Then, after pondering for a while, the chairman looked at Dai Yunong and said softly, “Where exactly does Su Yun live now?”
“It seems to be the No. 74 house in Xingdao-ri!”
Dai Yunong quickly replied that he knew about Su Yun before, after all, he was collecting intelligence.
Su Yun’s sudden rise in the business world, and so many big moves, he has also paid attention.
The chairman nodded, and then asked: “Is there any servants in the house?”
“Not yet.”
Dai Yunong answered truthfully.
“If Su Yun recruits people, let your people sneak in, and then send someone to sneak in, become his driver, and sneak into his company.”
When the chairman said this, his lips twitched slightly and said: “To the extent that there is someone close to him around him 24 hours a day, no matter what emergencies happen.Well, you can all handle it. ”
Dai Yunong raised his eyebrows and immediately understood what the chairman meant.
If such a person makes any mistakes and mistakes, the consequences will be unimaginable, and I am afraid they will suffer the thunder and wrath of the chairman.
Dai Yunong straightened his body and saluted the chairman, his eyes focused on the chairman, his eyes burning.
“Please rest assured, the principal. The students are willing to issue a military order. If Mr. Su makes any mistakes, I am willing to make amends and apologize.”
His tone is sonorous and powerful, impassioned, revealing word by word, and there is no room for falsehood at all.
Chapter 56: A heart that is not a capitalist
The next morning, it was snowing in Jinling, and Su Yun drove to Xinyue Restaurant for breakfast.
“It’s too much trouble to run around every day, you have to find some servants.”
Su Yun thought to himself that it would not be a problem to go back and forth to Xinyue Restaurant every day. He had to drive there every day to have a meal, and now in winter, the road is not easy to walk.
Just in time, I can take this opportunity to find some servants and recruit some more chefs by the way.
At this time, Liang Hui came to Xinyue Restaurant, and then came to Su Yun and said, “Boss, let me report on the road construction.”
“Tell me~”
Su Yun said while eating breakfast.
“The roads from the cement factory and the gravel factory to the construction site outside the city have been built. At present, the construction site outside the city has already found some drivers who are using trucks to transport construction materials, but the highway still needs you to check and pay after”
Liang Hui looked at Su Yun and said.
“Okay, let’s have breakfast.”
Su Yun nodded. Thinking of the highway, he remembered something. The traffic conditions in the Republic of China seem to be bad, right? You said that if you scattered your factories in various places, and built roads everywhere in order to facilitate the connection of factories, is this an investment?
After breakfast in three or two, he drove Liang Hui to the outside of the city.
“Bah, ah, ah!”
As soon as Su Yun arrived at the construction site, he heard the roar of a truck in the distance. When Su Yun looked around, he saw the previously delivered truck, which had been driven by the truck driver and started to transport various construction materials.
The backs of these trucks are loaded with building materials, and it is very oppressive when driving on the road.
Trucks come and go galloping down the newly constructed wide roads.
Every truck brings building materials, and workers will quickly put down the building materials after they are delivered to the place.
“not bad.”
Su Yun nodded with a smile on his face, which he was very satisfied with.
After Su Yun found a place to park, he got out of the car. At this time, the person in charge of the construction team from the Ministry of Communications recognized Su Yun’s car and stepped forward.
“Boss Su, hello, I’m Li Wu, the head of the construction team of the Ministry of Communications. I wonder if you’re still satisfied with the roads you’ve built?”
Some thin middle-aged construction team leaders asked Su Yun respectfully.
At the same time, many people behind him looked at Su Yun, who were also workers of the construction team, with simple and honest smiles on their faces.
“Very satisfied, how much is the total cost of the project before and after?”
Su Yun said with a smile that these roads were built quite well, and he didn’t seem to notice any bumps.
“This project is not that large. We have only completed it in a month or two. If you give a cost price, three thousand oceans will suffice.”
Li Wu scratched his head and said with a smile, his eyes looked very clear.
Su Yun frowned slightly when he heard the words. He glanced at the construction team building the road. There were not many people in the construction team.
And there are actually quite a few of these roads. Many factories of building materials have obtained this construction site, but it is not just a cement factory, but a sand and gravel factory.
“A month or two…”
Su Yun began to calculate in his heart that so many roads were constructed together, and the quality and quantity must be guaranteed. Judging from the number of construction teams, it would normally take two or three months.
But they repaired it within a month or two, and during this period, I am afraid that they would be working overtime every “743” days.
Thinking of this, Su Yun directly waved his hand and said loudly: “What three thousand, the migrant workers brothers who build roads also have to support their families. This is another big winter, and I will give 10,000 to the ocean.”
He made a rough estimate in his mind that the cost price was indeed about 3,000 oceans. Generally, to make money, the cost of 3,000 would charge about 6,000 to 7,000 oceans.
