With a little emotion in Xie An’s eyes, Su Yun shook his head.
“I don’t know. If it is possible, I hope there will never be a tombstone here.”
Su Yun shook his head slightly, and Xie An just smiled, how could there be no tombstone here?
“Master, let’s go! You’ve traveled for a few days, and you’re very tired.”
Xie An said softly.
“No hurry, go and see how Zhao Qingshan has built the hospital.”
Su Yun shook his head slightly. It took so long to come back this time, and he didn’t know how the buildings around the school city were constructed.
Now the cemetery has been built, but what about the hospitals? .
Chapter 89: The Problem of School Town
After walking out of the cemetery, he turned around again, and his eyes still fell on the entire cemetery.
Xie An stood behind Su Yun without saying a word, and he seemed to be touched too.
After the two got into the car, they went straight to the hospital being built not far away.
Su Yun can see from the car window that the hospital is only half-built, and many places have not yet started construction.
After getting out of the car, he cleaned up his mood. At this time, Zhao Qingshan also saw Su Yun.
The moment Zhao Qingshan saw Su Yun, he quickly greeted him.
Su Yun gestured to the hospital in front of him with his eyes, and said lightly, “How come it was only half built?”
“Because in the design, the area of ​​this hospital is too large, and 5,000 people were dispatched to repair the cemetery urgently.
Some workers areThere are not many equipment and manpower to build the villas, so only half of them are built. ”
Zhao Qingshan explained, a little helpless, and he couldn’t control it.
At the same time, he handed a few blueprints in his hand to Su Yun, and Su Yun took the two blueprints and slowly looked at them.
Indeed, as Zhao Qingshan said, this hospital was relatively large when it was planned.
There are five main buildings before and after the design of the hospital, including one building for the outpatient department, one building for the emergency department, and the remaining three buildings are the inpatient department.
Su Yun raised his head and glanced at the hospital that was still under construction, which basically matched it.
Now the buildings of the outpatient department and the emergency department can be seen.
The rest are still under construction.
In addition, there are some small buildings, such as canteens, equipment warehouses, etc., which are not there yet.
Su Yun looked at the half-completed hospital in front of him, glanced at the drawings again, and finally set his eyes on Zhao Qingshan.
“How long will it take to build?”
Su Yun asked, now that the school city has been built, the infrastructure around the hospital must be put on the agenda.
“It is estimated that it will be completed in about 109 days!”
Zhao Qingshan said to Su Yun after thinking about it.
Now that the cemetery has been repaired, a large number of manpower and equipment have been liberated, and the speed will begin to increase.
Hearing this, Su Yun looked at the unfinished hospital again, and finally nodded.
The problem should not be very big, the speed of reinforced concrete pouring is still very fast.
“How is the infrastructure of the second district of the school city so far?”
Su Yun thought for a while, then looked at Zhao Qingshan and asked that the second district of the school city had been built for some time.
The last time I went to see it, everything in the teaching building had already been established, mainly on other infrastructure.
“Boss, please come with me!”
Zhao Qingshan said with a smile, with confidence on his face, he had already built these before.
Su Yun looked at Zhao Qingshan’s confident expression in front of him, and followed suit.
Then the two of them soon came to the second district of the school city, and the second district and the first district were very large.
Su Yun looked at the second district with several teaching buildings standing in front of him, and felt that it was not bad. Walking on the cement road in the second district, he looked at the surrounding facilities along the way.
When Su Yun was walking on the road, basically, a road sign would appear on a section of the road, indicating the direction to a certain teaching building or other places.
At the same time, there is also a bulletin board. Su Yun randomly selected a bulletin board and looked at the content on it.
The content on this bulletin board happens to be the map of the second district of the school.
After looking at it for a while, I continued to look at other infrastructures.
Su Yun casually walked into a teaching building, which was equipped with a lot of fire-fighting facilities.
In addition, there are such equipment as the infirmary, but the infirmary can also handle some small problems, such as students suffering from heat stroke in summer.
There are bumps and bumps, and there are some minor ailments, etc., which can be dealt with simply.
If you really have any disease, you still need to be sent to the hospital. This is another function of the hospital next to the school city.
And then Su Yun went to the dormitory building to have a look. The dormitory building was also arranged quite well. As for the dormitory building, the naming of the teaching building was also completed.
Basically, a lot of the infrastructure in the second district of the school city has been completed after school starts.
