"Damn it!"

"Does he want to destroy this continent?!"

"No, we can't bear his strength at all, just the burst of oppression is almost suffocating me!"

"Run away, we are not qualified to watch the battle!"

All of a sudden, many ninjas came to their senses. Even if they were gathered so far away, they would be stunned by this sense of oppression.

Gotta get out of here fast.

Ever since, those people started to run in the opposite direction one after another.

This is horrible.

Who would have thought that Kenpachi's sense of oppressive explosion would actually frighten those ninja coalition forces to run back.


"This force is really strong!"

"Just accepting a small part, it has become so powerful that I feel that even this world can be split by me!"

"Uchiha Madara, you interesting guy, I have worked so hard to prepare to release this part of the power, don't back down!"

"Our fight is just about to begin!"

Kenpachi was so excited.

Because he felt the power in his body, even though it was only a small part of Reiatsu before Bankai 627, it was unexpectedly strong to this extent.

If I really release Bankai completely, will even this world be destroyed by him?

Still, for the sake of Madara, I'm worth it!

"Kenpachi, don't underestimate people!"

"I am Uchiha Madara!"

"To be able to have today's battle with you, you know what price I have paid!"

Facing Kenpachi's terrifying Reiatsu, Uchiha Madara's cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down.

However, he didn't want to give up.

Because, in order to gain the power to fight head-on with Kenpachi, he has paid too much price.

He lost the Uchiha clan.

Lost best friend and rival.

In fact, he lost his life and good years!

And all this is just to overcome his fear of Kenpachi and prove that he can realize Infinite Tsukuyomi's plan.

In this situation, Kenpachi has already used all his strength, so how can he just back down?

Come on Kenpachi!

Even if I lose my mind on the spot, I will never take a step back.

I want to prove that I can defeat you, and if I fail, it will only mean that I am not pure enough!

Facing me, my former defeated general, show me all your strength!


At this moment, the Reiatsu in Kenpachi's body was still exploding crazily. He seemed to have turned into a dark sun, making it impossible for anyone to see clearly.


"The tree world is coming!"

At this moment, Senju Hashirama shouted and directly released a wide range of Wood Style.

The aftermath of Kenpachi's previous battle was too great, and if he didn't find a way to do something, this battlefield might really be destroyed.

As a result, the powerful Wood Style created towering trees with a radius of hundreds of kilometers to tightly protect the ruined battlefield.

The Wood Style produced by this move is comparable to steel.

Should be able to block the shock wave.

Moreover, the range of this technique is very large and can protect many people.

Otherwise, Kenpachi's terrifying power may even directly cross this battlefield and affect the five major ninja villages in the outside world.

But in the next second...


Kenpachi's terrifying Reiatsu completely rose to a new height, and the strong shock tore the surrounding space apart.

The tree world created by Senju Hashirama came and was swept away like a storm.

All the trees with a radius of hundreds of kilometers were destroyed.


"You can't even do this (aeaj), Kenpachi, you will destroy this continent!"

Senju Hashirama is very helpless, because Kenpachi can't be stopped now, and that is in the next second.



All of a sudden, everyone on the battlefield felt that some terrifying monster was about to appear.

Immediately afterwards, they looked towards the sky, and then saw a scene that people will never forget.


For a moment, those people couldn't help sighing.

"Look, what is that?!"

Those who heard the shouts quickly followed the prestige to see what happened to Kenpachi, and no one was surprised.

"This... what is that?"

"This horrible sense of oppression?"

"Is this his true form?!"

"He has become stronger than before, how strong is he!"

"It's not that he is stronger, but that we are too weak! We are so weak that we have no chance to see his stronger history!

At this moment, everyone looked at Kenpachi blankly.

Because at this moment, Kenpachi stepped out of Reiatsu Uzumaki like a black hole.

At this time, his appearance changed very drastically.

Today's Kenpachi has a single horn on his forehead, and the skin all over his body is a blood red.

Although the body shape is still the same as before, the sense of oppression and Reiatsu is more than ten times stronger than Xeon.

You know, the Bankai of Kenpachi in the original book is very scary.

After Bankai, the biggest change is not Zanpakutō itself, but Kenpachi's strong physical fitness.

After fully Bankai, two demon horns will appear on his forehead, and the skin of his whole body will become like a ghost.

Even, Kenpachi's body will become several times stronger and taller than Xeon.

The scariest thing is that with Kenpachi in that state, his speed, strength, and Reiatsu will reach dozens of times.

Moreover, because Bankai is so powerful, Kenpachi himself will suffer strong backlash even if he is not careful.

However, in that state, Kenpachi, who is completely Bankai, is confused and unable to maintain his sanity.

They can only fight based on their fighting instincts, and cannot even distinguish between friends and foes.

But the current Kenpachi cannot be completely Bankai.

He has only forcibly liberated a small part of Bankai's power, about one-fifth.

In this way, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Although his current power is only ten times stronger than Shikai.

But now he can at least maintain his sanity and can fully control and use the power that is now bursting out.


"Long wait!"

For a moment, Kenpachi opened the corners of his mouth and blew out a stream of foul air. .

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