However, at this moment, a familiar face appeared in front of him.
When Su Yun saw him, he did not sit, but stood up and greeted him.
The person in front of him is naturally Zhou Xian. When Zhou Xian saw Su Yun, he smiled and said, “Mr. Su, long time no see!”
“Boss Zhou, stay safe!”
Su Yun greeted him and said with a smile, when he saw Zhou Xian, he already had the answer in his heart.
“Boss Zhou, please, sit down and talk!”
But before Zhou Xian could speak, Su Yun invited Zhou Xian to sit down, and the two of them took their seats.
“Mr. Su, this time Zhou is here to bring you good news, my people have already done the work,
This time, nearly 30 factories have been contacted, and they are all medium-sized factories with more than 100 sets of various production equipment. ”
Zhou Xian said with a smile, with a smug look on his face.
He saw that Su Yun needed so much machinery and equipment, so this time he directly helped him contact dozens of larger factories and helped him solve it at one time.
Su Yun was shocked when he heard the words, and the annoyance in his heart instantly disappeared.
This is really good news, this is a good teammate, and Zhou Xian has to be reliable for spending money.
Su Yun had already started to think about it in his heart.
Hundreds of sets of machinery and equipment are definitely not cheap. The last time there were only a few sets of equipment, it cost a lot. After this trip, is it still a steady consumption?
“Boss Zhou, I want it all. What’s the total price?”
Su Yun also became arrogant. With a wave of his hand, he took away all the hundreds of equipment. He looked at Zhou Xian with anticipation in his eyes.
“It’s not expensive, just three million dollars!”
Zhou Xian said with a smile, with a smug look on his face, he is very good at bargaining such things.
“How many?”
Su Yun was stunned when he heard the words, and almost blurted out, three million dollars for a hundred sets of machinery and equipment?
Are you right? Did the Americans undercount a few zeros for him?
The price is not right!
“Remember right? How come there are so many machines and equipment for three million dollars?”
Su Yun then asked again, this price is too outrageous, he has to ask clearly, this price is cheaper than the last time.
The price of cabbage was all last time, what is this time?
Clearance sale? Outrageous!
After hearing this, Zhou Xian gave Su Yun a rare and strange look, and then he said: “Since this year, the economic crisis in the United States has become more serious, and the person who sent me sent me a telegram,
The United States has released data. As of now, there are more than 9,000 bankrupt banks in the United States, close to 10,000.
But the bankruptcy of this bank is only a drop in the bucket, and other companies are more bankrupt, so my people are hanging on to buy machinery and equipment in the United States.
A group of factory owners were promoting their machinery and equipment, and my people lowered the price by a few percent, and then won the total price of three million dollars. ”
The old god Zhou Xian said that this year in foreign countries has been even more bleak. Banks have gone bankrupt, not to mention other enterprises.
They can’t do it without lowering the price. Anyway, his people shop around, and don’t buy it unless it’s a big deal.
After Su Yun finished listening, he frowned and remembered. He remembered that it was indeed mentioned in the history books.
In this economic crisis, more than 140,000 companies in the United States finally went bankrupt.
Among them, there are only about 10,000 banks, and the rest are all factories and other enterprises. Because of this economic crisis, the industrial output value of the entire United States has dropped by 40%.
thinkHere, Su Yun understood in his heart, what is the concept of a 40% drop in output value based on the industrial capacity of the United States?
There are bankrupt factory owners everywhere, and the whole environment is like this, so it’s no wonder that Zhou Xian’s people can win it at such a low price.
There is nothing he can do about this. He can’t increase the price and force others to buy it, right?
Su Yun didn’t bother about the price of mechanical equipment.
He looked at Zhou Xian and said with a smile, “Boss Zhou, how many talents did you recruit?”
“How much?”
Zhou Xian said casually, then took the tea Su Yun prepared and drank it.
Su Yun was stunned again when he heard the words.
How much?
What is this nonsense?
“Do I have as much as I want?”
Su Yun said amusingly, he felt that Zhou Xian was joking.
“Yes, even if you want 100,000 people, I can send it to you!”
Zhou Xian restrained his smile, looked at Su Yun, and said seriously, he didn’t tell a lie just now.
Su Yun was stunned for a moment, his cheeks twitched, he looked at Zhou Xian’s expression and didn’t seem to be fake.
