Su Yun thought for a while and decided to go to the cemetery. The driver turned around and headed towards the cemetery.
When Su Yun and the others got out of the car, they saw a huge cemetery square appearing in front of them.
Today’s weather is very good, the sun is shining, the sky is extraordinarily blue, and a sunbeam shines on the cemetery square.
Su Yun stepped into the cemetery square and saw a huge flagpole with a red flag hanging high in the sky and the ground.
The sun shines on the flag, the sun shines on the cemetery square, and there are many blue sky and white sun flags around the cemetery square.
The wind blew, and all the flags fluttered in the wind.
They point as if in the distance.
Su Yun stood there, solemnly looking at the flag in front of him.
He walked slowly past the flag and approached the three statues in the center.
A “seven seventy” ray of sunlight reflected on his face at this moment, and at that moment, the shining star refracted this ray of red light more and more dazzlingly.
Su Yun looked directly at the ray of red light, only to see a general standing in front of him.
To the left and right of the general, there is a statue of a soldier charging forward with a rifle.
Su Yun looked at the three statues deeply, and turned to the walls around the cemetery square. There were pieces of relief on the walls.
Walking slowly towards the relief, above the relief, there are soldiers one after another, they are either holding big knives or steel guns.
Their bodies leaned forward as if they were charging at the enemy, as if they were fighting to the death with the enemy.
Looking at the hideous faces on their faces, Su Yun seemed to see their cries before fighting the enemy.
As if to feel the fierceness in their eyes.
Wei Wei raised his hand to touch it, but finally lowered his arm.
After a long time, he turned around and walked towards the gate at the front of the cemetery square.
On the left and right sides of the gate, several security guards from Huayin Security Company stood on each side.
They were wearing solemn black, black uniforms, black shoes and black leather shoes.
The cemetery was funded and built by Huayin Company, and ultimately operated by Huayin Company, otherwise it would violate the rules.
Stepping forward and entering the gate, there are three small pavilions side by side, each with dragons and phoenixes carved on the four pillars.
In the small pavilion stood the incense burner, and a few green smoke rose from the incense wax.
The feeling of silence came from my heart, and I stared at the carvings on the pavilion.
I don’t know how long it took before Su Yun slowly retracted his gaze.
Walking into the small pavilion, he looked at the quaint incense burner in front of him.
I don’t know how long it took, I picked up the incense wax next to it and lit it, and put it in the incense burner.
The body bowed slightly. In this cemetery, no soldiers have entered yet, but there are already famous foreign generals from China since ancient times.
Famous generals such as Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Li Jing, etc., Su Yun faithfully hopes that their ancestors can bless the people of the country.
The incense wax was still exuding a few green smoke, but Su Yun had already walked past.
Behind the three pavilions is the mourning hall of the cemetery. For this cemetery, he had seen the drawings before, and Shao Wen designed it into three parts.
The first part is the former cemetery square, and behind the three pavilions is the second part, where the mourning hall of the cemetery is located.
There are a total of thirteen palaces in the mourning hall of the cemetery, which are made of wood.
The overall layout is arranged in the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, and its name is named after the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams.
The palace in front of the gate is the Qianlou in the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams.
Standing on the side, looking at the relief on the side of the Ganlou, Su Yun didn’t speak for a long time.
The relief is very simple, a winding Great Wall, a group of soldiers screaming, the hideous faces on their faces seem to be clearly visible.
After an unknown amount of time, Su Yun withdrew his gaze and came to the front of the building.
On the plaque above the gate, a vigorous dry character is written in italics.
In front of the gate is a piece of cloud bi, a golden dragon with its teeth and claws as if soaring above the nine heavens.
There are stone stairs on both sides of Yunbi, and stone railings beside the stone stairs.
Glancing at the stone fences outside the dry building, there is a stone lampshade erected at every distance. He looked up slightly towards the door.
At this moment, the gate of the Ganlou is closed, because the part of the cemetery mourning hall has not yet been opened.
The gate is decorated with copper nails and vermilion lacquer, giving people a sense of heaviness.
After staring for a long time, he lifted his foot up the stone ladder and walked to the gate.
Xie An quickly held hands, and the two pushed open the heavy door to reveal the interior of the building.
There is a large incense burner in the center of the interior of the dry building. At present, it is only filled with a little incense ash, and no incense wax is inserted into it to burn.
Walking into the dry building, there are some spiritual cards already placed in the front, and staring away, a few words come into view.
Li Jing, Huo Qubing, Wei Qing, Yue Fei, Xu Da and other famous generals who have won great victories in foreign wars are placed in the Ganlou.
