Before passing the screen, I heard singing and noise in the courtyard.
After passing through the screen and entering the yard, only to see that the yard was already lit by lights. Su Yun took a general look and found that there was a gramophone playing a record next to him, and men and women were dancing there.
Looking through the yard, looking at the hall behind the yard, it seems to be similar, there are also men and women dancing there.
There are various delicacies on the surrounding tables, as well as various western desserts.
Some soldiers kept bringing up some champagne and so on, busy as if the reception had just begun.
Just as Su Yun was standing there, Xu Deli came out.
“Ziwen, let’s go, let’s go to the lobby.”
Xu Deli looked at Su Yun and said with a smile.
Su Yun smiled and nodded, followed Xu Deli to the hall.
Glancing at the rank of these people in the yard, they are all lieutenant-level officers.
But when the two came to the hall, it was obviously different.
After Su Yun glanced at random, he found that these people had the lowest rank of major.
In addition to the major general Xu Deli, Su Yun also saw several major generals, who were standing with wine cups and chatting.
Xu Deli led Su Yun towards the major generals.
At this time, the officers in the hall seemed to have discovered Su Yun, and everyone couldn’t help but turn their attention to Su Yun with smiles on their faces, as if they recognized Su Yun.
The few major generals greeted them with a smile.
“Mr. Su, welcome to the dinner tonight.”
One of the major generals with a bullet scar on his left cheek said with a smile.
“Mr. Su, this is Major General Tan Xukai, another deputy director of the Logistics Department!”
Xu Deli looked at the man and introduced to Su Yun with a smile.
Su Yun heard the words, with a smile on his face.
When he was about to greet Tan Xukai and salute, and his hands were already moving, Tan Xukai stepped forward to stop him.
“Although you are a businessman, I respect you very much. Don’t salute when you see me in the future. We will have a lot of contacts in the future, so don’t have a relationship.”
Tan Xukai shook his head slightly, smiled, and said, he took back the hand on Su Yun’s wrist.
After Su Yun heard this, he smiled and said, “If that’s the case, then Su has surpassed it!”
“Su Mou has seen the general!”
Although there is no need to salute, Su Yun still maintains basic etiquette, and Tan Xukai nodded in response with a smile.
Then Xu Deli pointed his finger at a middle-aged major general and said with a smile, “Ziwen, this is Major General Jin Weihong, the deputy director of the Quartermaster Department.”
Xu Deli introduced to Su Yun with a smile, and Jin Weihong looked at Su Yun with a smile.
Then Jin Weihong and the other two major generals said with a smile, “Mr. Su, you don’t need to salute us.”
“Su has overstepped!”
Su Yun agreed with a smile, and then smiled again: “Su has met several generals.”
Several major generals smiled and nodded in response.
Then Xu Deli turned to the last major general.
Su Yun looked at the major general, only to see this major generalHe wears glasses and looks polite.
Xu Deli said with a smile: “This one is called Zheng Zheng. Don’t look at his military rank, but he is the only literati in our group who does not hold a gun but a pen.”
When Su Yun heard this, he turned his head and looked over, but found that he was not at all embarrassed.
Instead, he extended his hand to Su Yun with a smile and said, “I graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. After returning to China, I was the director of the Ordnance Department. I am currently in charge of the Ordnance Department.  …”
“I have seen the general~”
Su Yun smiled and stretched out his hand, the two held each other and couldn’t help but smile at each other.
Xu Deli looked at a few people and said with a smile: “It’s not a problem for us to stand here, why don’t we sit next to us and talk!”
Several people sat down on the booths next to the hall.
Xu Deli greeted the soldiers to bring them various delicacies and a few bottles of champagne.
“Dare to ask a few generals, why would you invite Su to this dinner tonight?”
Su Yun looked at a few people and said that although he was willing to attend the dinner party, he didn’t know why he invited him.
“The people who came to the dinner tonight are all from the Logistics Department, the Quartermaster Department, and the Ordnance Department. To put it bluntly, those of us in charge of logistics are hosting the dinner tonight.”
Jin Weihong said with a smile, with a casual look on his face.
Tan Xukai looked at Su Yun at this moment and said with a smile, “Although Mr. Su is not a soldier,
But actually doing the same thing as us, so naturally you will be invited to this dinner. ”
Speaking of this, Tan Xukai restrained his smile, glanced at the other people, and finally looked at Su Yun.
Tan Xukai looked serious, lowered his voice and said, “Don’t Mr. Su know that his current situation is not very good?”
