had already thought about it, but now they were not worthy of this name.

But one day, the name will shine again and shock the box!

Because the name is called – [Box Court Knight Army]!

“Get stronger, the past is over, and now we have to welcome a new future.”

Revealing his self-confidence, Ye Luo looked at the sunset of this world, and this scene was beautiful.

The box court also has this scene.

But the setting sun is not a sign of the end of the curtain, after which a new sun will rise again and shine on all things.

“NoName”, the same will happen.


When he was about to leave, Ye Luo also took out the World Traction Observation Card and used this card.

Only to see this card disappear here as a light.

At this scene, the tooth and blood ghosts also saw it in their eyes.

The next moment, the world they were in began to shake violently, causing countless human beings to panic.

But only the Tooth Blood Ghosts knew that from now on, they would go to a higher world and fall into the system of that world.

This is once, an upgrade of the world.

So their expressions were not panicked at all.

The strength of the strength had made them fully trust the new leader, Ye Luo, and Ye Luo

And this change, from the outside, is even more powerful.

Only to see that among the nine worlds, there was originally a force that maintained the world and did not allow it to merge.

But at this time, there was a world that suddenly broke away from these worlds and began to move, heading towards unknown territory.

The world radiates a strange light and the speed is amazing.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared here.

This force was outraged.

“What the hell is going on, why is there a world suddenly gone?”

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