This is also the only palace among the thirteen palaces in the cemetery that has visited Lingpai to pay homage, because many ancient famous generals are paid homage here.
The sun shines into the dry building, and his eyes glance at everything inside the dry building.
There is no gloomy feeling here, only a sense of righteousness.
The sun shines on him, and it feels warm, as if all the haze has been dispelled.
Looking at the floor, the floor made of blue bricks looks very flat.
Shaking his head slightly, he turned and walked out of the dry building.
There are some reliefs and inscriptions on the wall directly opposite the gate of Qianlou.
Su Yun walked over at a slow pace. The relief was of a young general in armor.
His jerky face already said it all.
beside the statue there are threeBig Character – Huo Qubing
There is also a large paragraph of text next to it, which records Huo Qubing’s life, his mischief in his childhood, and his military expedition in his youth.
Looking at Huo Qubing’s Feng Lang Juxu and Lang Yan Bei Wang, Su Yun also seemed to have a sense of pride in his chest.
In this era, there may be countless people who also hope that there will be a general like Huo Qubing, who can seal the wolf and look northward.
Looking at the wall next to him, one after another came into view. Wei Qing, Li Jing, Su Dingfang, Xu Da and other famous generals all appear on the reliefs on the wall.
The leather boots on his feet stepped on the bluestone bricks, making a crisp sound, and Su Yun’s eyes swept over one famous general after another.
Their eyes are either glaring, or extremely ferocious, as if they are hating their descendants for being unfilial, or scolding their descendants for being incompetent.
His indignant eyes seemed to devour all enemies.
After looking for a long time, Su Yun finally withdrew his gaze from the wall and looked at the thirteen palaces in the mourning hall.
The thirteen palaces arranged in the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams are shining brightly in the sunlight.
The sculpture beams above the palace are extremely ferocious, and the pillars on the four corners seem to make him come to the ancient building complex.  …
The other twelve palaces, he did not see, nor need to see.
Except for the Ganlou, there are no spirit tablets in other palaces.
Because the soldiers who died in battle have not been brought back, but if someone died in battle, this will be their final destination.
Here they will enjoy the incense offerings of their descendants, they will sleep here forever, and watch the motherland become prosperous under Jiuquan.
The crisp sound of the leather boots colliding with the bluestone bricks echoed around.
At this moment, Su Yun’s heart felt extremely peaceful, and his eyes swept across the cloud bi in front of each palace gate.
There are thirteen palaces, thirteen cloud bibs, and the reliefs on each cloud bib are different.
Xianglong is carved on the cloud wall of Ganlou, and Pixiu is carved on the cloud wall in front of Kanlou.
Su Yun knew that the cemetery could be built in such a short period of time, perfecting the format relief and so on.
Countless craftsmen and thousands of workers fought day and night, and it took nearly 20 days to finally complete it.
Without thousands of workers and countless artisans fighting day and night, it would be impossible to complete this cemetery in such a short period of time.
The cemetery is divided into three parts: front, middle and back. The front part is the cemetery square, and the middle part is the mourning hall where the spiritual tablets are placed.
The last part is the resting place of the fallen soldiers and their burial.
Walk through the mourning hall and come to the final resting place.
It is also the highest place in the entire cemetery.
Standing in front of this vast land, there are no soldiers buried here, but the whole construction has been completed.
The terrain here is the highest in the entire cemetery, because it was originally designed to conform to Feng Shui to a certain extent.
Countless amounts of dirt were used to raise the last part a few meters, making it the highest part.
The last part of the tomb is also surrounded by a circular wall, which ensures that other people cannot enter here without leaving the front, let alone disturb their rest.
There is a corridor next to the surrounding walls, which runs around the wall. It’s just that this corridor is different from those outdoor landscape corridors.
Because there is no bench, if someone comes here to worship the Heroic Spirit, they are not allowed to sit down.
But the most important building here is an altar.
The altar is 4.2 meters taller, four or five meters above the cemetery.
From the altar to the ground, there is a stone ladder, and the road from the stone ladder to the foot of Su Yun is all paved with gold bricks.
He walked slowly to the altar, where there was a cauldron poured with cement.
Su Yun knew what it was doing, and also knew the function of this altar.
If someone wants to worship dead Heroic Spirits, this is the best place.
Looking around, there was not a single tombstone or a tomb on the empty cemetery.
I don’t know how long it took before Su Yun turned his attention to Xie An who was following him.
“Master, how many people do you think will be buried here in the future?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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