Those soldiers who died on the battlefield died for the country. I hope they can go underground and see their dreams take off with their own eyes.
Seeing the national strength take off will allow them to see with their own eyes that the future prosperity will be as they wish. ”
The result is better now. At that time, he said it casually, and it was remembered by Mr. Shao, and then he wrote an article to help him promote it.
As far as Mr. Shao Wen’s influence is concerned, he has already received a lot of responses in the literary world.
He also wrote an article out, how terrible the impact should be.
Su Yun didn’t dare to think about it anymore.
He picked up the newspaper and read it slowly. Looking at the article written by Mr. Shao, every sentence could grab the reader’s heart.
If it wasn’t for Su Yun who was involved, I am afraid he will also be persuaded by Mr. Shao Wen’s article.
And now, as a client, he has only one thought, that is, he wants to cry.
He read it very slowly, and it took him almost a long time to finish reading this article.
His whole head was buzzing.
Why did he make money just to revitalize education, to work hard for China’s rise, or something.
Su Yun couldn’t wait to hold Mr. Shao Wen’s hand and tell him not to write any more, he really didn’t.
He engages in education just to lose money, and he doesn’t engage in it if he doesn’t lose money.
In this era, poor families can’t even afford to eat, let alone go to school.
What kind of credit student loans he introduced, it was just (ajec) to lose money.
Now it’s better, in Mr. Shao Wen’s pen, all of them have become advantages.
It has become a boost for him to promote Huaxia education and promote the entire Huaxia talent pool.
Afterwards, there was something to revitalize the industry, to be in heavy industry, and even to disperse the family wealth.
At the beginning, he just said it casually, and exhausted his family’s financial table and determination, but now it is better, and it has become an advantage.
These are the words he said casually before. In Shao Wen’s eyes, they are all heartfelt and emotional.
I can’t wait to save China from fire and water with my own power.
“I really just said it casually!”
Su Yun regretted it, he hated it, he knew that he would not have said these words at that time, and it was not all turned to himself.
Su Yun’s heart had cooled for a while, he resisted and continued to look down, and he saw the word “undead” again.
What kind of undead, want the ancestors to watch this prosperous world together, and eventually it will be as they wish, what the ancestors, please rest assured.
Mr. Shao Wen spent a lot of time here, admonishing and even warning everyone.
Don’t forget that the current Huaxia was created by the ancestors with their lives and blood and tears.
Su Yun was almost out of breath when he saw it, all this happened so suddenly.
He really didn’t think so much at the time, but Mr. Shao Wen didn’t think so when he wrote this article.
After Su Yun finished reading, he was tired, and he put down the newspaper in his hand. The influence of this newspaper was too great.
He felt that nothing could be more convincing than this newspaper and this article.
Su Yun lay on the boss chair and sat for a long time before finally standing up reluctantly, picked up another newspaper and read it.
He cleaned up his mood and felt that this newspaper should not be the same as the previous one. Mr. Shao Wen shouldn’t write two articles, right?
That would be too much!
However, this newspaper was almost torn by Su Yun.
What did he see?
“Zhu Jiahua!”
Su Yun’s pupils shrank, almost the whole person stood up immediately, and he sat up straight.
Why did Zhu Jiahua also speak?
He doesn’t understand!
And looking at this photo, I was still being interviewed by reporters.
“No, it shouldn’t!”
Su Yun shook his head slightly and twitched his cheeks. It was estimated that Zhu Jiahua had an interview, right? That’s all he thought in his heart.
He looked at the content carefully, and it turned out that this content gave him another blow.
Su Yun didn’t want to look down anymore, it was outrageous.
When Zhu Jiahua was interviewed, he very much agreed with Mr. Shao’s article.
Su Yun can almost imagine what he will say next.
He pressed the newspaper to the desk, took a deep breath, calmed down, and picked it up.
It should come, or it will come, only to face it.
