“It’s all right, I guess he was in too much of a hurry to recognize you two.”

“Fuzzy lads,”

Snapping a finger to erase the power emitted by Zhou Fangzun was the leaf drop that was leaning back against the seat.

Compared to the two kings, Ye Luo was very leisurely here, quietly watching them perform.

Occasionally only interject two sentences or something.

The cat also curiously stuck its head out from the shoulder and looked at it.

Then slip a snack into your mouth.

Anyway, with her leaves here, she didn’t worry about whether she would fight such a problem.

She was relieved.


And the Red King’s side.

Although it was only the power emitted unconsciously, after all, the Red King belonged to the tyrannical kind, but Zhou Fangzun suddenly had a lot of curiosity in his heart.

This is not something that the average person can do.

The power of the king can only be resisted by the king.

Ordinary clan members and outsiders are difficult to erase, or even to confront.

But it was obvious that Ye Luo was not a king, and he did not have the feeling of the sword of Damocles, nor did he have the exclusive power of the Holy Realm of the King.

Otherwise, Zhou Fangzun would be able to recognize it at once.

Even Anna on the side was full of surprise and a lot of confusion.

She didn’t see what kind of power this was, so she erased Zun’s ability out of thin air.

It’s weird.

But I could feel that Ye Luo was very powerful, very powerful.

It seems that the body contains the power of the kings, and the lowest is not inferior.

After all, being able to wipe out the Red King’s power at any time would certainly not be any worse.

This is, in addition to the kings and the powerful, a whole new kind of power.

Ye Luo, what kind of origin is it?

Where did he come from?

For a time, many people’s hearts were full of curiosity.

The Silver King also took a look.

And the night knife god dog Lang, who had a cold sweat on his forehead, finally recognized who this man with fiery red hair was.

The Third King, the Red King,

Zhou Fangzun.

As for this silver-haired one, he didn’t know it, but presumably it wasn’t a simple cargo.

Although his Night Sword God Dog Lang was very strong, far superior to other clan members, the gap was still too big in the face of the king.

Not at all.

“I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you, I’m a bit reckless.”

So the good-looking Night Knife God Dog Lang chose to bow and apologize, and thanked Ye Luo, who had broken the siege.

“Nothing, who are you?”

Such a small episode did not disturb Zhou Fangzun, but instead he turned around and asked about the identity of the Night Sword God Dog Lang.

The Night Knife God Dog Lang also looked serious and reported himself out of the house.

“I am the seventh monarch of the previous generation, the courtier of the three rounds of one word, the night knife god dog Lang.”

“It is at the behest of the Lord of the Dead to come and find a new Colorless King!”

As soon as this remark came out, many members were shocked.

Among them, the one who was a little grumpy said directly:

“Lord, look! This guy is certainly not a good guy! ”

“It turned out to be the subordinates of the previous generation of the Colorless King, looking at the trend, is this now coming to the new generation of the Colorless King?”

“It’s that guy’s minions!!!”

Zhou Fangzun just waved his hand, and everyone was quiet.

However, Dog Lang’s words also surprised the Silver King a little, and he asked him directly:

“What are you looking for in the new generation of the Colorless King?”

“He’s not a good thing, and yesterday he openly attacked the Red King’s companions and robbed me of my body.”

Although it was a little strange to everyone’s reaction, and he had a bad premonition for the Colorless King, it wasn’t until he heard this that the anger of the Night Knife God Dog Lang suddenly came up.

Sure enough, did this generation of colorless kings still go astray?

It is simply tarnishing the reputation of the three rounds of one-word adults!

In the heart of the Night Knife God Dog Lang, Lord Yiyan, who was a very good and essential person in all aspects, taught him a lot of important things.

Later, he also made three rounds of recordings of one word.

Listen often.

So when the three rounds of one word told him at the last moment to find a new colorless king, he was deeply remembered in his heart.

And make it the main task.

