People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 166: Feel The Changes In The Soul And Enter Taoshi’S Wedge Seal Space!

For Boruto, Ada just gave the evaluation of cuteness.

Besides, she also wants to leave Boruto for Cawdor to feed Ten Tails.

"It seems to be a trading site for buying and selling people... These two people are crazy!!"

Bagu on the side trembled when he heard this.

Carefully watching the conversation between the two, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Right now, the Five Great Ninja Villages have begun to search for Cod's whereabouts.

However, all this information was possessed by Ada.

As long as she was around, Cawdor would never be found.

"Let's have a drink! Please take care of me, Ada!"

Calder was glad that he had found a good helper and raised a glass to show his goodwill to Ada.

"Please take care of me, Calder...I'm counting on you. 17

Ada was also very fond of Cawdor.

The two clinked glasses and formally formed an alliance.

Kenpachi is still familiar with the effects of soul evolution.

A pure and flawless soul brings countless benefits to Kenpachi.

As he immersed himself in it, the range of his perception continued to expand.

My thoughts seem to be integrated with this world.

He can clearly sense the Chakra of every life.

Then lock precisely.

Perception spread outward from the room he was in.

He can sense every plant and tree around him, and any movement.

In his mind, the world seemed to have become a patchwork of light spots of different sizes.

Every point of light represents a life.

Insects crawling in the yard, various animals in the forest.

The emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy emanating from the villagers can also be clearly felt.

"This feeling of sensing all things is quite good."

Kenpachi also opened his eyes at this time.

Under the influence of the huge spiritual power, all illusions and escape techniques are in vain.

And under his exploration, his ability seems to be able to get rid of the Ōtsutsuki in Boruto's body.

While thinking about it, the figure disappeared and headed towards Boruto's location.

He already knew Boruto's location from his previous perception.

In a forest.

Boruto was currently practicing ninjutsu with Kawaki.

He did not dare to take the hidden dangers in his body lightly for a moment.

Only by making yourself stronger through practice can you have a chance to find a solution.


Kenpachi's body appeared on a nearby branch.

"Hey, Boruto, come here." "

The sudden sound startled Boruto and Kawaki.

The two of them didn't sense the arrival of anyone else at all.

And the sound just appeared suddenly.

The two of them looked warily towards the direction from which the sound came.

"Kenpachi-sama? What do you want from me?"

Seeing that it was Kenpachi who came, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

However, in front of this powerful being, Boruto did not dare to be disrespectful in any way.

He looked confused but asked respectfully.

They had already understood Master Kenpachi's character from Naruto's mouth.

He is keen on fighting and enjoys the thrill of fighting.

Nothing else could attract his attention.

So I was quite surprised by Kenpachi's arrival.

"Boruto, isn't there a Ōtsutsuki in your body?"

“Let me see if I can get him out.

"Kenpachi-sama, do you have any idea?"

Hearing Kenpachi's words, Boruto instantly showed an expression of joy.

After all, Wei's existence made him very concerned.

"Then let's start quickly!"

Kenpachi held Boruto's hand.

Touching the wedge in his palm.

Suddenly, he felt a familiar soul breath in the wedge.

It is the aura of the Ōtsutsuki clan who have fought against each other many times.

"Got you."

Kenpachi's lips twitched into a smile.

Then he increased his mental strength and rushed into the wedge.

In the wedged space, Taoshi sat there quietly.

His eyes were closed tightly, like a statue.

But the moment Kenpachi's soul entered.

His eyes opened instantly, showing an incredible expression.

"How is it possible? Who came in?"

Logically speaking, only the owner of the wedge can enter the space marked by the wedge.

But today Taoshi's wedge was actually broken into.

This is the first time, perhaps the entire Tentsumu clan has never encountered such a situation.

In Taoshi's surprised and uncertain eyes, a figure slowly appeared here.

"Is this the space of wedge seal?"

As the words came out, Taoshi's pupils widened.

It turned out to be the person who fought with Yi Shi not long ago.

His powerful Tao Shi can be felt, even Wu was defeated by his hands.

But it is impossible to enter here just by being strong.

Looking at Kenpachi, he finally felt something was wrong.

"You...your soul?"

A huge pressure suddenly appeared around Momoshiki.

Under such pressure, he actually felt fear in his heart.

You know, the Ōtsutsuki clan is plundering the universe.

They have long positioned themselves as a clan of gods.

Their existence is that of high gods.

Therefore, we have always treated life in general in the world with contempt.

But when he faced Kenpachi, he had the mentality of a subordinate.

It's as if Kenpachi is a higher level creature.

Taoshi found that his soul was so solid.

It was a very strange feeling.

The glance is no different from that of ordinary people, but once you look closely, it seems to be pulled into the universe.

The deep and endless spirit almost caused Momoshiki's mind to collapse.

"`~How can one person have such vast spiritual power!"

Momoshiki couldn't believe it at all.

Kenpachi also observed his soul.

In his eyes, Taoshi's soul was very strange.

With his current mental strength (Zhao Li's), he could have easily explored the memories in Tao Shi's head.

But he discovered it under his observation.

There is a very mysterious force protecting Tao Shi's memory.

Even Kenpachi couldn't see through this power.

Could it be that someone’s soul power has reached my level?

Or more powerful than yourself?

Wanting to fight here, Kenpachi almost jumped with excitement.

Sure enough, this universe is not that simple.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Taoshi came back to her senses, but the disbelief in her eyes still did not dissipate.

He clearly didn't feel such oppression when he was in a different space that day.

Why did this happen in such a short period of time?

Momoshiki felt like she was dust, and Kenpachi in front of her was like a sun.

The difference is beyond words.

Even the mental body shed a drop of cold sweat in fear. .

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