Then Su Yun unknowingly walked to the junction of the first district and the second district.
Originally, there should be a wall at the junction of the first district and the second district, but now Zhao Qingshan has also completely opened up this wall.
The first area and the second area are completely integrated into one.
Su Yun looked at the junction where the first area and the second area merged into one, and nodded.
He thought about it for a while, and then said, “Go and do your own thing first!”
There was no big problem in the second district. Zhao Qingshan was still busy with the hospital, so he let him go.
Zhao Qingshan then parted with Su Yun.
And Su Yun himself and Xie An came to the administrative building of the school city.
Because the school town is so big, before the school started, he set up a management committee to be responsible for the basic operation of the school.
The management committee works in this administrative building.
After coming to the management committee, Su Yun glanced at a young man in the office, his name was Zhan Ming.
“Zhan Ming, come here!”
Su Yun said, the young man turned around and hurried over after seeing Su Yun.
Zhan Ming is the head of the management committee appointed by Su Yun. He was originally an employee of Huayin Company headquarters.
Although he only has high school education, he has been in the society for several years and has rich social experience.
He had also managed other companies before, so he was transferred by Su Yun as the person in charge of the school city.
When Zhan Ming saw Su Yun, he was still a little surprised, but he recovered quickly and said, “Boss, when did you come back?”
“Just got back! How is the school running now? How many people are there? Is it enough?”
Su Yun looked at him and asked, the school town has been running for a while, but he went to Lu’an in early March, and he didn’t know much about the current situation of the school town.
“At present, the entire school city has more than 400,000 students and is running well.”
Zhan Ming said when he heard the words.
As he spoke, he picked up a document from his desk and handed it to Su Yun.
“This is a list of some school employees that I have compiled, and I was going to submit it to the head office!”
Zhan Ming went on to say that the school town was too big, it was built in a hurry, and the number of students far exceeded all of them expected.
After the school started, many people in the school city increased a lot. It’s been almost a month since school started.
school town nowIt was really on the right track. Various staffing arrangements began to be completed, and he also made statistics on the roster of personnel.
Su Yun slowly looked at the general statistics he had made.
At present, the school city has more than 7,000 teachers. In the composition of teachers, there are about 1,600 foreign teachers in total, and they are all teachers of mathematics, physics and chemistry such as physics, chemistry, and biology.
There are about 5,500 Chinese teachers, including chemistry, biology, physics teachers, etc.
Like junior high school chemistry, physics, biological enlightenment, etc., are all in charge of domestic teachers.
Although there is a big gap between domestic teachers and foreign teachers in these aspects, and even some domestic physics teachers did not even go to university, even high school, but it is no problem to be responsible for the most basic enlightenment.
The rest are teachers of mathematics and Mandarin.
Sometimes he was helpless, but Su Yun wanted to recruit all teachers with university culture. But in this era, there are so many university teachers waiting for him to recruit?
In this era, intellectuals are almost as rare as national treasures. Therefore, many teachers in elementary and junior high schools have to settle for the next best thing, as long as you can teach students at this stage.
In fact, many times, Su Yun did not think about recruiting about 2,000 teachers from abroad. To say that he can definitely afford the salary, this is no problem.
The salary of ordinary teachers is not high, only the top teachers in the world are paid high. But the problem is, they don’t know Chinese and need to find an interpreter for them.
Almost all the translations that can be found in China are almost exhausted, and there are only so many people.
In addition to the teachers, there are also security guards in the school town. Currently, there are 3,000 security guards in the school town nominally, but only 2,000 are actually employed.
There are still 1,000 people in training, and they are expected to be on the job in a week.
In addition, there are employees in the school canteen, eight large canteens, with chefs, employees, etc., a total of more than 1,700 people.
In addition, there are more than 100 manure workers in the school town, mainly responsible for cleaning up excess manure. Although the school city uses biogas, a biogas digester was built.
But hundreds of thousands of people, the feces produced every day is a hill, and the excess feces need to be cleaned out.
The number of students in the school city is so large, and to take care of so many students, the school city is equipped with a considerable number of employees.
After Su Yun read it, he handed the document to Zhan Ming.
“What is still missing from the school town?”
Su Yun looked at Zhan Ming and asked. He just looked at the staffing of the school town. He felt that there should be no major problems with the staff for the time being.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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