People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 178: Departure ŌTsutsuki Clan, Encounter Star Devourer On The Way!

People who haven't recovered from the last shock.

It didn't take long.

There was another violent explosion.

The events that happened today have left everyone in this world at a loss.

At this time, Kenpachi and Koshiki stood side by side in the sky outside.

The sacred tree in front of him began to wither little by little.

Withered branches fell to the ground.

Turn into powder.

After a while, the entire sacred tree had turned into fly ash.

The world has also calmed down again.

"I have discovered a great power in the souls of your Ōtsutsuki clan."

"Where are the strong men of your Ōtsutsuki clan? I'm going to fight them."

Kenpachi turned his head and asked Hikari who was standing beside him.

Came here just by accident.

He himself wants to find the strong in the universe to fight.

As a member of the Ōtsutsuki family, Hikari should have some seats in the universe.

That's what Kenpachi wants the most right now.

The spaceship appears again, enter the set coordinates.

"Start successfully!"

An electronic sound came, and the spaceship slowly left this world.

According to the light formula.

Their family has a supreme ancestor.

He possesses eyes that surpass Rinnegan and Tenseigan.

It’s called the pure eye.

And every Ōtsutsuki born is given a power.

That energy has no offensive effect.

It's just that the information in their minds can be protected from being leaked.

That's what Kenpachi saw in Peach Spirit back then.

The reason why Hikari would tell him so happily.

There is also hope!

If he can destroy the Ōtsutsuki clan, he can live in peace.

With the coordinates provided by Guangshi, you can go directly through the wormhole.

There was no direction before, and I could only fly aimlessly.

Now you can constantly travel through space.

Greatly reduced sailing time.

a month later.


The spacecraft's intelligence began to buzz.

"What happened? Have you arrived at the Ōtsutsuki clan?"

Kenpachi asked as he stood up while basking in the sun.

"Not yet, I found a star devouring beast ahead, do I need to go around?"

Following Kenpachi's question, the spaceship immediately explained the situation.

With a wave of his hand.

A projection appeared in front of him.

The inside of the projection shows the situation outside.

I saw a giant beast entrenched in front.

The body is as huge as a planet.

His whole body was covered by huge meteorite chunks.

It has six legs and two tails.

The whole body is curled up together.

From a distance, it seems to have turned into a planet.

The spaceship was as small as dust in front of him.

This is a creature that lives by devouring planets.

Like the Ōtsutsuki clan, they plunder life everywhere.

It's just that there is no wisdom, and most of the time is spent in deep sleep.

Kenpachi's eyes showed excitement.

I didn't expect there to be such a species.

The size alone is enough to give people a sense of oppression.

If it weren't for the detection of the spacecraft, no one would have thought of it.

The thing that looks like a planet in front of me will be a living thing.

His heart was burning again.

Turned around and walked out of the hatch.

“It would be nice to have an appetizer before reaching the Ōtsutsuki clan!”

Standing in the universe, the feeling of suffocation is slightly uncomfortable.

But it's not a problem.

He tilted his head and stretched his muscles.

It's a knife attack on the Star Devouring Beast.

The casual attack hit the body heavily.

But there was no sound coming out.

There is a vacuum in the universe, so sound cannot be transmitted.

But Kenpachi is too small in comparison.

Attacking the top will only knock down some meteorite blocks.

It has no effect at all.

It didn't even startle.

Still hanging there quietly.

"He is indeed a good opponent!"

Seeing this scene, Kenpachi was even more excited.

Whole body Reiatsu bursts.

"Bankai, Takumi!"

The body changes and strength begins to grow.

Holding the sword tightly with both hands, the dark sword pressure continued to condense and expand.

Along with the blade, there was a dark light.

Small cracks began to appear on the side, looming.

With a loud roar, the arm muscles tightened.

A huge sword that almost connected the sky and the earth shot out.

It slashed at one of the Star Devouring Beast's legs.

0…please give me flowers

So fast, almost in the blink of an eye.

The moment of contact, it directly triggered an explosion.

A large number of meteorite blocks were crushed and wiped out.

Under this attack, its outer layer of defense seemed to be made of paper.

It was broken directly.

The sword pressure soon collided with the main body.

Unexpectedly, his body is tougher than the meteorite.

The first attack did not break through.

Fortunately, the accumulated energy is enough.

Under the crazy cutting of the sword.

Finally broke through the defense of the star devouring beast.

A large amount of blood was scattered in space.

Even though it's just a small wound.

But he was too big for his size.

A little bit of blood flowed out, in Kenpachi's eyes.

It's like a river of blood.

Rolling in.

This attack finally woke up this huge beast.


A roar came clearly into Kenpachi's mind.

Obviously the universe has no sound!

How is this going?

But in an instant Kenpachi understood.

This was not a sound, but the huge mental power of the Star-Eating Beast, which directly transmitted the roar to his mind.

The planet in front of me began to stretch.

Head, limbs, tail.

Keep appearing in front of you.

Soon, the awakened giant beast stood completely in front of Kenpachi.

For a giant beast, Kenpachi's body is too small.

in his sleep.

It didn't care about the initial attack.

After all, it is normal for it to occasionally encounter collisions with meteorites as it wanders in the universe.

It won't wake up because of such a small matter.

But the subsequent attack made it feel injured.

This is an incredible thing.

Since its birth, it has been going straight all the way.

Eat whatever you want.

Never had an injury.

But it also knew what was being attacked.

So it wakes up!

Waking up, it glanced around.

There was a puzzled expression in his eyes.


It didn't reach down to look until it felt a strong breath coming from below.

A creature as small as dust stood there. .

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