Kenpachi seemed to be able to see the smile on the little octopus prince's mouth.

It seemed that he had really been tricked by such a little person, and Kenpachi was really helpless about such a thing.

That such a small thing could secretly plot against him really made him feel heartbroken.

The "127" who stretched out his hand directly carried such a small octopus prince. After shaking from side to side in front of Kenpachi a few times, he said bitterly.

"Just a little thing like you, dare to plot against me like this, you really amaze me.

And I just discovered now that after a little thing like you signed a contract with me, your self-awakening ability has recovered somewhat.

Now I can see it clearly. It turns out that you giant octopus families have to sign a contract with some other races before you can awaken your own energy.

Otherwise, you people of the octopus family can only be an ordinary octopus, and I really didn't think of it.

I will be the first choice for you people. It seems that you are completely helpless now, and if you don't choose me now.

Then if your entire race is not good, it may be real. Perish here, your so-called Tata star tours.

In fact, it’s just a gimmick you guys are looking for. If I can really send you back to Star Tata, can you also cancel this contract with me?

What we are signing now is a master-servant contract. If I forcibly terminate the contract with you, there is no problem at all. I will just suffer some backlash.

But if you want to terminate the contract with me, then you will have to pay the price of your life, or suffer major trauma.

What I said is right, you people really underestimate me, since you want to sign a contract with me, then just say so.

There is no need to say these useless nonsense here, and there is no need to cover up here, your current behavior really makes me feel bursts of anger

Since you little one has signed a contract with me, then you can go to my little world. "

After Kenpachi finished speaking, he threw the octopus prince directly with his hand, and he threw the octopus prince into his own space. There is an ocean in such a small world, and the octopus prince just happened to be thrown into the ocean.

Kenpachi looked at the platform in front of him, there were so many giant crystals, stretched out his hand and sucked them at them, and these crystals were directly moved from the platform to its portable space.

The leader of the giant octopus looked at Kenpachi's magical skills at this time, and he was also surprised by 0.9. At the same time, he was really secretly glad that the ability of this person he found casually was so powerful.

And he has already signed a contract with his prince, so their giant octopus family will no longer be afraid from now on. There is a danger of genocide.

One of the tentacles of the giant octopus leader lightly touched Kenpachi's forehead. .

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