
"So this is your true form?!"

"It seems that we didn't really know you before, because even breathing in front of you is a sin for me!"

Looking at Kenpachi's demon-like form, Senju Hashirama muttered to himself.

It turned out that Kenpachi kept saying that he was doing his best.

That's just a lie!

In fact, they are so weak that they don't even have the power to see Kenpachi's true form.

But Senju Hashirama is still a frog in a well.

If you let him know that this is only one-fifth of the power of Kenpachi Bankai's form, I'm afraid his world view will collapse.

You might even feel that this is Infinite Tsukuyomi's world now.

Otherwise, in this ninja world with the Sage of Six Paths as the ceiling of combat power, how could there be such a strong man who is not in the same dimension.

"It's really a terrifying form!"

At this moment, Uchiha Madara also looked at Kenpachi in this form with incredible eyes, he was so powerful.

For a while, Uchiha Madara felt that even if he became the current Six Paths level, even standing in front of Kenpachi felt very ashamed.

Maybe this guy in front of him is already stronger than the original Sage of Six Paths?

This body is like a demon god.

Horror to the extreme, oppressive to suffocating black power.

Just feeling the black mist emanating from the air, I actually felt like I was going to be decapitated in the next second.


If you were born in the era of Ninja, maybe you can really become an existence to compete with Sage of Six Paths!

It was at this time that Kenpachi looked at Uchiha Madara and spoke.


"Don't back down!"

"Now, to be honest, I still can't fully grasp this power, and I can't volatilize it freely.

"If I'm not sure, it's really possible for me to go down and split this continent."

Kenpachi wasn't lying.

In this form, Zaraki Kenpachi in the original work directly crushed Gerrard in the Millennium Blood War chapter.

However, the opponent in front of me is Six Paths Madara!

Thinking of this, Kenpachi's eyes began to be full of fighting spirit and excitement.



For a moment, the ten times enlarged Reiatsu in his body began to steam uncontrollably, this is what happens when facing a powerful enemy.

"what happened?!"

"What the hell is he trying to do?"

"No way, he really wants to fight Uchiha Madara in this form?!"

At this moment, those ninja coalition forces felt Kenpachi's steaming killing intent and began to despair, they couldn't bear this sense of oppression at all.

At this time, only Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara.

"At the end of the day, it's the guy Madara..."

"Even facing Kenpachi in his current form, are you willing to put everything in your hands to fight?"

That's right!

Kenpachi is very strong indeed.

But Uchiha Madara dared to face the current Kenpachi. Does that mean that his strong heart is no weaker than Kenpachi.

That's right!

Kenpachi is also very aware of this, so even if he knew that this knife might kill Madara directly, he would never hold back.



At this moment, the aura on his body is surging.

Gradually, Kenpachi raised the huge Zanpakutō in his hand, holding the sword with both hands instead of one hand.

He raised the knife high above his head.

He was accumulating energy, and everyone seeing this scene seemed to feel that the whole world would be divided into two in the next second.


Uchiha Madara couldn't help swallowing.

He is now at the Six Paths level, but facing Kenpachi's momentum, he still feels the fear in his heart is surging uncontrollably.

"Suppress it! My fear!"

"Kenpachi! Do it!"

"No matter how frightened I am, I will not back down. I want to witness your most powerful strength with my own eyes. I will endure it with all my strength, and even defeat you!"

At this moment, Uchiha Madara is already supporting himself with everything.

Because Kenpachi is too powerful.


"Open it for me!"

At this moment, Kenpachi finally charged up and swung his knife forward, the giant blade descending from top to bottom.


At this moment, a completely different sword pressure took shape instantly.

During Shikai, Kenpachi's sword pressure was mixed with red Reiatsu, but at this moment Kenpachi's Reiatsu was completely turned into black ink like ink.

0...seeking flowers0

The jet-black Reiatsu soared into the sky, forming a sword pressure that pierced into the sky, at least a few thousand meters in length.

At this moment, countless ninjas closed their eyes uncontrollably.

They could only feel the strong shock coming, making them unable to breathe air at all.

Senju Hashirama wanted to open his eyes.

But he couldn't do it.

What a pity!

Obviously want to experience the slash beyond this dimension.

But at this moment, he couldn't even open his eyes.

At this moment, he can only feel that the entire battlefield is tumbling, and countless cracks are spreading from the ground.

But if he can open his eyes to see, maybe he will be directly overturned three views.


Because at this moment, this sword pressure enough to split the world didn't just appear on this battlefield, but could be clearly seen on the entire continent.

As long as they are standing on this road, standing in this ninja world, they all feel a strong sense of oppression at this moment.

Kingdom of Fire!

"That is..."

"What is that?!"

"How could this be, what is that dark thing?!"

"Isn't that the direction of the battlefield? That black thing seems to split the entire ninja world!"

At this moment, the numerous ninja villages in the land of fire, whether it is Konoha, grass ninja village or other ninja villages, all clearly saw the terrifying scene.

That huge sword pressure as black as ink appeared directly in the direction of the battlefield, and even people in the entire Fire Kingdom could see it.

At the same time, it is not just the country of destruction.

At this moment, the other five ninja kingdoms also looked in the direction of the battlefield.

Countless ninjas and civilians couldn't help but fell to the ground in the direction of the oppressive feeling.

What happened to this fight?!

What happened to this ninja world?!

Could it be that the ninja world will be destroyed today?!

At this moment, Kenpachi is on the battlefield.


The huge pressure of the sword blew away all the air, tearing everything along the way and bombarding in the direction of Uchiha Madara.

The deafening explosion resounded through the entire battle history. .

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