People In The Ninja World: I, Zaraki Kenpachi, Was Killed By Impure World Reincarnation During The F

Chapter 179: Fierce Battle, The Terrifying Physical Power Of The Star Devouring Beast!

Looking at the tiny creature in front of him, doubts appeared in his big eyes.

Among the planets he devoured before, there were many planets with life.

But I have never seen such a strong aura.

Those lives are like ants.

Not even bothering to take a look.

But what he saw in front of him caught his attention.

How can such a small body contain such powerful energy?

This is an incredible thing for it.

Kenpachi stared at it as well.

I have used a lot of force just now, but did it just scratch the skin?

It is indeed a creature that can survive in the universe.

Kenpachi felt the blood in his body boil.

This is the first time to fight such a giant beast.

But I never refuse a challenge!

Reiatsu exploded again.

"One Zero Zero" dodged and jumped, slashing at the Star Devouring Beast continuously.

Just when the Star Devouring Beast was stunned, dozens of wounds had been cut on its chest.

Although it is very small compared to its size.

But Kenpachi's actions angered it completely.

How can humans allow ants to bite them?


A loud roar came into his mind again.

It moved.

A paw smacked down at Kenpachi.

It looks very slow, but it actually comes at an extremely fast speed.

Kenpachi held the sword with both hands and slashed forward.

The claws and blade collided instantly.

The next moment.

Kenpachi felt an extremely powerful force coming from the blade.

As soon as he made contact, his body was already shot away.

At that moment, it was like a person being hit by a high-speed train.

As the body flew back, it kept hitting meteorites flying around.

One meteorite after another was smashed into pieces.

His strength exploded again and he finally stabilized his body.

"What a powerful force!"

He rarely meets people with similar or even greater strength than him.

This experience is really great!

Kenpachi couldn't help but laugh wildly.

Then his body flashed and he rushed towards the Star Devouring Beast again.

And the Star Devouring Beast once again had a doubtful look in its eyes.

Is this creature okay?

Not even injured.

When he was devouring the planet, there were so many creatures that were almost as small as him.

will be under his attack.

Easily crushed to death.

There is no sane star-devouring beast, and even if you think about it, you can't figure out why.

Unable to tolerate its confusion, Kenpachi's attack came again.

Kenpachi's attacks became more violent and crazy.

Being small is sometimes an advantage, being extremely fast and constantly moving around.

It was difficult for the Star Eater to clearly capture his figure.

But it didn't care, after all, the area covered by one of his paws was overwhelming.

This small-scale movement has no impact at all.

Kenpachi's arms kept waving at an extremely fast speed, and afterimages appeared one after another.

Almost instantly.

Dozens or hundreds of sword pressures emitted terrifying energy fluctuations.

Continuously slashing at the body of the Star Devouring Beast.

Because it likes to curl up into a ball when sleeping.

So its belly wants to be a little weaker.

Kenpachi is also keenly aware of this.

All these sword pressures were directed towards the abdomen.

The Star Devouring Beast has already felt the huge power contained in these attacks.

Don't dare to pick it up easily.

The four front paws crossed quickly.

Block the attack.

But this time it wasn't so easy.

Although the abdomen is firmly protected.

But both claws were still scratched by the pressure of the sword.

One of the fingers was shattered.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the wound.

This time it felt the pain clearly.

Then the angry Star Eater beast smacked it down with one claw.

Even though it had been shot away before.

But Kenpachi is not one to back down.

Seeing the giant claws coming, the excitement in his eyes became even higher.

He raised his knife and chopped at it.

Not surprisingly.

The body was knocked away again at a faster speed than when it came.

This feeling is extremely pleasurable for Kenpachi.

The giant claw flew away.

Stabilize your body and charge again.

It seemed like nothing could knock down his fighting spirit.

Every claw attack felt like the sky was being blocked.

Countless meteorites were smashed around.

As time went by, the Star Devourer suffered more and more wounds.

Blood almost flooded Kenpachi's surroundings....

Roar! Roar!

The pain caused by the injury kept making it roar.

It is extremely angry now.

After such a long time, he couldn't crush the bug in front of him.

Instead, he suffered more and more injuries.

If it continues like this, it will definitely be consumed to death.

Although its IQ is not high, it is warned by instinct.

It also clearly understood that if it could not kill him, it would definitely die.

Slap Kenpachi away again.

The body stopped.

In the distance, Kenpachi watched as Star Eater didn't continue to attack.

He also stopped and stabilized his breathing.

The attack of the Star Eater Beast is not so easy to resist.

Even Bankai's Kenpachi has extremely strong physical defense.

It also continued to break and heal under this attack.

Blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.

Feeling the taste of blood, his eyes became even crazier.

The aura throughout the body continued to surge.

The more you fight, the braver you become.

The dark Reiatsu surrounds the surroundings, making it look strange in such an environment.

The body of the Star Eater Beast began to glow red.

The hair all over his body also began to turn red.

The terrifying energy aura spreads in this universe.

"Good guy, are you going to use a trick?"

Seeing this scene, Kenpachi knew that it was ready to release its ultimate move.

Before, it relied on its physical body to continuously blow away the sword 1.28.

But although Kenpachi is small, his speed is as fast as Ultimate.

So much so that the huge Star Devouring Beast seemed a bit bloated in his eyes.

As a result, it succeeded repeatedly, leaving wounds on its body.

Look at the red light that is constantly emitting from the body of the Star Eater Beast.

Kenpachi didn't hesitate at all.

Hold the Zanpakutō with both hands.

Slowly raising it above his head, Reiatsu began to explode wildly.

This time he used the power of the soul.

With the increase of divine soul.

A chain reaction began to occur within the sword pressure.

In just a few seconds.

The energy contained begins to grow geometrically.

A sword pressure greater than the Star Devourer's body was generated at an extremely fast speed.

Not only is it huge, even the energy contained in it has been condensed and compressed. .

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