Then, in an unknown period of time, they greeted the gods at dusk, and the entire god system was overcast there.

From the main god Odin, down to the other gods, they basically fell completely.

Presumably, this slab also flowed from that place.

However, this thing actually involved the power of the god king Odin, which felt strange.

And in the contact, Ye Luo felt that this stone slab seemed to be very weak, and the aura that had surrounded it had long been washed away by the years.

Where can I see that it has anything to do with God?

That’s it, like being traumatized a lot.

So far there has been no recovery.

Specifically, he needs to go to the stone slab and perceive it with his own hands to know what kind of state it is.


However, at this moment, the new power in Ye Luo’s body was also completely fused, becoming the king with the ability to control his destiny.

King of Gold!

As Ye Luo opened his eyes, the space above his head began to distort.

After the light exploded, a giant sword appeared from the light.

It was a sword of Damocles that was far more gorgeous than the kings, shining with a dazzling brilliance, as if all the light of the world had been overshadowed by it.

At this moment, it is the only thing in heaven and earth.

Absolute Sword of Kings!

And very special is that the power of fate surrounds the sword body, forming an eternal movement.

It was the same property as the Silver King, but in the darkness, it seemed to be a little different.


Feeling this power, Ye Luo’s eyes flashed with golden light, and a golden power like a band of light erupted in his body, and a powerful force centered on him swept around.

The cement floor under his feet constantly cracked, and expanded like a spider’s web to the four sides, instantly encircling the city, and it could continue to spread.


As if this force could freeze this space, it covered the surrounding space and formed a very unique field.

A field that can be dominated!

The space under the domination of self-awareness, the invisible sword——

This is the Sanctuary.

The exclusive power of the king.

That golden aura, even the hemispherical space above it, was filled with the will of Ye Luo, and his own power was gradually stabilizing as it was strengthened.

This force filled the space around it.

If I had to describe this space in terms of anything, it would be the realm.

Exclusive to his King of Gold, the realm of leaf fall,

In this space, there is such a moment.

Ye Luo had a feeling that no one would lose in a battle with anyone, no matter what kind of strength the other party possessed and how powerful weapons they were equipped with.

However, he quickly got rid of this idea, just the White Night Fork punched with all his strength, even with this field bonus, he couldn’t hold back.

This is simply an illusion after the power expands.

At this time, Ye Luo’s side appeared the scene of the eight planets orbiting the sun, which should be related to the attribute of the “destiny” of the King of Gold.

The movement of the celestial bodies, the necessary law of the universe.

Such a scene, are about to make the cat look stupid.

The same was true of the Night Knife God Dog Lang, whose mouth was almost closed.

Because Ye Luo did not go to other places, but just stood here.

I didn’t see what he was doing.

Just suddenly, he closed his eyes. Then the power of the body began to explode, and it was the power of the king.

The Second King, the King of Gold.

His power has transformed the entire city.

Everything you see in front of you. All were illuminated by the light of gold.

For such a scene, the moon knife god dog lang is naturally not unfamiliar. Because he knows it.

This is a vision that belongs to the birth of the king.

But that’s an exaggeration.

Aren’t the other kings able to see change in this area, and won’t spread so far?

But this vision of Ye Luo was simply boundless in spread, and he couldn’t see the edge at a glance.

It’s almost like throwing people out of ten streets.

Looking at the history of the past, such a scene has never appeared.

Even the various kings of the past. When chosen to be king. There will be no change of this magnitude.

The surprised Night Knife God Dog had a complicated look, could it be that the three rounds of one word said the king, the king who controlled his own destiny.

Above all kings.

Is it the leaf falling?

According to the three rounds, it is to let him follow this king.


Not only Dog Lang, but all the people who saw this scene were in great shock, and the impact of such a change was not insignificant.

There are even some who see this change as a miracle.

Even those who saw this scene of the king’s power were narrowing their pupils, and they saw more than ordinary people.

The more amazed I am at this terrible power.

“What the hell is going on? Is this golden power the king of gold? ”

“But the power of the King of Gold we have also seen, absolutely not so powerful.” This has far surpassed all kings. ”

That is to say, far above the kings.

This moment. The Red King Zhou Fangzun suddenly remembered the previous prophecy.

There will be a king above the kings.

And make a difference like never before.

It turned out to be true.

Just by perceiving this power, you can know that the strength of the other party is far beyond them, and this new king is really too terrible.

Who, exactly, will it be?

I don’t know why, Zhou Fangzun’s mind appeared Ye Luo’s figure.

If it was the mysterious teenager, it was indeed very likely.

Then the truth of the matter is very simple.

The original king of gold, Guo Changlu Zhijue, must have passed away.

What is born now is a new king, a new king of gold.

And brought about this change.

More than one king thought of this answer.

Some kings fell silent, others gritted their teeth.

Because they had never seen such a powerful force, unfathomable, as if they were facing a vast sea.

But this force does not seem to come from the territorial direction of the Golden Clan, but from the other side of the city.

That is to say, the new King of Gold was not created by the people of the Golden Clan.

Or a new, new king on the outside.

That’s a good thing.


So I took the opportunity. The Green King, Bi Shui Liu, also led his clan members and began to launch a fierce attack on the territory of the Golden Clan.

Without the King of Gold, a King of Blue, he wouldn’t put it in his eyes.

At this time, the leaf fall, whose state was very mysterious and difficult to understand, was smiling at the Night Sword God Dog.

“Let’s go, there’s one more thing I haven’t done.”

“Now, it’s time to go and get that stuff back.”

At this moment, this power was magically merging with the power carried by Ye Luo itself, and it was constantly rising.

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