However, after thinking about it, he immediately understood that in this economic crisis, there are a lot of unemployed people in the United States.
In other words, in the economic crisis sweeping the world this time, there are many unemployed people in Western countries.
In the whole world, there are 30 million people who are completely unemployed because of this economic crisis, and there are about 20 million people who are semi-unemployed, that is, those who have some odd jobs and can barely make a living.
As the birthplace of this economic crisis, the United States has the largest number of unemployed people, accounting for one third of the world’s unemployed population.
“That is to say, there are about 10 million completely unemployed people in the entire United States, and it is estimated that there are more than 6 million semi-unemployed people.”
Su Yun thought about it in his heart, and his eyebrows stretched.
Thinking of this, he has completely understood.
There are so many unemployed people and many factories go bankrupt. What does this mean? Workers are also unemployed.
No wonder Zhou Xian dared to say that so many unemployed people can come as much as they really want.
However, Su Yun still has his own plans, not all workers will be charged.
“Su does not want ordinary workers, at worst, he must be a mechanic, even a low-level mechanic.
You can recruit thousands of people back, and other mechanical engineers, as long as there are me, no matter the number. ”
Su Yun said sternly, if he just pulled someone casually, he wouldn’t have to travel thousands of miles to the United States to find someone.
And he did it for a reason, it just so happened that he wanted to open a vocational and technical college.
If it’s just for worker training and the like, even low-level technicians can serve as teachers to train ordinary workers.
At that time, it is enough to directly recruit ordinary workers in Jinling City, and there is no need for such trouble and toss.
Zhou Xian looked surprised when he heard this.
However, he thought about it, thinking of Su Yun’s previous actions, Zhou Xian immediately understood his thoughts.
Zhou Xian didn’t ask any further questions, he looked at Su Yun and said, “Do you want to translate?”
He thought about it, if you want foreign workers, communication is a big problem.
Su Yun was surprised when he heard the words, and he asked with doubts on his face: “Is it possible to recruit translators in the United States?”
Before he helped the industrial park to configure translators, he still asked Liang Hui to go to Shanghai to find them. The number was not large and it was extremely troublesome.
Zhou Xian looked at Su Yun with a rare and strange look, and he said directly: “Can’t we recruit translators abroad?
There are also many people abroad who can speak Chinese. ”
After all, he often does business abroad, so he is still clear about these.
After Su Yun heard it, he still didn’t quite understand. It doesn’t seem to have much to do with it, right?
“There is a place abroad called Chinatown, and there are many Chinese living abroad.
They are all proficient in Chinese and English, and some are even proficient in French. ”
Zhou Xian explained it directly. There are also places where Chinese people live in foreign countries, which gradually formed a characteristic – Chinatown.
As soon as Su Yun heard it, he immediately reacted. How could he forget about this? He wants to beat people now.
If he had thought of it at that time, he wouldn’t have to struggle so much, and he would have to go to places like Shanghai to find someone.
You must know that those Chinese in the United States have only immigrated to the United States with their parents in recent years.
Therefore, the Chinese in this period were all proficient in Chinese and English, and their educational level was not low.
“These Chinese, I’m afraid they don’t have jobs either!”
Su Yun’s thoughts moved, and he realized a problem. Since the United States itself is very unemployed, most people do not have jobs.
(blank) ⑥⒐⑧9⒉5⑧50
Does that also mean that these Chinese may not be able to find jobs?
With that in mind, his plan was complete.
“Boss Zhou, the translation matters, the more the better.”
Su Yun said quickly, this is a good thing, the United States has no job for them, he has it, and he is very short of translators now.
Whether in schools or factories, there is a shortage of translators everywhere.
The most difficult thing is the translation at the school, there are too many teachers from abroad.
Some translators have to stand next to the podium to start translations in the morning and finish at nine o’clock in the evening.
One teacher followed the translation of the next teacher, his throat was about to say smoke, and he didn’t know how much he would drink every day just by drinking water.
Those who didn’t know thought they were buffaloes.
Okay now, let’s recruit some translators back, these people don’t have to work so hard, and the factory can continue to arrange new translators.
“Okay, these are little things.”
Zhou Xian heard the words and said with a smile, isn’t it just a matter of recruiting people? It’s all little things.
The people in the United States are going crazy when they are unemployed, and someone just rescued them, I guess they don’t need himToo much to say, just come right over.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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