“Although cement plants are classified as light industrykarma, but very important,
After the establishment of the industrial park, I also found that the ground condition of the industrial park is very bad. The road outside is also very bad. ”
Robert said with a smile that he has basically investigated the environment around the entire industrial park.
He still has a good understanding of his surroundings.
As Robert said, Su Yun already understood.
“Did you plan to produce cement plant equipment at that time?”
Su Yun looked at Robert and asked. He didn’t expect Robert to think so thoroughly, even considering the road conditions.
And the most important thing is that when the industrial park was established, Robert had already considered it, which is very remarkable.
Robert nodded in response when he heard the words, and then he continued: “The construction speed of the staff dormitory,
Another important reason for the slowness is the lack of cement. These cements need to be transported from Huainan, which is very inconvenient.
Moreover, the output of Huainan Cement Plant is not large, and the industrial park will be expanded later, paving roads, etc., which will require a lot of water (Zhao Zhao’s) mud. ”
Su Yun nodded in response when he heard the words. He thought of the situation when he went to see the staff dormitory. It was really too slow.
“The most important point is that the road from Lu’an to Pukou is already under construction, but the supply of cement is somewhat insufficient and the speed is a bit slow.”
Robert told Su Yun these basic situations, with a slight smile on his face, he knew the situation in the industrial park and its surroundings at his fingertips.
Su Yun nodded. He remembered the construction of the road between Lu’an and Pukou, but he didn’t think about it after handing it over to the Ministry of Communications.
Now it seems that he really ignored these before, and it is fortunate that Robert and the others are very clear about the situation here.
Otherwise, you really need to spend more time dealing with these things. Now that I understand the situation, the problem should be solved.
After Su Yun learned some things, he casually glanced at the equipment and asked, “Has this set of equipment been produced?”
“Cement plant equipment, only the kiln needs to be produced by the machinery factory, and the kiln is used to determine the label, so it is very important,
But other equipment is very simple and can be mass-produced in the forge at any time.
Currently, we have produced six kilns, and once assembled, there will be six sets of equipment. ”
Robert said with a smile.
“How much will be produced?”
Su Yun looked at Robert and asked, there are several sets of equipment, he doesn’t care, what he cares about is the output.
Once the road from Lu’an to Pukou is repaired and the traffic conditions are improved, the next step is to build a factory in Zaozhuang or other places, and cement can be sent directly from Lu’an.
“The output will exceed that of the cement factory over there in Qixia District, Jinling.”
Robert said to Su Yun confidently.
Chapter 86: The shortage of cement
After Su Yun heard this, she looked at Robert with a strange expression and asked, “Why are you so confident?”
Su Yun knew the output of the cement factory in Qixia District, Jinling, and that cement factory was jointly invested and built by several industrialists.
It is reported that it has spent more than 1.6 million oceans before and after, and it has become one of the largest cement factories in China, with a monthly output of more than 21,000 tons of cement and an annual output of more than 200,000 tons.
The cement factory of others took a lot of time to build.
How long did Robert want to surpass the total time it took to build these devices from the time he conceived them?
Hearing this, Robert said casually: “The six kilns we made,
It is indeed smaller than the kiln of Jinling Cement Plant. The annual output of these six kilns is only about 180,000 tons. ”
When Su Yun heard this, his face became even more strange, and he asked, “Then why do you say it’s bigger than Jinling’s?”
It turned out that Robert still knew this. Now that he knew, why he was still so confident, Su Yun couldn’t understand a little.
“It’s very simple, we have a machinery factory, just make a few more kilns,
But they don’t have a machinery factory. If they want to buy a kiln, they can only buy it from abroad at a sky-high price, and it takes a lot of time and money. ”
Robert said with a smile that their conditions were different.
The other party’s cement factory is just a cement factory, and they are the entire industrial park. The same number of kilns cannot compete in a short period of time, and they can produce more.
Su Yun looked at Robert speechless, but he didn’t expect Robert to have this idea.
According to Robert’s idea, there is really nothing wrong with it.
Robert looked at Su Yun’s expression, he restrained his smile, and said solemnly: “Boss, you must know that this is the benefit of building heavy industry,
With the existence of machinery factories, no matter what kind of machinery and equipment, we can finally manufacture,
Moreover, it is also possible to expand the machinery manufacturing plant. As long as there are iron smelting plants, steelmaking plants, and machinery manufacturing plants, it is equivalent to having an industrial system in the future, and everything only takes time. ”
The current industrial park looks very immature, and all kinds of equipment data have not been debugged.