“Don’t, Boss Su, just give 3,000, you give 10,000, I won’t be able to deal with the minister when I go back!”
Li Wu was stunned for a moment and almost cried. Although he was only a non-staff member of the Ministry of Communications, he was still there anyway.
This time, when I came out to collect money from Su Yun, the minister made three orders.
Su Yun looked at Li Wudao strangely: “Why don’t you pay more? Don’t you think there is too much money?”
Hearing that, Li Wu hurriedly explained: “The minister has ordered, if I charge you 10,000 yuan, I can’t go back to the minister!”
Su Yun blinked, the Minister of Transportation has given such an order? cost only?
When he wanted to speak, his eyes swept over the migrant workers who were eager to look at him, and he couldn’t help but raise his head slightly to look at them.
With a simple and honest smile, a thin body, and some tattered cotton-padded clothes, an inexplicable emotion welled up in his heart.
Looking up slightly, looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky, reaching out to catch a few snowflakes, the cold feeling is fleeting in the fingers.
Looking at them again, Su Yun has mixed feelings in his heart. The people in this world who should not be treated badly are these migrant workers, these workers!
Watching them run for survival in this cold and freezing weather.
Some people even trembled slightly under the cold wind.
“Sure enough, it is easy to deceive others, but difficult to deceive yourself!”
Su Yun smiled bitterly in his heart and looked at Li Wu.
“Since you only charge the cost of 3,000 oceans, then I’ll give you 3,000. It’s just that I giveThey are subsidized for food, subsidized in winter, you will not refuse it, right? ”
Su Yun couldn’t say that he directly sent 7,000 oceans to the migrant workers. This is illegal. These workers built roads for him, and he gave him food subsidies and winter cold subsidies. This is not a violation of the law.
“This matter has nothing to do with us, Mr. Su is free.”
Li Wu laughed, and Su Yun nodded.
“Ding Yan, go to Qiantong’s place to support 7,000 oceans as a food subsidy and cold subsidy for these migrant workers.”
Ding Yan didn’t speak, turned around and ran into the city, entered the city and stopped a rickshaw to rush to Xinyue Restaurant.
The joy on the faces of the more than 300 migrant workers could not be concealed no matter what. The three thousand oceans in Li Wu’s place could be divided into three or four pieces of ocean. After all, it was impossible for Li Wu to give them all the three thousand oceans. And materials, etc.
But there are 7,000 oceans here. There are about 300 of them, and each of them can divide more than 20 pieces of ocean. This is enough to make them feel at ease for a good year, and even the next few months can be a little easier.
Looking at the happy smiles on their faces, Su Yun showed a smile on his face.
Migrant workers don’t ask much, they just want to survive and live a better life. They are the most demanding people in the world.
He did this to lose money and gave them a few thousand oceans, so what’s the point? In front of his millions, or even nearly 10 million tasks, he is not even a drop in the bucket.
He couldn’t bear to exploit these lovely people, let alone treat them with a mean attitude.
They are all flesh and blood, like mothers and fathers, living people.
They also have a family, old and young.
Regardless of the severe cold, I work hard in the cold weather, just to have a full meal, just to live a better life, that’s all!
He can’t exploit them like those factory owners! The bosses of those factories can’t wait to keep them working 24 hours a day, like robots.
These migrant workers have low incomes and poor family conditions, and their children have no money to go to school.
Wherever they make money, they clearly sell their own lives, and every piece of ocean they harvest is covered with their blood and sweat.
“I’m not a saint, but I don’t want to exploit them.”
Su Yun thought in his heart, whether people are selfish, everyone is selfish, and he is also selfish.
He can’t do it all selflessly!
But the workers who work for him, the workers who work for him. He can make them better off.
He, Su Yun, is just an ordinary person, he can only do his best to make them live better.
Ding Yan went for about two hours before he found a carriage in the city and brought 10,000 cash to the construction site outside the city.
After giving the 3,000 cash from the Ministry of Communications, he began to send money to the 300 migrant workers one by one.
“Mr. Su, if you still have work to do in the future, come to us directly. We will definitely do it for you and promise to do it well for you.”
Brothers of migrant workers held the ocean in their hands, and their faces were full of smiles. Several brothers of migrant workers smiled at Su Yun.
It seems that at this moment, their hearts have long been wrapped in warmth, no longer cold.
Seeing the smiles on their faces, Su Yun also showed a sincere smile on his face.
“Okay, after the New Year, I have a big project, so I will come to you.”
Su Yun said with a smile.
Soon, the money was distributed, and they all left with smiles, saying that they could finally have a good year this year.
“Building roads is actually an investment!”
Looking at their backs, Su Yun’s heart began to calculate.
His original intention of building the road was to make the school city build faster, and this itself was to facilitate the operation of his company. According to the understanding of the system, there is pay and return. This is investment.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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