People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 167 The Peach-Style Soul Body Dies, And Boruto's Wedge Seal Disappears

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are going to die!"

A smile appeared on Kenpachi's lips.

Then his eyes widened, and his vast spiritual power pressed towards Momoshiki's location.

Momoshiki won't sit still and wait for death.

He gritted his teeth and forced down the fear in his heart.

Under tremendous pressure, he launched his own attack.

The body flashes and the left hand clenches a fist.

He swung hard at Kenpachi's body.


Taoshi opened her eyes wide with an incredible expression.

how so?

He concentrated all his strength on the attack, but Kenpachi didn't even dodge.

The fist hit him firmly.

But the result was unexpected.

The fist seemed to hit a solid rock.

It didn't even cause any damage.

Kenpachi's hand instantly reached out and grabbed Momoshiki's wrist.

The gap in spiritual strength between the two is too huge.

Then he smashed Taoshi down hard.


With just a few clicks, the bounce rate can be drastically reduced.

"Those who die should die honestly!"

Drawing out Zanpakutō with his right hand, spiritual power condensed on the blade.

In Taoshi's eyes, it seemed like a sun appeared in front of her.

Just looking at it makes me tremble all over.

My whole body seemed to have lost all strength.

As the light became brighter and brighter, it filled the surrounding area.

Kenpachi moved smoothly across Momoshiki's body.

In Taoshi's frightened eyes.

Everything around seemed frozen.

next second.

A crack appeared in his body.

"Ah~ I'm not willing to give in!"

As the cracks grew larger, Taoshi's body began to collapse.

Soon it was completely wiped out.

After Tao Shi's death, the stencil space began to vibrate continuously.

"It looks like this place is about to collapse."

Look at the space around you that is constantly breaking and disappearing.

Kenpachi's figure slowly disappeared and left here.

The spiritual body returns to the external body.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Boruto waving his arms.

He fell to the ground struggling in pain.

"Boruto, what's wrong with you?"

Kawaki on the side saw this happening.

I was anxious and didn't know what to do.

Seeing Kenpachi open his eyes, he hurried forward to ask.

"Kenpachi-sama, nothing will happen to Boruto, right?"

"It's okay. Momoshiki's soul has been destroyed by me. It should be fine soon."

Kenpachi explained calmly.

Sure enough, with Boruto screaming in pain.

The wedge marks on his body began to gradually disappear.

After a while.

He stopped shouting.

The wedge mark on his arm had completely disappeared with Momoshiki's death.

And Boruto also passed out.

Kenpachi brought Boruto and Kawaki to Naruto.

In the conference room.

Naruto and Shikamaru were discussing how to deal with Kaud.


The conference room door was opened.

Naruto turned to look.

Boruto fell into a coma, causing Naruto's pupils to shrink.

"Kenpachi-sama, what happened to Boruto?"

At this time Naruto noticed Kenpachi and Kawaki next to him.

He hurried forward to ask.

When it was learned that Momoshiki in Boruto's body had been eliminated.

His face was so excited that he couldn't speak.

"Thank you so much!"

Kenpachi didn't care much, he just wanted to try his abilities.

After handing Boruto to Naruto, he turned and returned to his room.

As soon as Kenpachi left, Naruto quickly called Amado.

Ask him to help check Boruto's physical condition.

After Amado's comprehensive inspection.

The Boruto situation has been identified.

There is nothing wrong with the body, it's just excessive use of mental power that leads to coma.

You can recover after resting for a while.

In the mental battle between Momoshiki and Kenpachi, Boruto's mental power (abc) was inevitably extracted.

As the wedge disappears, it also loses the support of strength.

That's why Boruto is unconscious.


Only now did Naruto finally let out a long breath.

As a father, I see that my son may become another person at any time.

He felt very uncomfortable.

After Master Kenpachi's intervention, Momoshiki's hidden danger was finally eliminated.

The stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

after one day.

Kawaki, who was guarding the hospital bed, felt movement.

Turning his head to look, Boruto slowly opened his eyes on the bed.

"Where am I?"

Seeing Boruto wake up, Kawaki surprised Naruto and others.

After a while.

There were people all around.

Naruto, Hinata, Mitsuki, etc.

"I remember Kenpachi-sama coming to help me remove the wedge seal, and then I felt severe pain in my arm, and then passed out.

As he was speaking, his eyes saw the palm of his hand.

The mark that disgusted him was gone.

"is this real?"

He looked around with incredible eyes.

Everyone is happy for Boruto in their hearts.

"That's right, Momoshiki was really eliminated this time.

Boruto still needs training now, so everyone left.

Kawaki was left to continue to look after him.

At this time, Kenpachi returned to the room.

"I didn't expect this soul evolution to have such an effect?"

Sitting on the bed, thinking about the process of eliminating Momoshiki.

He feels there is still a lot that can be developed.

Momoshiki is now solved.

Only Kaud was left who was still hiding.

After all this is over, you can leave and go to the universe.

Thinking of this, Kenpachi couldn't help but feel a little excited.

The power seen in Ōtsutsuki Momoshi's mind.

He must be a very powerful person.

For me now, ordinary people simply cannot attract my interest.

Too weak.

But this time in a remote base.

Ada explained the information to Calder incredulously.

"The wedge on Boruto has disappeared!"

Calder's expression also became serious.

By means of Ōtsutsuki Ishiki left behind.

He clearly felt that Momoshiki's soul disappeared.

"How could this happen? How did they do it?"

"It was Kenpachi who took action. Does he still have such ability?"

Although not in Konoha, but relying on Ada's ability.

They have information on what happened to Boruto.

What to do next to complete the plan.

It's time to plan carefully.

The two continued to discuss.

With the existence of Kenpachi in Konoha, it has become very difficult to capture Amado head-on.

An opportunity must be found. .

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