I had such an idea in my mind just now, and now I think about it, I think it is feasible.
After the migrant workers had all left, Zhao Qingshan, the general manager of the construction site, was called.
“Take me to see the progress of the project and report on the current basic situation of the school city.”
Su Yun said softly, looking around, some places seemed to have been completed, and his heart began to look forward to it.
“Okay, boss, please go this way. The school city is currently divided into primary school district, junior high school district, high school district, and university district.”
Zhao Qingshan first took Su Yun to the direction of the teaching building, and after walking for a while, a bunch of buildings came into view, and Su Yun could see that the eight teaching buildings were completed.
“Boss, this is the primary school district of our school town. Eight teaching buildings have been completed in the primary school district so far!”
Zhao Qingshan said softly, Su Yun looked at the eight gathered teaching buildings in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.
“The layout of our four areas is based on an upward trend. Primary school, junior high school, high school, and university. Next we will come to the junior high school area!”
Zhao Qingshan said, and then pointed to the tall building in the distance, Su Yun didn’t seem to be far away.
But he also knew that Wangshan was running dead horses. Although it didn’t look far, it took some time to walk there. The junior high school area was on the left side of the elementary school area.
This also indicates that people’s reading experience is also a rising state, from elementary school to junior high school, then high school, and finally university.
After Su Yun and the others came to the junior high school district, they saw that six teaching buildings had been completed. However, the teaching buildings in the junior high school district were more scattered than in the primary school district, and were interspersed with many floors that had not yet been built.
And overall, the junior high school district is much larger than the primary school district.”The junior high school district will be larger than the primary school district as a whole due to the addition of experimental buildings, more libraries, and larger playgrounds and other infrastructure!”
Zhao Qingshan explained softly that after junior high school, due to the arrangement of the courses, he has already started to contact physics, chemistry, and will be exposed to experiments, so an experimental building has been added.
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
Then Zhao Qingshan continued to walk with Su Yun, and the high school area was bigger and more spacious, and there were more buildings.
“There are currently six teaching buildings completed in the high school district.”
Zhao Qingshan said with a smile, the arrangement of the teaching building and the laboratory building in the high school area is like a missing opening, which means that the students are all-inclusive.
Finally, after walking for a while, Su Yun and the others came to the university area.
The University District is the largest among all areas, and it is also an area with the most floors, the most diverse types, and the most complete infrastructure.
Su Yun can already feel the shock just by looking at it.
“Boss, the university area is the largest area in all of our areas. At present, all seven teaching buildings have been completed.”
Zhao Qingshan said with a smile, he pointed to the teaching building hidden among the many unfinished floors, Su Yun nodded, because the university has many majors, in addition to the teaching building, there is also the college building.
Not only the academy building, but also many experimental buildings, training bases, etc. are included, and since it has not been fully completed, now Su Yun and the others have only seen the tip of the iceberg of the entire university area.
When it is completely completed, the university district will become a giant in the school city, standing in this steel jungle.
“Sure enough, many people are powerful!”
After Su Yun finished reading the university district, when he recalled it, he couldn’t help but start to sigh. After so many floors were completed, all that was left was the decoration.
If it weren’t for the large number of workers, plus the construction of new roads and changes in transportation methods, it is estimated that it would not have been so fast.
Su Yun thought in his heart, Zhao Qingshan continued to take Su Yun inside.
Zhao Qingshan pointed to the five-story building in front of him, then pointed to the five-story high-rise building in the distance, and then said, “Boss, this is the area where our cafeteria is located.
At present, we have a total of eight large canteens, each of which has a corresponding school area. Among them, there are five large canteens, which form a pentagon in the school city, and the remaining three large canteens are interspersed among them to facilitate each area. students dining. ”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and he looked at the cafeteria that had just started construction.
He had seen the construction drawings before, and five of the eight canteens were located at five points in the school city.
And these five points exist in a pentagon structure in the layout of the school city, with the rising school district on the left.
“However, the construction of the canteen has only just begun. Before, everyone had gone to build the teaching building.”
Zhao Qingshan pointed to the unfinished canteens and explained, Su Yun nodded frequently, expressing his understanding.
The two continued to wander around the construction site, because the area of ​​the battlefield was large, and they could not finish it in a day by walking slowly, building by building, but Su Yun was not in a hurry.
Next, Su Yun and the others came to a construction site that had not yet started construction, which was to the right of the pentagon.
The right side of the entire pentagon has not yet been built, because this is the school dormitory group.
“At present, the school dormitory has just started to lay the foundation, and construction has not yet begun!”
Zhao Qingshan continued to explain.
Su Yun heard a bit of surprise on his face, and he already had a general picture of the school town in his mind.
Zhao Qingshan took Su Yun to continue watching in the school city. When he walked through the university area, he finally got a clear view of the whole area.
I only see that among the floors under construction in the university area, there are all kinds of buildings, music buildings, laboratory buildings, auditoriums, professional buildings, swimming pools and so on.
