That’s the new king of gold.

A king who can control his destiny.


The leaves that were still outside also felt the induction and call in the darkness at this time.

When he cast his gaze on the side of the Imperial Pillar Tower, he felt the breath there and understood everything.

There was no fluctuation in his eyes, just a flat tone.

“As it is, is the end of the great enlightenment of the country’s common road?”

There is no superfluous emotion, this is the obvious thing.

Guochang Road Dajue did not have any relationship or intersection with him.

Not even a friend.

However, according to the characteristics of the slate, it will give the opposite person to become the king according to the character.

And this time, what Ye Luo sensed was the power of fate that belonged to the King of Gold, calling out to him.

Originally, he intended to recycle this slate, and all the power would be recovered.

The power of the seven kings will be attributed to him.

Therefore, Ye Luocai didn’t care about these kings at all, there was no point.

The reason why I didn’t go was just to witness these kings.

After all, the stone slab was already in his pocket, so why rush to it.

The resonance of coming to this world proves this very bluntly, and the stone slab also arouses a strong resonance for his existence.

In terms of personality, he is above these people, the one with the strongest priority.

The King of Gold is just a person who keeps it for him.

But now, the slate had chosen him, that is, the power that belonged to the Second King.

This means that he is well suited to the concept of fate.

Ye Luo was full of question marks, but the next moment, he felt a pull of force, and Ye Luo did not refuse.

Instead, consciousness came to a black space, just like the feeling of the universe, at this time, the stone slab also appeared here, quietly suspended in the air, waiting for the arrival of the leaf fall.

And exude the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes, and the leaves faintly fall as if they heard a war song?

Dresden Stone Plate

This is the origin of kings in the world of kings.

No one knows what kind of era it is and how long it has been.

In everyone’s impression, it is a mysterious stone slab of unknown origin, with magical powers, and there are unknown mysterious words on it.

But the next second, the center of the “stone disk” emitted a more intense light.

The light that seeped from the center flew forward along the text. It is like a strong current flowing through an elongated channel.

The golden light covered all the words in one breath, fiercely shining with brilliance.

This golden light engulfed Ye Luo’s body.

Ye Luo felt that his body and the “stone plate” had become one.

A large amount of strange energy surged up in the body.

Along with the strong power that Ben had left in his body, in Ye Luo’s consciousness, all kinds of information flowed into his brain.

Should this be said to be the memory of “slate”?

The power of the “slate”, the memory of the “slate”, the will of the “slate”.

The “stone slab” has established a connection with his soul, and can better understand that memory, in which it can trace the time of the past, cross the torrent, from the present to the primeval era.

In the distant years.

The mysterious slab of stone that fell from the sky, with the spark of friction, fell on the planet.

A huge deep pit was formed.

Such a huge movement was discovered by the natives of the time, who found this stone slab and worshipped it as a divine object of heaven.

Later, as it was excavated and retracted, its magical power was discovered by young scientists and sparked the story of the king.

And the strange mysterious text on it, Ye Luo found that he actually knew, that is, the famous Luon character.

In Norse mythology, Odin, the father of the gods, traded the loss of a right eye for the wisdom of Lun in order to obtain the Fountain of Wisdom.

The Loon script is a spell that can be inflicted with infinite power by carving it on wood, stone, metal, or any material.

And this thing, above is the top of the Lune character.

Moreover, from that memory, Ye Luo felt a very thick and powerful aura surrounding this stone slab, allowing this stone slab to cross a long distance and thus come here.

But it was not like it was deliberately lost, but it was impacted, and the source was even more with a strong smell of twilight and destruction.

As if at the site of the slate, an apocalyptic catastrophe occurred.

The power of this divine qi, Ye Luo could distinguish, was not an ordinary god, but a power that belonged to the god system and was only possessed by the god king.

The difference in personhood is obvious and easy to distinguish.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo had a bold guess.

About the true origin of this slab,

Lun characters, scenes of destruction, gods in the god lineage, Norse mythology.

This should refer to the widely spread twilight of the gods, right?

In their Norse mythology series, the most famous is the “Twilight of the Gods”.

The ultimate chapter of the myth.

Legend has it that beneath the roots of the World Tree are the springs of Khwargmir and a black dragon “Niederhogg” who constantly gnaws at the roots of the tree.

It kept biting the roots until one day when it could finally bite the tree, and the gods would come at dusk.

It was a great battle in which many important gods died, caused countless natural catastrophes, a war that must be lost, and the number of days from which there could be no escape.

Countless gods died inside.

Even if Odin went alone to find the Three Goddesses, he only got such a reply.

It was a message from the goddess of destiny.

“The stars in the sky will eventually fall, the glory of the Asa clan will fade, the old world will be destroyed in flames, the new gods will be reborn in the dawn, everything about the future is already predestined, even if you are the king of the gods, you cannot change, you can only follow the trajectory of fate.” 」

An irresistible destiny!

This is the predestined fate of Norse mythology!

In countless worlds, there is such a myth that the gods are dusk.

As if with a certain destiny, it has been passed on.

This also led to the exhaustion of the Norse gods in the box court, the great decline in strength, and thus collapsed.

There’s even something very famous,

That is, there was once a story of the main god Odin who personally went to the people’s homes in order to gain the faith of the people, and forcibly asked people to believe in the Norse gods one by one.

It is conceivable how far the Norse gods have fallen.

Although this is also a propaganda method to elevate one’s own power by belittling other religions, these propaganda has an explosive effect in the era of undercivilization.

For the so-called divinity will only rest on noble radiance.

Since it has fallen to the point where it is necessary to plead with human beings to give their faith, being a god is already doomed. It is not considered an object of faith at all.

In addition, as the power of a certain sect continued to grow, the beliefs that originally belonged to the Norse gods were absorbed and suppressed.

Miserable no,

Whether it is the Norse mythology of the outside world or the Norse gods of the box world, they are all miserable and miserable.

And this is the world of kings, still able to access Norse mythology, which shows that in this world, there was once a thriving group of Norse gods?

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