In this era, chestnut rice is not corn or chestnut, and chestnut rice is a special existence in this era.
The corn of this era is the kind of rice with broken grains and many rice husks mixed in it.
This kind of rice, in later generations, was not eaten by humans, but was used by the rural people to feed livestock.
But in this era, that was their previous ration, and they could only eat this piece of ocean with a few hundred catties, or even a thousand catties of chestnut rice.
It’s not that they don’t have a choice, it’s that they don’t have the money to choose.
After they finished speaking, Su Yun walked over and came to them.
“Get up first!”
Su Yun said, looking at the tears on the faces of these workers, his heart was also touched.
“Your life will get better and better in the future, and eating meat is no longer your luxury.
Your children can go to Huayin School Town to go to school. No more running around for survival. ”
Su Yun said loudly, since they are workers who work under him, their lives will not get worse, they will only get better.
Their past will completely become the past, and the future that was once out of reach for them is waving to them.
Su Yun said, looking at all the workers in the cafeteria, including the workers who just got off work and the eldest sister who was still cooking.
All these people, he has a panoramic view.
“As long as you don’t dismiss us, boss, we will work in Huayin Company until we die.
Even if we are older in the future, even if you reduce our salary, we will not have any complaints,
We will never forget your kindness to us. ”
Several young people looked at Su Yun and said loudly, they had suffered too much, and now Su Yun came to them like a savior.
I gave them food, shelter, and use. This kind of kindness will never be forgotten in their entire lives.
Su Yun was like a beacon in their darkness, illuminating them completely.
Hearing this, Su Yun shook his head slightly, looking at their fiery gazes, he just sighed and didn’t say a word, as if he was stuck in his throat.
Su Yun walked in the industrial park and sighed in his heart when he recalled what the workers said.
All people want is to eat enough food and have surplus food at home.
But those businessmen only cared about making money for themselves, and they were unwilling to meet even this small request.
The poor have sacrificed their entire lives for food and a place to live, in exchange for more ruthless exploitation.
This is the tragedy of an era and the pain of a generation.
In the evening, Su Yun returned to the house.
“Du Gan, come here!”
He shouted and called Du Gan over. He still had some ideas about the industrial park.
Du Gan hurried over, and after standing up straight, he asked, “Boss, I’m here, what are your orders?”
Su Yun raised his head, looked at Du Gan, and said solemnly, “How have you been in the industrial park these past few days?
Any suggestions for current industrial parks? ”
Calling Du Ganlai this time, Su Yun naturally wanted to see his abilities.
“At present, the ground of the industrial park is still not good, although the ground has been leveled with sand and gravel,
But it’s still not good for rainy days. It rained in Lu’an a few days ago, and now there are still some places in the industrial park with stagnant water.
In addition, the environment of the factory is not very good. Now it is spring, the weather is not so cold, but in winter, it will snow here, I am afraid it will be very cold~¨. ”
Du Gan thought for a while and then spoke his thoughts.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. He was quite satisfied with Du Gan. He was able to put forward his own opinions, which showed that he was really observing carefully.
“That’s what you’re going to do next!”
Su Yun said that he had already discovered these problems, and Du Gan said it.
Then just hand these things over to him and see how he will deal with it.
“Old… Boss, can I really?”
When Du Gan heard the words, he was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that Su Yun would actually hand this matter to him. Should this be regarded as the boss’s attention to him?
After finishing speaking, Du Gan hurriedlyStanding up straight, he said loudly, “Boss, please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task!”
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could he let it go.
Su Yun nodded in response when he heard the words, thought for a while, and said, “What do you think of the few people sent here by Huayin’s headquarters earlier?”
Since he wants to inspect Du Gan, he naturally also has to look at his views on other employees, which largely determines his next decision.
When Du Gan heard the words, he glanced at Su Yun and found that Su Yun’s face was light and calm, and he couldn’t see any waves at all.
He hesitated, took a breath, and decided to take a gamble.
So he slowly said: “They are mediocre in ability, and their management skills are too poor!”
He finally decided to speak his mind.