So when the Silver King asked him why he was looking for this generation of Colorless King, the Night Sword God Dog Lang’s eyes also became cold and said.

“I am under the command of the former Seventh King, Three Rounds of One Word, and if I find that the new Colorless King has committed sins, I will have to kill the Evil King!”

Looking at the young man’s eyes did not look like a fake, and the Red King and the Silver King also showed interesting looks.

I see.

What an interesting person.

If it were someone else’s words, they would certainly disdain such words, but since the other party was a courtier of the previous Colorless King, it was still very credible.

Because there is such a thing.

When the king has a problem, he will let his henchmen decide whether to take action and kill the king.

Just like the previous generation of the Green King, at the last moment, asked his men to kill themselves, and could not let their sword of Damocles fall down.

Therefore, under the orders of the King of Qing, his subordinates could only hold a desperate attitude and kill their own king.

And this time the Colorless King was obviously the one who asked his men to act.

It was also according to the commands of the king he followed.

So Zun also nodded:

“Okay, if you want to know, you can stay.”

As a result, the Night Sword God Dog Lang also knew what the Colorless King was doing, and what kind of actions he had done.

He went so far as to openly attack members of other clans, with the intention of provoking war and conflict.

Capture the opposing member’s body.

Even the most outrageous thing is that he also attacked the first king, the Silver King, at the same time.

When he heard this, the Night Knife God Dog Lang Du was very angry, this goddamn colorless king!

Must be killed!

His presence! It’s a blasphemy!

The Night Sword God’s dog Lang’s confidence comes from the long sword he carries with him, and its name is “Reason”.

It is the love knife of the previous colorless king’s three rounds of words, corresponding to its name, which is the “reason” that can cut off the king’s power, that is, the “destiny”.

The power of the previous king.

Nature can play a role in killing this colorless king!


After knowing that the Colorless King was hiding there, the Red King and the Silver King decided to take the initiative and kill the evil Seventh King.

And sent a lot of men to find out where the ship was at this time.

Moreover, Zhou Fangzun also invited Ye Luo, hoping that he could help out, after all, it was he who hit the Colorless King and fled in the wilderness with a blow last night.

Ye Luo nodded casually, and then looked at these searching members and shook his head a little.

“Forget it, sir, you can withdraw all your hands.”

“Just have the three of us, and I’ve locked the location of that spaceship.”

“Just go straight over there, you don’t need to go to such trouble.”

After all, such a spaceship was flying in a fixed orbit over the city, and Ye Luo could detect it with a casual perception.

Coupled with the soul of the Colorless King, that guy was really too conspicuous.

Perhaps because of his big heart, Colorless was still watching the drama above, and he did not worry that the kings below would unite against him.

After all, with his ability, it was too convenient to escape.

As long as the other party sends people to deal with him, his possessed ability can be replaced at will, and outsiders can’t detect it at all, just like the king may not be able to detect it.

After all, they are not always with their members, as long as the distance is wide, they can directly take it.

Maybe he could take this opportunity to seize the bodies and powers of other kings.

In his plan, he denied the Queen of Silver.

He was more optimistic about the power of the Red King and the Green King.

The power of these two kings was great.

If you can seize it, it is simply too cool, double the power of the king, the so-called sweeping invincible!

I guess that’s not all.

Maybe this superposition can surpass the king of gold.

In this way, he can also seek revenge on the good-looking evil guy who is a long thief, and even rob his body!

Having the abilities of kings and the best bodies at the same time is an ultimate enjoyment to think about.

At this moment, the Colorless King had a sense of destiny in him.

Leisurely lie in the spaceship, occasionally looking out at the weather.

There was one thing he was speechless about.

This Silver King had nothing here but this spaceship, whether it was clothes or food, use, and drink.

None of them.

Not to mention any entertainment things, such as what TV sets and other scientific and technological supplies are not to be thought of.

They all put him in the trap.

Is this the life of an old man?

It’s light enough.