Even many factories are still trying to run production.
What they need most now is time, and as long as time is enough, Robert believes that they can achieve their ultimate goal.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. He agreed with Robert’s words. As long as they have a machinery factory, they can finally get all the equipment they want.
Seeing that Su Yun agreed with his point of view, Robert had a smile on his face.
Robert thought for a while, looked at Su Yun and said, “Boss, you’d better open an industrial school near here,
It is used to cultivate industrial talents, not only ordinary workers, but also some senior technicians can also be cultivated. ”
In the future, the industrial parks will definitely be very large. They have too few people, and the current industrial parks are not enough.
Robert SelfOf course, I also hope that more industrial talents can join it.
“I will think about it!”
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
After Su Yun and Robert parted, he left the industrial park.
“Industrial school…”
Along the way, Su Yun began to think about what Robert said, and what he said made sense.
The current workers are all trained by Robert and the senior technicians day and night, in the way that the master leads the apprentice, and the apprentice leads the apprentice.
It took them more than a month to teach them and let them familiarize themselves with their jobs.
Su Yun spent another day in the industrial park, and only returned to the house in the evening.
As soon as Su Yun returned to the house, Xie An hurried over with the telegram.
Su Yun looked at Xie An with some curiosity.
“Xie An, what happened?”
Su Yun asked, and Xie An was already standing in front of him at this time.
“Master, Huayin Company sent a telegram saying that the directors of the light industrial factories want to expand the factories,
Whether it is a factory wholly controlled by the company flag or a factory in which the company holds more than 50% of the shares, they all hope to expand the ajec factory. ”
Xie An said and handed the telegram in his hand to Su Yun.
These light industrial factories were acquired or financed by Huayin Company a few days ago, and they were already half-dead.
As a result, now that I have invested, I actually feel that I can do it again.
Su Yun took the telegram and glanced at it, his face became weird.
These factories wanted to expand at this time, which he really did not expect.
After thinking for a while, he put down the telegram, looked at Xie An and asked, “Why do these factories have ambitions to expand?”
“I don’t know, I think they should be dissatisfied with being squeezed by other factories and going bankrupt. Now they have calmed down and want to compete with those factories.”
Xie An shook his head, there was only one possibility he could think of at the moment.
Su Yun heard the words, and thoughtfully, the factories that he financed and acquired were all discussed with their bosses.
The directors of these factories were hired by others, and there was no change in personnel after their own acquisitions and financing.
Because at that time, Su Yun believed that these people could make the factory go bankrupt, and that would be as clever as a young dragon and a phoenix.
Must keep it for him to lose money.
As a result, now that Su Yun heard Xie An’s speculation, he felt that there was such a possibility.
I really didn’t see these people wrong, they are really all the money-losing talents.
He couldn’t waste such a good opportunity.
“Call back the company headquarters and tell them that those factory managers want to expand the factory and do it with their old enemies,
You can put money in and let them open their hands to compete. ”
Su Yun turned his eyes slightly as he spoke, and then continued: “In addition, I will tell the people at the company headquarters that the factory that Huayin Company has acquired can be expanded with confidence.
Those are just financing, go talk to them, buy them all. If they agree, they will expand, and if they don’t agree, Huayin will withdraw its capital and build it by itself. ”
The reason for this arrangement is that Su Yun naturally has his own considerations in it. The doorway in these financing light industrial factories is not so simple.
“No problem, sir, I’ll call them back right away.”
After Xie An left, Su Yun lay on the bed and thought.
For those factories that financed, the reason why Su Yun decided to buy directly was also for those people.
Because they have their own problems, further expansion may only result in more losses. It’s better to let yourself buy it all, and let yourself lose money in the end.
It’s just that Su Yun doesn’t know how much money they will lose, but these are not important, and he will know when he returns to Jinling after a while.
Early the next morning, Su Yun drove to Hefei by car. This time the road was much better than before.
The construction team from the Ministry of Communications had people leveled the road, laid the roadbed, and finally filled it with materials such as gravel and gravel.
The construction of roads in this era is not as cumbersome as later generations, but this is normal.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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