After all, the ability of the colorless king, you say that his combat effectiveness is strong in frontal combat, right?

Strong hammer.

When he wanted to kill Duoduo Liang, he also deliberately brought a small pistol.

If this is replaced by ordinary robbers or something, it is very reasonable.

But he was a king, with the ability to be favored by fate, a precedence over clan members and those outside the power.

Clan members and outsiders really can’t compare with the kings in terms of life, this is a real gap.

For Dresden Stone Plate, all outsiders are produced by the power it emits at will, and the members of the clan come from the power of the king.

Only the kings are the ones who have given the main power to the Dresden stone plate!

The real king.

The king, however, is the strongest of the capable ones.

It is a demigod who distorts, stops, and sways the inevitable physical laws of the microscopic world and the macroscopic world that once dominated it, and is swayed by his own will.

This is particularly evident in the Sacred Realm.

The strength of the will determines the strength of their holy realm!

The Sacred Realm is the embodiment of their will, and strength changes with the strength of the will of those who have ability.

As long as the will of the capable person is strong enough, even the most primitive force explosion cannot infringe on the field of will.

Reversing the laws of physics, changing the density of space in the region, and forming the space is the Sacred Realm.

In theory, the kings could play this ability very well and expand it in more directions.

So the colorless king looks like this, it seems very outrageous, very funny.

But what about his ability, in terms of the degree of nausea, really did not say.

Team Battle Nemesis.

If you want to deal with this guy, you can only fight alone.

After stopping Mibard Hatta from barking at them, Kusanagi Izumo thought of another question.

That is, how do they get up?

“Regarding the proximity to that spaceship, it seems that we have to borrow a helicopter from the Green King.”

“The ownership of those things is in the hands of the department on their side.”

A helpless Kusanagi Izumo calmly told this fact.

Zhou Fangzun’s brow also moved, and a figure dressed in blue appeared in his mind, and he liked to wear a sword around his waist.

That’s a stereotyped, rule-abiding guy who always gets along with him because of something.

Always running over to find trouble or something.

I hate that guy.

That is, the fourth king’s power, the Patriarchal Ritual Division!

As the Green King with the concept of order, and the Red King with the blood and impulse, the two of them seem to be two diametrically opposed attributes.

Naturally, it is easy to create contradictions.

In terms of some things in peacetime, it is perfectly normal for the forces on both sides to often engage in small frictions, just like this search for suspects and some disputes with their youth groups.

However, this time they were not as aggressive as before, and they did not delve into this incident but chose to retreat.

Everyone immediately had a thought in their minds.

It must be that the King of Green is not there.

Otherwise, the people of their Green Clan would not have simply retreated like this.

Now, if you ask the Scepter4 group for a helicopter, it will certainly not give a good look.

That group of people, if they don’t take the opportunity to fall into the well, kick their noses and face strangely.

Don’t you have to seize the opportunity this time and taunt them with all your might!

So, for a while, everyone was a little silent.

Especially in those provocative aspects, the fiercest ones are even more dumb and speechless, and their faces are embarrassed.

Only after Zhou Fangzun was slightly silent for a while, did he spit out a few words.

“I’ll handle this matter.”

“I’ll go over there like a priest.”

“Wait, have you forgotten the Silver King, he can take you up?”

“At all, there is no need to go to such trouble.”

Ye Luo, who sat leisurely and listened to them, also made a sound again, causing Adolf Hitler to speak up. When K. Weizman wanted to speak, he preempted him.

It can only be stuck for a while.

Drinking the drink prepared by Izumo Kusanagis, Ye Luo shook it with a spoon.

“The Silver King, in addition to his own characteristics, also has the ability to control gravity, which can make gravity float.”

“He can send you directly to the spaceship.”

Yes, the Silver King himself, can fly.

When using his powers, his powers allow others to be surrounded by a silver protective shield and then fly directly.

It can make many people like this at the same time.

Very convenient for one of the abilities.

Send the two of them up, no problem at all.

Adolf Hitler K. Witzman: …..

This made the Silver King’s Xiaobai silent, in the end are you the Silver King or I am?

Why count down this ability, you know so well.

However, Xiao Bai also nodded, “Yes, I do have this ability, and I can directly send the Red King up with me.” ”

“Then you can deal with the Seventh King, the Colorless King.”

This also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

In this way, there is no need to run to find the Green King, which is a very good unfolding.

Compared to the people on the side of the Red King Clan, the Silver King’s Xiao Bai was very curious about Ye Luo, how did this handsome young man know so much.

Was he the man on the lieutenant’s side?

Just as he was about to exit, a sharp voice outside interrupted him.

“Are you talking about the new Colorless King?”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Is something wrong?”

It was a good-looking young man with long black and blue hair and a slender figure.

Dressed in a long trench coat and carrying a long sword.

A rather refreshing look.

The late courtier of the Seventh King’s Three Rounds of One Word, the Night Knife God Dog Lang.

At this time, his face was a little anxious, and he rushed directly in and asked.

Nor did I find that there were two kings discussing here, but I wanted to pull them aside and ask them a good question.

The Silver King remained silent again, how these people liked to interrupt him so much.

Can you respect him as a senior?

The others were very angry, and Yada Miwa was even more angry, “Hey, it’s too rude to rush in and question the king directly.” ”

Zhou Fangzun frowned subconsciously, and an inexplicable force appeared here, projected on his body, and formed an invisible heavy pressure field on the young man.

It was as if a terrible heavy object had pressed over, which made the Night Knife God Dog Lang’s body sink and almost fall to the ground.

However, a ring finger next to it was raised, and this power disappeared like this.

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