“Yes, that’s why I brought you here to make you the head of Lu’an of Huayin Company.”
After hearing this, Su Yun nodded and said, he thought Du Gan was good before, but now it seems that it is not bad.
And when he was looking for Du Gan, he had already considered it.
This time, letting him manage the industrial park is also a kind of training for him. If the performance is good, the company will consider letting Du Gan manage the area after the company expands.
“Don’t worry, boss, I will definitely be able to perfect everything here.”
Du Gan was happy, he made the right bet, and hurriedly responded, showing his determination.
Su Yun looked at Du Gan’s full of blood, shook his head, and said, “Don’t be in a hurry to guarantee,
I’m going to be here for a while, and during this time you need to put together a report for me. ”
Su Yun came to Lu’an, not only to inspect Du Gan, but this time, he still has a lot of things to do.
Lu’an’s industrial park started not long ago, and he hadn’t arranged many things before, and it was estimated that it would take some time.
“No problem, boss, I promise to satisfy you!”
Du Gan didn’t care so much, he was promoted to the person in charge now, only with passion and ambition, he readily accepted it.
When Du Gan parted with Su Yun, he was still thinking that he must be fine.
And Su Yun didn’t care so much, and after washing, he lay on the bed and went to sleep.

The next day, Su Yun came to the industrial park again, this time he went straight to the west of the industrial park.
When he came to the west of the industrial park, he saw a factory, and many workers were busy at this time.
The workers were pushing a small cart to bring the ore back from the outside, back and forth.
And the name of that factory is called the ore crushing factory.
The ore crushing plant is mainly responsible for crushing iron ore, copper ore and other mineral resources before sending them to the industrial park.
The humming sound of the machine also came from the ore crushing plant, and smoke and dust continued to come out from it.
Walking slowly, the workers wore dust masks on their faces and a mask inside.
In terms of appearance, this is ugly. Even in summer, such a dress can be very hot.
And it will be very inconvenient at work, but these are all forced by Su Yun before.
He didn’t want these workers to work here for a few years and end up with pneumoconiosis.
Once you get this disease, your whole person will be useless, and within a year, you will become scrawny and sick.
Su Yun took another look at the road before and after the ore crushing plant, and frowned. The road before and after here is not good.
There is not even a gravel road, just a dirt road. It rained a few days ago and was relatively muddy, but it looks better now.
However, the road conditions were still not good, and the workers pushed the carts on the muddy road with difficulty.
Su Yun looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn’t help but think of summer. Once summer arrives, after the rainstorm, the whole road will probably rot badly.
Mud is no longer enough to describe. At that time, the potholes will be a nightmare for small carts, and it will be difficult to maintain basic production at that time.
Su Yun left after watching for a while.
The construction time of the industrial park is too short, the establishment is very hasty, and many infrastructures are not perfect.
The immediate priority is the need to build a cement plant.
The most important and difficult part of the industrial equipment of a cement plant is the kiln for firing cement. This is the hardest part, the others are relatively easy.
It is just that I do not know whether the current industrial park has the requirements for the production of cement plant equipment.
Su Yun then returned to the industrial park.
“Robert! Come over here”
Su Yun called Robert over, and then a tall and thin figure appeared in front of him.
Robert stood still and asked, “Boss, is there anything you need to order?”
“The road conditions at the ore crushing plant are relatively poor now, and cement roads need to be laid. Does the machinery factory currently have the conditions to manufacture cement plant equipment?”
Su Yun told Robert the whole story. If it can be manufactured, it would be the best. If not, it can only be mobilized from other places.
“‘ ‘Boss, please come with me!”
Hearing this, Robert smiled and took Su Yun to the machinery factory.
There was confidence on his face, and he seemed to be ready.
Su Yun looked at Robert in front of him with doubts in his heart, but seeing his confident expression, he followed.
After Su Yun followed Robert to the machinery factory, he went to the inspection workshop of the machinery factory.
At this time, the workers in the inspection workshop of the machinery factory were still busy.
Robert pointed to those devices and looked at Su Yun.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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