At present, the Red King Zhou Fangzun, the Silver King Adolf K. Witzman, and Leaf Fall.

They all stood quietly on the ground somewhere.

Even if the Colorless King changed the route, although it was firmly locked by Ye Luo, the information was determined.

That spaceship will pass by in a minute.

“Guys, are you ready?”

Adolf Hitler K. Wizman looked at the two next to him gently, and reminded him.

“Let’s get started.” Zun said directly.

For him, this is just a small fight, not just fly in the sky, anyway, the king will not die.

Ye Luo didn’t care more, and he had to restrain himself when the time came.

Only the distant Night Sword God Dog Lang had a helpless and aggrieved face, and he also wanted to go and kill the Colorless King.

But there are already two kings.

He wasn’t needed at all.

It’s uncomfortable.

Although he was persuaded by Ye Luo, he was still very congested.

With the permission of both of them, Adolf Hitler K. Witzman’s Sacred Domain power formed a ball of white and silver light directly next to the two of them, emitting a strange brilliance and instantly rushing into the sky.

The three of them headed directly toward the airship in the air.

And that spaceship, just at this time, flew here and maintained a relatively stable speed.

As a result, after a wave of power came from the lower side, it directly made the Colorless King inside tremble with fear, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

I wasn’t lying down anymore, but I quickly looked outside.

As a result, seeing a scene outside caused his face to turn white in an instant.

Only to see that outside, it turned out that three white and silver balls of light were directly rushing towards him at a super fast speed, so fast that he couldn’t react at all.

The next moment, the Colorless King only felt the ship shake.

Those three balls of light landed directly on the upper part of the spaceship.

The Colorless King, who had already sensed that something was wrong, immediately and subconsciously fled to the entrance, ready to jump from there!

And plan to escape this spaceship!

This invasion situation was different from what he thought.

How come it’s not a bunch of people flying planes over?

Damn it!

It even flies!

As a king, he already felt that there were two guys in there who were the same as himself, and if he recognized them according to his breath, one was the Red King and the other was the Silver King.

There was one that he didn’t recognize.

But it didn’t matter anymore, because playing with the two kings up close, he had no chance of winning.

“—Boom! ——”

As a result, when he ran to the door, there was a bang, and this side was directly exploded by the crack!

In an instant, a raging sea of fire rushed in, sweeping through the place like an overwhelming earth, and the heat wave generated by the burning flames even flew the Colorless King back.

Directly hit the other side of the spacecraft.

This made him suddenly snort, and the damage was not light.

But the Colorless King turned ugly and looked at the original place.

In this blazing sea of fire, a man like a male lion slowly walked in with cold eyes.

The flames could not hurt him in the slightest, but like the king of fire, the sea of fire slowly separated a path.

The Red King – Zhou Fangzun.

He said coldly:

“The Colorless King, the vendetta that hurt my companions, should be calculated.”

At this moment, because of this explosion, even the edge of the spaceship was filled with fireworks and began to falter.

The thick smoke was even more so.

The fall begins in the direction of the city.

Such an obvious movement immediately attracted the attention of the Qing King’s institution, which made the Zongxiang Reiji change his face, and he knew very well who was on the spaceship.

“No, something happened to the Silver King!”

Just before, the King of Gold also asked him to find the King of Silver and the Red King to join forces against the Green King.

As a result, the Silver King is now under attack.

Could that be a coincidence?

The more he thought about it, the more wrong the clan leader rushed out, while the members of his clan caught up with him.

The significance of this incident is very serious.

The status of the Silver King is very high, and if he dares to attack the Silver King, it is a serious crime!

On the spaceship, the main shot is the Red King, the Silver King is the Fight Auxiliary, and as for Ye Luo, the kind that is touching the fish the whole time.

This ship is just a little bigger.

If you don’t pay attention, it will crack directly.

And Adolf Hitler K. Weizman is a little entangled, because at this time, the colorless king who was beaten by Zhou Fangzun has his body.

He saw him trembling.

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