A burst of golden light flashed. There are many things about these giant octopuses in Kenpachi's mind, and these inheritances have let him know clearly in an instant.

"Octopus leader, what do you mean? After you guys send this octopus prince away from here, will all of you be buried with him?

Or are you people really wanting to destroy the entire race? You must know that I may not be able to send him to Star Tata.

And now he has become my contracted beast, think about it, there is still hope for your entire race, so there is no need to let your entire race perish for those so-called things, you can understand what I said, right? 04

So you people don't have to be sad in that age, if there is something really going on, you people can also become smaller.

Then you follow me time. So you people don’t have to be sad in that age. If something really happened, you people too,

If you can get smaller then you follow me. Let's go to my little world together, so we can live with your octopus prince, what do you think?"

The giant octopus leader has already thought of a countermeasure as long as he can give this octopus prince to them as a gift.

As for the rest of the octopus clan, they can do whatever they want, not to mention that they have now reached a state of endless loop, and they can't do any tricks at all.

And these people are very strong now, regardless of whether they are all very strong, but this is just their appearance.

They have already decayed inside, and their bodies have long been unable to support their huge bodies, so now this octopus leader.

It looks very ferocious, but he has no strength at all at this time, and this octopus prince is also the last little octopus of their octopus family who escaped from prison.

And he can be said to have exhausted all the abilities of the entire octopus family, and all the energy of the octopus family has been contained in this octopus prince.

Kenpachi didn't know what happened to the octopus family, but he could tell that the giant octopus looked old at this time.

The octopus leader really didn't expect Kenpachi to say such words, and he was really moved.

But these octopuses are absolutely not allowed to do this.

If they follow the octopus prince to the small world of Kenpachi, it is equivalent to robbing their own prince 020 for resources.

These people have already lived for so many years, and they have already put life and death aside. It is their last energy to be able to give birth to the current octopus prince.

So these octopuses have already reached a consensus, as long as the octopus prince can leave them, everyone will die here, and they will not hesitate.

And their octopus tears are the impasse of their energy, and a whole layer of octopus tears is laid under this lake.

In addition to what Kenpachi took for him, this huge energy down here is enough for them to survive for a while. .

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