Su Yun frowned slightly when he heard the words, and then slowly said: “Now the major newspapers are discussing Su on the fishing boat,
But doing so harmed Su, I am afraid that now there are many people who want Su to die. ”
Listening to Su Yun’s words, Xu Deli couldn’t help shaking his head slightly, but he didn’t speak.
Jin Weihong listened to Su Yun’s words, glanced at him, and said softly, “Does Mr. Su think that your current situation is the responsibility of our military?”
“Don’t dare!”
Only at this time did Xu Deli open his mouth and said: “If the military does not take action this time and does not invite you to this dinner,
I am afraid that in the next period of time, you will not know how many times you will be assassinated. ”
Xu Deli’s face became serious, as if he was lying.
Su Yun frowned slightly, looked at them and asked, “Are people so arrogant now?”
“On the day Huayin University Town opened, after you gave your speech, the major newspapers already advertised you.
The tuition fees of Huayin School City have also been completely exposed. Those who open private schools are behind the consortium, and their tuition fees are two or three times that of Huayin School.
Other accommodation fees, meals, tuition and miscellaneous fees are several times more than Huayin School City. Because of this incident, major newspapers slammed those schools, and even the consortium standing behind them, causing them to be targeted by social fishing boats.
The best way to solve this is to kill you, otherwise why do you think our military will openly stand up to support your 4.2? ”
Tan Xukai looked at Su Yun and said slowly, originally they didn’t have so much energy to do this during this time.
But the development of things made them have to stand up to protect themselves.
Hearing this, Su Yun opened his mouth and finally smiled helplessly.
The originally simple dinner party gradually became more and more difficult.
After a while, Su Yuncai said to Tan Xukai with a wry smile: “Actually, Su did not think so much,
Just thinking about earning money and doing something good for the country and the people, who knew that those newspapers would bring disaster to Su. ”
After hearing this, Xu Deli shook his head again and said, “This matter is not as simple as you think,
If those consortiums just want to secretly attack you and haven’t acted yet, our military will not be in such a hurry to stand up, even if you just came back yesterday, you will be invited to the dinner today.
Because before today’s dinner, Dai Yunong personally approached us.
He told us that during the period before you returned to Jinling, a large number of suspicious people from Jiangsu and Zhejiang poured into Jinling, and many people were investigating around your mansion. ”
Xu Deli’s words made Su Yun open his mouth, and finally turned into a helpless smile. These people are really cruel enough, and if something goes wrong, they will die.
He thought that these people would be crazy, but he never thought that these people would be so crazy.
Xu Deli looked at Su Yun’s expression in front of him, took a breath, and then said, “Dai Yunong told me that for this matter, he has already arrested no less than 100 people, but there are still many people coming.
So at noon today, we temporarily decided to hold a dinner tonight and invite you to attend. “.
Chapter 94: Strategies – Divergence
After Su Yun came out of the No. 5 compound, his brows furrowed.
He still underestimated the resentment of those people towards him.
After returning to the mansion, he lay on the bed, looking at the night sky outside the window, lost in thought.
Since ancient times, it has been said that cutting people’s fortunes is like killing one’s parents.
If it was said that the investment in education only made them dissatisfied with themselves, but this time the matter of heavy industry has completely aroused their anger.
Newspaper propaganda, and even those reporters and literati comparing him with others in various aspects, completely brought Huayin’s factory business to a new level, but it also cut off the money for those people.

The next day, Su Yun slept until nine o’clock in the morning before getting up, and his eyes were a little dark.
After he had eaten, when he was about to go to the company headquarters, the phone in the hall rang.
Xie An answered the phone and hung up after a few words.
After hanging up over there, Xie An came to Su Yun.
He said: “Mr. Shao Wen invited the masterYou go to the school city office to see you and say you have something to talk about. ”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, his expression remained still, but he was puzzled, did Mr. Shao Wen encounter something when he was looking for him early in the morning?
Came to the school town by car and went straight to Shao Wen’s office.
When he got out of the car and came to the front of the office, he saw that in addition to Mr. Shao Wen, there was an old man in his 60s in Shao Wen’s office.
After Su Yun glanced at the old man in his 60s, he looked at Shao Wen and said with a smile, “What is the important thing for Shao Lao to come here today to find Ziwen?”
When Shao Wen heard the words, he glanced at the old man next to him, smiled and said nothing.
At this time, the 60-year-old old man bowed his hands and said, “The old man, Zhao Pu of the Zhao family in Suzhou.”
Su Yun raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, looked Zhao Pu up and down and asked lightly, “What are you doing here in Jinling when you’re not in Suzhou?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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