These either have prototypes, or there are foundations, or there is only an unfilled hole, all of which explain how huge this university area is.
Zhao Qingshan glanced at the building that had a certain prototype in front of him, and immediately said, “Boss, there is a library over there!”
Then the two came to the library area. Su Yun looked at the building in front of him and nodded.
“Boss, we did not dare to forget what you told us to give priority to the construction of teaching buildings, canteens and libraries.”
Zhao Qingshan said seriously, with a straight face, he also pointed to a huge building in front of him that had not been fully completed.
“Well, you did a great job!”
Su Yun nodded and said with a smile, he looked at the building, which was still under construction.
However, it can be roughly seen that this library has a total of six floors.
And the library as a whole presents an arc shape, which is very large.
Su Yun estimated that if this library was used to collect books, it would be able to hold a huge amount of books, and the number of people would definitely be quite large.
Huayin School City is not as simple as just one or two libraries, but a total of 27 libraries need to be built.
This was mentioned by Su Yun when he asked Shao Wen to help with the design.
Although the original purpose of building the school city was to lose money, it continued to lose money.
But in the construction of the school, he is not burning money aimlessly, but has some considerations of his own.
These libraries are scattered in areas such as elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and universities. Every school district has one.
The purpose is to ensure that students have a place in the library to the greatest extent possible.
Twenty-seven seats can be said to be just right, no more and no less.
“This should beNo one needs to take a seat! ”
Su Yun couldn’t help thinking about it. He still remembered that when he was in college, the library was crowded at the end of the semester, and it was difficult to find a place.
Some people even don’t come back for a day after occupying a seat in the library.
And now, the problem should be solved.
Su Yun and the others then came to an open space, where several workers were digging a big hole, and Su Yun just noticed that direction.
Zhao Qingshan noticed the direction Su Yun was looking at, and rushed over immediately, and quickly explained: “Boss, there is a dung pond.”
Su Yun nodded, his face unchanged, he had already guessed when he looked at it just now.
After all, when this school city was designed, Shao Wen and the others used everything they could.
And this includes the fecal pond that is about to be built.
Because this school town is so big, it will cost more to use wood and coal as fuel for cooking.  …
But if you can find alternative fuels, it’s not a bad idea, such as biogas.
So when Mr. Shao Wen and the others were designing, they thought of using biogas instead of wood and coal as fuel.
In this way, the excrement produced by the students has a place to go, and finally all of them will flow into the biogas digester.
In addition, the biogas technology in Western countries is already very mature. After all kinds of considerations were combined, Shao Wen and the others decided to introduce the biogas from Western countries into domestic use when designing.
At that time, Su Yun also agreed with this opinion, otherwise, the biogas digester would not have appeared here.
Although he said he wanted to lose money, he knew that if he wanted to lose more money, it would be nice to use wood and coal.
However, it is too troublesome to use wood and coal. It is estimated that such a large school city has to transport these fuels every day, and it pollutes the environment of the school city a little.
He felt that there was no need to toss the people under him for the sake of a little money, so using biogas is a more environmentally friendly and convenient energy source.
Su Yun and Zhao Qingshan watched for a while in the school town, and it was noon in a blink of an eye.
At this time, the people in the food group had already started to pick up wooden barrels one after another.
“It’s dinner, it’s dinner!”
The people in the catering group shouted loudly, and the people who picked the wooden barrels were still coming over, and the smell of the food came over the face.
Su Yun thought that it was already noon, so it was settled here, just in time to see what dishes they usually eat and whether the food arrangements are in place.
“It’s dinner, it’s dinner!”
At this time, those workers came over, and the workers ran towards this side in a row, and the sound was loud and smoke was everywhere.
“What’s the dish today? What’s the dish today?”
Some people shouted what dishes can be eaten today, and there was a lot of noise and laughter.
More than 10,000 people rushed over from all directions, and the cold of winter seemed to be unable to stop their thoughts of eating.
More than 10,000 people had lunch, and the scene was very spectacular. In front of the 100,000 people on the catering team, it seemed a little thin.
More than 100 people picked up more than 200 wooden barrels.
After a while, the people in the food group were surrounded by the group, forming a long line after another. Although these workers worked all morning, they still knew the rules and lined up.
“Let’s go too!”
Su Yun said with a smile, and then he randomly found a team and started to line up. Zhao Qingshan was stunned for a while, and then quickly followed.
He was still looking for a restaurant to entertain the boss, but he didn’t expect the boss to eat a big pot of rice with them.
Su Yun didn’t think so much as Zhao Qingshan thought, he glanced at the food group.
He thought about it for a while, the food group at the construction site outside the city seemed to be the manpower he asked Zhao Lin to recruit at that time.
There were more than 30 chefs who were in charge of the kitchen, and more than 30 people were recruited. In addition to the head chef, there were dozens of assistant chefs, and some errands.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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