Su Yun picked up the newspaper and read it. Sure enough, Zhu Jiahua mentioned the courtyard house in his Xingdao.
As soon as the courtyard came out, it was a big killer.
Su Yun’s breathing was a little short, only to see that Zhu Jiahua mentioned that Su Yun now lives in Xingdao.
Actually why?
Because I don’t want to suffer too much fame, I’m just pretending.
Then there are the servants under the mansion, who are actually under the company’s name and enjoy all the company’s benefits.
This is not enough, Zhu Jiahua remembered the Xinyue Restaurant he had been to at that time.
He mentioned that Su Yun used to live in the small courtyard behind Xinyue Restaurant.
This is nothing, he also said that Su Yun did all the meals and laundry by himself, and there was no servant.
A patriotic businessman who invested in education, heavy industry, and sunset light industry.
Such a big businessman who spends millions of oceans at every turn.
In the past, the expenses for food, laundry, etc. were still done by myself.
This shows what?
How could the people who heard it at the time and those who saw this newspaper have no feelings at all.
And in their opinion, in Zhu Jiahua, does he have no money? He has, he has invested millions, maybe even tens of millions in education and heavy industry.
Is it difficult to have one or two servants for so much money?
It’s not difficult at all, this only shows one point, that is, he spent all the money on it, and he didn’t have a cent left.
And they are them. When Su Yun saw this newspaper at this time, he only had one feeling in his heart.
Very uncomfortable.
What else could it be if it wasn’t a backstab?
Just closed the newspaper.
Su Yun felt that he was about to die, and he felt that the whole world was backstabbing him.
It’s so hard to lose some money.
At this moment, Su Yun’s gaze fell on the newspaper, which seemed to contain interviews from passers-by around him.
The reporters of these newspapers even interviewed passers-by, and Su Yun suddenly became interested.
No matter what the above newspapers say, they are just the words of Mr. Shao Wen and Zhu Jiahua.
If the people do not agree, there is no way to spread the influence., he wondered how the common people would react.
On this small section, there is a picture of the common people. The content of the following words is not much, only two paragraphs.
There is not much content, but it makes Su Yun helpless.
In the first paragraph, the reporter asked a question. The reporter asked the old man what he thought of Su Yun, chairman of Huayin Group.
The second paragraph was the old man’s answer.
“Manager Su? He’s a good man, a good man! Without him, my kids wouldn’t be able to go to school, and the family conditions are not as good as they are now.
My baby is studying in his school, and they all go to school with IOUs, and they also pay IOUs directly when they eat. On weekends, I can also do odd jobs for the school and earn some living expenses.
The old man, I got the light of the shopkeeper Su. I used to do some work for others, a few dollars a month, and I didn’t have much money to eat after paying the rent. My family lived in a small workshop.
Now the old man is different. My baby is in school, and I work in the cafeteria. I don’t pay more than ten yuan a month, and I also cover food and housing. Now my mother-in-law and I have moved into the staff dormitory.
The living environment, before the change, the old man dared not even think about it, where is the place where our mud legs can live? If anyone dares to say that Shopkeeper Su is not good, the old man will fight him hard. “.
Chapter 92: The Great Man Zhou Xian
I don’t know how long it took, Su Yun finally calmed down, he put the newspaper on the desk.
His face became calm, but his heart was very helpless. He knew that Shao Wen and Zhu Jiahua intended to be good for him and make his business better.
But how can he get the reward for doing so?
The 50 million ocean that was within reach last time is gone, this time it is 50 million US dollars! ~ Who can refuse it?
However, Su Yun didn’t feel uncomfortable for too long in his heart, after all – there is enough time now.
It’s only mid-March now, and it’ll take the end of June to complete the task.
He still has two and a half months to spend the money.
“Dong dong!”
However, just when Su Yun was thinking about how to spend the money, the door was knocked at this time.
“Come in!”
Su Yun looked at the location of the door, a little puzzled, who is looking for him at this time?
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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